African Threading Challenge: Style 3


Style 2: Individuals

Wash Process:
  • Pre-poo for 1 hour with Shea Moisture Purification Masque. SMPM helped with her itchy scalp. Even though she wore swim cap for her swim lessons, she must have got some of the water on her scalp that caused it to itch.
  • Shampoo hair with Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo. This is our monthly shampoo session. We normally do co-wash.
  • Condition for 5 mins with Tresemme Natural Conditioner and Aloe Vera Juice. The AVJ helped soften her hair.
  • Rinse and dry with t-shirt
  • Apply Castor Oil to scalp.
  • Apply leave in - Kinky Curly Knot Today. This product really detangled and moisturized her hair. 
Tools used:
  • Moisturizer
  • Thread
  • Scissors
Styling Process:
  • Create groups of thread with four thread strands in a group.  Use the scissors to cut the thread
  • Knot ends of threads and set apart.
  • I used two groups of four threads per sectioned hair. I made about 20 groups of thread.
  • Undo one section of hair, and moisturize hair and ends of hair with Whipped Shea Butter Mix.
  • Wrap thread around the base of hair with no spaces.  After about ten turns, bend hair and leave a large space and then to thread leaving smaller gaps till you get to a quarter of the end of the hair, then thread with no spaces. The large space will help in bending the hair to the direction you want. I bent the hair towards her left side.
  • Since I am doing individuals and we are not "packing/gathering" the threaded hair together, finishing the ends can be a little tricky.
  • Start by threading the hair with the four thread strands, after a couple of turns, use only three of the four threads, do a couple of turns, then two of the four threads, then one of the four threads and then knot at the end of the hair.
One of our lovely friends decided to join our African Threading Challenge. This was her first time getting her hair threaded.  Her mom did a wonderful job for a first timer!!


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