
Showing posts from May, 2024

How to Use Beets in Your Hair

  Here are some ways to use beets in your natural hair: 1. Beet hair mask: Boil beets in water, let it cool, and use as a hair mask to add shine and hydration. 2. Beet juice hair treatment: Juice raw beets and apply to hair as a treatment to stimulate blood flow and promote hair growth. 3. Beet powder hair mask: Mix beet powder with a carrier oil or yogurt to create a hair mask that adds color and nourishment. 4. Beet oil infusion: Infuse beet juice with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil to create a hair oil that promotes hair growth and shine. 5. Beet hair rinse: Use beet juice as a final rinse after shampooing to add shine and protect hair from damage. 6. Beet hair dye: Use beet juice as a natural hair dye to add a reddish tint to your hair. 7. Beet and coconut oil hair mask: Mix beet juice with coconut oil and apply as a hair mask to nourish and moisturize hair. 8. Beet and honey hair mask: Mix beet juice with honey and apply as a hair mask to add moisture and shine. 9. Beet a

Benefits of Beets for Healthy Hair Growth

Beets can be beneficial for hair health in the following ways: Increase blood circulation to hair follicles: Beets contain nitrates which, when converted into nitric oxide, can help increase blood circulation to the scalp, resulting in thicker, healthier and faster-growing strands. Boost antioxidants:  Beets have a high level of antioxidants which can help protect hair follicles from damage, leading to long-term hair health. Dandruff relief: Applying a beet solution to the scalp may help soothe itchiness and remove white flakes associated with dandruff. Natural hair dye: Beets can be used as a natural and temporary red tint to your hair. Provide vitamins and minerals: Beets contain a significant number of hair-healthy vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, folate and potassium. Hydrate and add shine: Beets can be used as a natural hair mask to add extra hydration and shine to dry hair. It is best to use beet powder for this purpose. Reduce hair breakage: Beet

Can You Start Locs with Relaxed Hair?

  Here are some tips for starting locs with relaxed hair: First of all, Is it possible? Yes, it is possible to transition from relaxed hair to locs. Before starting the transition process, it is crucial to fully understand what locs are and the commitment they require. When transitioning from relaxed hair to locs, the first step is to stop using any chemical relaxers or straightening treatments. Do your research and educate yourself about locs and the transition process. Take a close look at the current state of your relaxed hair. Consider factors such as thickness, density, and overall health. Transitioning from relaxed hair to locs requires a shift in mindset. To ensure a smooth transition, it's advisable to gradually trim away your relaxed ends. Choose a suitable locking method:There are various methods to start your locs, including interlocking, palm rolling, two-strand twisting, or comb coils. Establish a consistent hair care routine. As you transition, it's essential to e

How to Keep Locs Moisturized

@NappyLife (YouTube)  Keeping locs moisturized is crucial for healthy and shiny hair. Here are some tips to help you keep your locs moisturized: 1. Use a leave-in conditioner: Apply a leave-in conditioner or a moisturizing product specifically designed for locs to help lock in moisture. 2. Regularly retwist: Retwisting your locs regularly can help distribute natural oils and keep them moisturized. 3. Use a hair oil;  Apply a hair oil like coconut, olive, or jojoba oil to your locs to help lock in moisture and promote healthy hair growth. 4. Avoid harsh products: Avoid using harsh products that can strip your hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and breakage. 5. Keep your locs covered: Cover your locs with a satin or silk scarf or bonnet to protect them from dry air and moisture-sucking environments. 6. Use a humidity-control spray: If you live in a humid climate, consider using a humidity-control spray to help keep your locs from absorbing excess moisture. 7. Drink plenty of wa

Does Shrinkage Really Mean Your Hair is Healthy?

  Shrinkage does not directly imply healthy hair, but it can be an indication of healthy hair in some cases.  Here's what you need to know: Hair shrinkage is normal: Hair shrinkage is a common phenomenon, especially for people with curly or coily hair. It occurs when hair absorbs water, causing it to expand and elongate, and then contracts as the water evaporates. Shrinkage and hair health: While shrinkage itself doesn't necessarily mean healthy hair, it can be a sign of healthy hair in certain situations. For example, if you have natural hair, shrinkage can indicate that your hair is doing what it's supposed to do naturally. However, excessive shrinkage can be a sign of damage or dryness. Factors influencing shrinkage: Shrinkage can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, porosity level, styling methods, and humidity. Tighter curls tend to experience more shrinkage due to their structure, and high porosity hair may absorb moisture quickly, leading to increase

How Does Nuts Help My Hair

  Nuts can help your hair in several ways: 1. Protein content: Nuts are a good source of protein, which is essential for hair growth and strength. 2. Omega-3 fatty acids: Walnuts, in particular, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote healthy hair growth and shine. 3. Vitamins and minerals: Nuts are rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc, which are essential for hair growth and maintenance. 4. Improves hair texture: The healthy fats and proteins in nuts can help improve hair texture, making it softer, smoother, and more manageable. 5. Promotes hair growth: The nutrients in nuts can help promote hair growth, strengthen hair follicles, and reduce hair loss. 6. Improves scalp health: Nuts can help improve scalp health by reducing inflammation and promoting healthy blood flow. 7. Natural moisturizer: Nuts can be used as a natural moisturizer, helping to lock in moisture and reduce dryness. 8. Protects from damage: The antioxidants in nuts can help protect

How to use Moringa Powder in Your Hair

Here are some ways to use moringa powder in hair: Where to buy Moringa Powder: Click here 1. Moringa Hair Mask: Mix 1-2 tablespoons of moringa powder with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil, and apply to hair from roots to ends. Leave on for 30 minutes to an hour before rinsing. 2. Moringa Hair Tea: Steep 1 teaspoon of moringa powder in hot water, let cool, and use as a final rinse after shampooing. 3. Moringa Hair Oil: Mix moringa powder with a carrier oil and use as a pre-shampoo treatment or hair serum. 4. Moringa Hair Growth Treatment: Mix moringa powder  with other natural ingredients like amla powder , coconut oil, and honey for a hair growth treatment. 5. Moringa Shampoo: Add moringa powder to your regular shampoo for an extra boost of nutrients. 6. Moringa Hair Conditioner: Mix moringa powder with a carrier oil and use as a deep conditioning treatment. 7. Moringa Hair Spray: Mix moringa powder with water and wait overnight. Strain it and use as a hair spray to add sh

Benefits of Moringa Powder for Hair

Nutritional Facts Where to buy Moringa Powder:  Click here  3.5 ounces (100 grams) of moringa leaves contain approximately: Protein: 27 grams Fat: 6 grams Fiber: 34 grams Sugar: 3 grams Sodium: 1,361 mg Calcium: 173% of the Daily Value (DV) Iron: 133% of the DV Zinc: 27% of the DV Magnesium: 126% of the DV Copper: 111% of the DV Vitamin A: 176% of the DV Here are some benefits of moringa powder for hair :  - Natural cleanser: Moringa powder can be used as a gentle cleanser for fragile natural hair. - Strengthening: Moringa powder is rich in calcium and amino acids, which work to rebuild the depleted protein and keratin cells along the hair strand, strengthening it. - Combats dandruff: The antioxidant properties of moringa make it a great ingredient for combating dandruff and other forms of scalp irritation. - Promotes healthy new growth: Moringa powder is rich in zinc, omega 3 fatty acids, and iron, which moisturizes the scalp and increases blood flow to the hair follicles. - Adds natu

If you have a scar on your scalp, will hair grow there again?

  Hair growth on a scarred scalp depends on the severity and depth of the scar. Here are some factors to consider: 1. Depth of the scar: If the scar is superficial (only affecting the outer layers of skin), hair growth may still be possible. However, if the scar is deeper (affecting the hair follicles or the dermal layer), hair growth may be impaired or impossible. 2. Type of scar: Keloid or hypertrophic scars can cause hair loss due to the excessive collagen production, which can damage hair follicles. On the other hand, atrophic scars (depressed scars) may not affect hair growth as much. 3. Size of the scar: Larger scars may affect more hair follicles, making it less likely for hair to grow in that area. 4. Age of the scar: Older scars may have a lower chance of hair growth due to the natural aging process and the possibility of hair follicle damage over time. 5. Treatment and care: Proper treatment and care of the scar, such as massaging, using topical treatments, or undergoing hair

Can you get knots when you have locs?

@beautibydenyse Yes, it is possible to get knots in locs. Locs are a type of hair styling where the hair is allowed to twist and matt together, forming knots and tangling. However, there are different types of knots that can occur in locs: 1. Retwisting knots: These occur when the hair is retwisted too tightly, causing the strands to knot up. 2. Tangling knots: These happen when the hair is not properly separated or combed out, leading to tangling and knotting. 3. Matting knots: These occur when the hair mats together, forming knots and tangling. 4. Shedding knots: These occur when the hair sheds naturally, causing knots and tangling. To prevent or address knots in locs: 1. Regular retwisting: Retwist your locs regularly to prevent tangling and knotting. 2. Proper separation: Separate your locs regularly to prevent matting and tangling. 3. Gentle combing: Use a wide-tooth comb or a detangling tool to gently comb out tangles and knots. 4. Moisturizing: Keep your locs moisturized to prev

How to Maintain Low Porosity Hair

📸 @glowkinks Here are some tips to maintain low porosity hair: Clarifying hair involves using a deep cleaning shampoo to remove the build-up of old products on your hair and scalp. Use humectants to draw moisture from their environment and retain it, keeping your surroundings moist. Heavier hair products such as butter and creams may be an option for high porosity hair, but they can be too much for low porosity hair. Using steam or heated cap can help keep the hair hydrated. Use low-residue products. This can help keep the hair hydrated. Adding additional protein to a low porosity hair care routine can cause the hair to become stiff and fragile, so instead of stronger hair, you’re left with hair more prone to breakage. Minimize usage of protein products. Low porosity hair can be maintained by using the right products and avoiding the wrong ones. Clarifying, moisturizing, and avoiding heavy products can help keep your hair healthy and hydrated.  Low porosity hair is not very absorbent,

Why homemade hair products is making your hair turn brown

📸 @otuure (IG) Homemade hair products can potentially cause hair to appear brown or darker due to several reasons: Watch this 1. Herbal ingredients: Certain herbs like chamomile, calendula, and sage can deposit a brownish tint on your hair, especially if used in high concentrations or with prolonged use. 2. Cassia or senna: If you're using cassia or senna in your homemade hair products, they can cause a brownish or reddish tint due to their natural coloring properties. 3. Henna: Henna is a well-known natural hair dye that can stain hair brown or reddish-brown, especially if used in high amounts or combined with other ingredients. 4. Oxidation: When certain ingredients like apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, or cinnamon are mixed with oxygen, they can cause a chemical reaction that leads to a darker hair color. 5. Buildup and accumulation: If you're using homemade products with high amounts of oils or butters, they can build up on your hair over time, causing a darker appearance

Can you have different hair porosity on one head?

📸 @amaka_maranma (IG) Yes, it is possible to have different hair porosity on one head. Hair porosity is how your hair absorbs moisture. It can be low, medium/normal or high or a mixture. Hair porosity can vary from strand to strand, and even on the same strand, porosity can differ along its length. This is known as "porosity variation" or "porosity inconsistency." There are several reasons why porosity variation can occur: 1. Genetics : Hair porosity is influenced by genetics, and some people may naturally have a mix of high and low porosity hair. 2. Hair damage : Chemical processing, heat styling, and mechanical damage can cause porosity to vary along the hair shaft. 3. Hair growth patterns : Hair grows at different rates and in different directions, which can lead to variations in porosity. 4. Product buildup : Using heavy styling products or using them excessively can lead to buildup, causing porosity to vary. 5. Scalp conditions : Certain scalp conditions, like

Does Onions or Garlic Make Hair to Grow?

  Onions, garlic, and oil may have some benefits for hair growth, but the evidence is mostly anecdotal and not extensively scientifically proven. Here's a breakdown: - Onions :     - Contain sulfur, which is important for hair growth and strength     - May help improve blood flow to the scalp, promoting healthy hair growth     - Some studies suggest onion juice can help with alopecia areata and hair regrowth - Garlic :     - Contains sulfur and other nutrients that may support hair growth     - May help stimulate blood flow and reduce inflammation on the scalp     - Some people claim garlic oil or paste can help with hair growth, but there's limited scientific evidence To use onions, garlic for hair growth, some people try: Watch this video 1. Massaging onion or garlic juice into the scalp 2. Mixing crushed garlic or onion with oil for a pre-shampoo treatment 3. Using a hair mask with onion or garlic extract 4. Adding garlic or onion oil to their regular hair care routine Remem

Can Hepatitis B Cause Hair Loss?

  Hepatitis B can cause hair loss, particularly in cases of chronic liver damage and liver failure. The specific symptoms include: - Loss of pubic hair - Loss of beard - Hair loss - Nail changes - Loss of armpit hair The early signs of hepatitis B infection are flu-like symptoms such as loss of appetite, fever, nausea, vomiting, joint pain, and feeling sick.  If you have any of these symptoms, please consult a healthcare professional. If you're experiencing hair loss due to Hepatitis B, here are some steps to take: 1. Consult a doctor: Inform your healthcare provider about your hair loss. They will assess your overall health and liver function to determine the best course of action. 2. Manage Hepatitis B: Follow your treatment plan to control the virus and prevent further liver damage. 3. Address nutrient deficiencies: Ensure you're getting adequate nutrients, particularly zinc, iron, and biotin, which are essential for hair growth. 4. Reduce stress: High stress levels can exac

My Facial Skin Routine

  In the morning, I wash my face with CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser (you can click link on products to see where I get it). I leave on my face for a minute or two and rinse off. I wipe my face with Dr Dickinson’s witch hazel .  I moisturize my face with Cosrx Snail Mucin I use sunscreen, Neutrogena Hydro Boost Moisturizing Water Gel Sunscreen  For body wash, I use Suave and Body lotion, I use Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion . 

Is Blow Out Relaxers Okay for Natural Hair?

 A blow out relaxer is still a relaxer.  The most commonly used blow out relaxer contains these ingredients: Water, Cetearyl Alcohol, Petrolatum, Paraffinum Liquidum (Mineral Oil), Propylene Glycol, Polysorbate 60, Emulsifier, Sodium Hydroxide, PPG-12 PEG-50 Lanolin, Fragrance, Geraniol. Sodium Hydroxide breaks down the hair’s bonds (straightening the hair) quickly. This chemically changes your hair gently. You will no longer be 100% natural . Many people experience breakage from using it so do your research and understand that although blow out relaxers are mild, they are still relaxers. 

Is it necessary to always oil the scalp?

  Oiling the scalp can be beneficial, but it's not always necessary. Here are some points to consider: Benefits of oiling the scal p: 1. Moisturizing : Oiling helps lock in moisture, reducing dryness and flakiness. 2. Soothing : Oils like coconut, olive, or jojoba can calm irritated scalps and reduce dandruff. 3. Stimulating : Massaging oil into the scalp can increase blood flow, potentially promoting hair growth. 4. Protecting : Oils can shield the scalp from environmental stressors and damage. When to oil the scalp: 1. Dry or flaky scalp : Oiling can help moisturize and soothe dryness. 2. Dandruff or itchines s: Oiling can reduce flakes and calm itchiness. 3. Hair loss or thinning : Massaging oil into the scalp may help stimulate hair growth. 4. Pre-styling : Oiling can help detangle and protect hair before styling. When not to oil the scalp: 1. Oily scalp : If you already have an oily scalp, adding more oil can exacerbate the issue. 2. Product buildup : Over-oiling can lead to p

10 Ways To Retain Your Natural Hair Length

  Here are 10 tips for natural hair retention: 1. Moisturize : Keep your hair hydrated with a leave-in conditioner or moisturizer to prevent dryness and breakage. 2. Protective styling : Use styles like braids, twists, and buns to minimize manipulation and reduce hair loss. 3. Gentle detangling : Use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to gently detangle your hair, starting from the ends. 4. Reduce heat : Limit your use of heat styling tools or use a heat protectant to prevent damage. 5. Get regular trims : Prevent split ends and breakage by getting regular trims every 6-8 weeks. 6. Use gentle products : Choose sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners that are gentle on your hair. 7. Avoid harsh chemicals : Limit your use of hair dye, relaxers, and other harsh chemical treatments. 8. Keep your hair moisturized at night : Use a silk or satin bonnet or scarf to keep your hair moisturized while you sleep. 9. Be gentle when combing : Avoid using fine-tooth combs or brushes that can cause brea

Why does my hair pain me when getting it done

  Hair pain while getting your hair done can be caused by several factors. Here are some possible reasons: If you want one on one help with your hair, you can use this link to contact me 1. Tight hairstyles : Braids, ponytails, or buns that are too tight can cause hair pain, especially if you have fine or fragile hair. 2. Hair pulling : Excessive pulling or tugging on your hair while combing, brushing, or styling can lead to pain. 3. Scalp sensitivity : Some people may have a sensitive scalp, which can be irritated by hair products, tools, or even gentle manipulation. 4. Hair breakage : Breakage or split ends can cause hair pain, especially if you have damaged or over-processed hair. 5. Scalp conditions : Conditions like dandruff, eczema, or psoriasis can cause itchiness, redness, and pain on the scalp. 6. Hair tools : Using heat styling tools or rough combs can cause hair pain, especially if used excessively or with too much force. 7. Tension : Physical

What To Do When You Have Hair Loss from PCOS

  Hair loss due to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can be distressing, but there are steps you can take to address it. Here are some suggestions: 1. Consult a dermatologist: Seek professional advice from a dermatologist to determine the best course of treatment. 2. Hormonal regulation: PCOS is related to hormonal imbalances. Medications like birth control pills or anti-androgens may help regulate hormones and reduce hair loss. 3. Minoxidil; Apply minoxidil (Rogaine) to stimulate hair growth and slow down hair loss. 4. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT): LLLT uses a low-level laser or light-emitting diode (LED) device to stimulate hair growth. 5. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy: PRP involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into the scalp to stimulate hair growth. 6. Dietary changes: Eat a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and biotin, which promote hair growth. 7. Reduce stress: High stress levels can contribute to hair loss; engage in stress-reducing activities like

What to use to grow Bald Spot

  Scalp Care Edge & Temple Strengthening Oil Where to buy the oil Ingredients Gossypium Herbaceum Seed Oil, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, Diheptyl Succinate (and) Capryloyl Glycerin/Sebacic Acid Copolymer, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, DL-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Menthol Crystals, D-Biotin Click here to watch how it works

What You Should Never Do If You Have Hair Loss on your Hairline

  If you're experiencing hair loss on your hairline, there are certain things you should avoid to prevent further damage and promote healthy hair growth: You can watch the video below  1. Avoid excessive heat styling: Heat can damage your hair and accelerate hair loss. 2. Don't pull your hair too tight: Tight hairstyles like braids, ponytails, or buns can cause hair loss and receding hairlines. 3. Don't use harsh chemicals: Chemical treatments, dyes, or relaxers can damage your hair and lead to hair loss. 4. Avoid excessive brushing or combing: Be gentle when combing or brushing your hair, especially around the hairline. 5. Don't use tight hair accessories: Avoid using hair clips, headbands, or hats that are too tight and can cause hair loss. 6. Don't ignore scalp issues: Address scalp irritations, itchiness, or redness promptly to prevent hair loss. 7. Avoid excessive tension: Reduce stress and tension, as they can contribute to hair loss. 8. Don't neglect prop

Benefits of using Alma Oil on Natural Hair

  Here are the benefits of using Amla Oil on Hair: Watch this video: 1. Dandruff prevention: Amla oil has antibacterial properties that help prevent dandruff and soothe itchiness. 2. Moisturizer: Amla oil is super hydrating and can help to nourish dry ends. 3. Hair growth: Amla oil can help increase the number of strands by up to 50% after just four weeks. 4. Nourishment: Amla oil is packed with nutrients like Vitamin C and E that help to strengthen each individual strand while hydrating your scalp. 5. Prevents hair loss: Amla oil can help protect your hair from breakage and prevent it from thinning, making for strong and healthy locks.

How to get Back Hair to Grow Like Front Hair

 To promote hair growth in the back of your head and achieve balanced growth with the front hair, try these tips: Watch the video 1.Scalp massage: Massage your scalp, focusing on the back area, to increase blood flow and stimulate hair growth. 2. Even distribution of products: When applying hair care products, make sure to distribute them evenly throughout your hair, including the back. 3. Reduce heat styling: Minimize heat styling tools or use a heat protectant spray to prevent damage and promote growth. 4. Gentle combing: Be gentle when combing or brushing your hair, especially in the back, to prevent breakage.You can eliminate combing and use your fingers only.  5. Hair growth supplements: Consider taking supplements like biotin, vitamin B, or keratin to promote hair growth. 6. Protein treatments: Apply protein-based treatments to strengthen and nourish your hair, including the back. 7. Avoid tight hairstyles: Refrain from tight braids, ponytails, or buns that can cause hair loss an

Is Water and Oil ONLY Enough to Moisturize Natural Hair?

  Water and oil can provide some moisturizing benefits to natural hair, but they may not be enough on their own to provide long-lasting hydration and moisture. Here's why: Watch this video: Water: - Water is excellent for hydrating hair, but it can evaporate quickly, leaving hair dry and brittle. - Water alone may not provide enough moisture for very dry or damaged hair. Oil: - Oil helps lock in moisture, reduce frizz, and protect hair from damage. - However, oil can weigh hair down, causing buildup and greasiness if used excessively. To effectively moisturize natural hair, consider combining water and oil with other moisturizing ingredients, such as: - Humectants (e.g., honey, glycerin, panthenol) to attract and retain moisture. - Emollients (e.g., shea butter, coconut oil, argan oil) to fill in gaps and smooth the hair cuticle. - Protein (e.g., keratin, collagen) to strengthen and repair hair. Using a balanced moisturizing product or creating a hair care routine that incorporates

I am Stressed and my Hair is Breaking, what can I do?

 Stress can cause hormonal imbalances, leading to hair loss and breakage. Here are some tips to help you address hair breakage caused by stress: Watch this 1. Reduce stress: Engage in stress-reducing activities like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. 2. Moisturize: Use a hydrating conditioner and a leave-in moisturizer to help repair and protect your hair. 3. Protein treatment: Apply a protein-based treatment to strengthen your hair and reduce breakage. 4. Gentle care: Be gentle when combing, brushing, or styling your hair. Avoid heat styling and use a wide-tooth comb or a detangling brush. 5. Trim: Consider getting a trim to remove split ends and prevent further breakage. 6. Biotin: Take biotin supplements or use biotin-enriched hair products to promote hair growth and strength. 7. Protective styles: Use protective styles like braids, buns, or ponytails to minimize manipulation and reduce breakage. 8. Hair masks: Apply a nourishing hair mask once or twice a week to provide

Why does the Front of My Hair Grow Faster than the back?

There are several reasons why the front of your hair may appear to grow faster than the back: 1. Hormonal Imbalance: Hormones play a significant role in hair growth. Androgen hormones, such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), are more prevalent in the frontal hairline, promoting faster growth. 2. Genetics: Inheritance can influence hair growth patterns. If your parents or grandparents had faster-growing hair in the front, you may experience similar growth patterns. 3. Hair Care: Frequent styling, heat application, and product usage can cause damage and slow growth in the back, while the front hair may receive more attention and care, leading to healthier and faster growth. 4. Scalp Stimulation: The frontal hairline receives more stimulation from daily activities like brushing, combing, and massaging, which can increase blood flow and promote hair growth. 5. Hair Follicle Size: Hair follicles in the front may be larger, producing thicker, faster-growing hair, while smaller fo

How to Steam Natural Hair

 Steaming natural hair is a great way to moisturize, define curls, and promote healthy hair growth. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to steam natural hair: Click here to buy steaming machine .  Click here to buy steam cap Materials needed: - A hair steamer (available at beauty supply stores or online) - A plastic cap or  steam cap  or  deep conditioning - steaming machine .  - A towel - Your favorite conditioner or deep conditioning treatment - Optional: essential oils (like coconut oil, argan oil, or lavender oil) Step-by-Step Instructions: 1. Prep your hair: Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo to remove product buildup. Towel-dry your hair until it's damp, but not soaking wet. 2. Apply conditioner or deep conditioning treatment: Apply your chosen conditioner or deep conditioning treatment to your hair, focusing on the ends. 3. Add essential oils (optional): If using essential oils, add a few drops to your conditioner or apply them directly to your hair. 4. Put on the p

What can cause your hair to seem as if it stopped growing?

If you want one on one help with your hair, you can use this link to contact me 1. Genetics:  Inheritance plays a role in determining hair growth patterns, and some people may naturally have slower-growing hair. 2. Hormonal Imbalance: Hormonal changes, such as thyroid issues, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or hormonal fluctuations during menopause, can affect hair growth. 3. Nutrient Deficiencies: Lack of essential nutrients like iron, zinc, biotin, or vitamin D can impede hair growth. 4. Alopecia Areata:  An autoimmune condition that causes hair loss and slowed growth. 5. Chemical Damage: Excessive use of heat styling tools, chemical processing, or hair dye can damage hair and slow growth. 6. Aging: Hair growth slows down naturally with age. 7. Medical Conditions:  Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disease, autoimmune disorders, or skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, can affect hair growth. 8. Medications: Some medications, like those

What causes knots in natural hair?

  Knots in natural hair can be caused by a combination of factors, including: 1. Tangling: Natural hair is prone to tangling, especially when it's dry or brittle. Tangles can lead to knots. 2. Dryness: Dry hair is more susceptible to knotting. When hair lacks moisture, it becomes brittle and prone to breakage, leading to knots. 3. Manipulation: Excessive manipulation, such as combing, brushing, or styling, can cause knots. 4. Matting: Matting occurs when hair strands twist and turn, creating knots. 5. Split ends : Split ends can travel up the hair shaft, causing knots. 6. Breakage : Hair breakage can lead to knots, especially if the broken hair is not properly trimmed. 7. Product buildup : Using too many products or using them too frequently can cause buildup, leading to knots. 8. Lack of Detangling: Failing to detangle hair regularly can lead to knots. 9. Genetics: Some people may be more prone to knots due to their hair texture or genetic predisposition. 10. Environmental factors

Does Birth Control Pills Dry out Your hair?

  Birth control pills can potentially cause hair dryness, but it's not a guaranteed effect. The relationship between birth control pills and hair dryness is complex, and individual results may vary. Some possible reasons why birth control pills might lead to hair dryness include: 1. Hormonal changes: Birth control pills alter hormone levels, which can affect hair growth and texture. Estrogen and progesterone, the primary hormones in birth control pills, can cause hair to become drier and more brittle. 2. Reduced androgen levels: Birth control pills decrease androgen hormones, which play a role in regulating hair growth. Lower androgen levels can lead to slower hair growth and drier hair. 3. Increased shedding: Birth control pills can cause hair shedding, particularly during the first few months of use. This shedding can lead to dry, brittle hair. 4. Nutrient deficiencies: Birth control pills can affect nutrient absorption, potentially leading to deficiencies in vitamins and mineral

What is the purpose of blow out on natural hair?

  A blowout on natural hair serves several purposes: 1. Stretching and elongating: Blowouts help stretch and elongate natural hair, making it appear longer and more manageable. It should be used with a heat protectant to reduce damage on hair. 2. Defining curls: Blowouts can enhance and define curls, creating a more vibrant and bouncy texture. You can do a twistout, Braidout or Rollerset afterwards  3. Reducing shrinkage: Blowouts reduce shrinkage, which is common in natural hair, by stretching the hair strands and revealing their full length. 4. Smoother styling: Blowouts create a smoother canvas for styling, making it easier to achieve desired hairstyles. 5. Reducing frizz: Blowouts can help reduce frizz and add shine to natural hair. 6. Prepping for styling: Blowouts prepare natural hair for various styling options, such as braids, twists, or updos. 7. Enhancing versatility: Blowouts increase the versatility of natural hair, allowing for more styling options and creativity. Have a q

What I am Currently Using to Moisturize My Hair

My natural hair is Low Porosity . To see all the products I am currently using for my hair CLICK HERE  I moisturize my hair as needed. Click here to watch how I do it. I start off by spraying my hair with water using my mist bottle.  Then I apply my hair moisturizer and my oil mix . ( my oil mix is a combination of Jojoba oil, Sweet almond  oil, rosemary oil, peppermint oil and Jamaican black castor oil) Click the pictures to buy  As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases when you click links on this page

Why Your Hair Breaks When You Take Down Protective Styles

  Hair breakage when taking down a protective style can occur due to: 1. Tension and manipulation: Protective styles like braids, twists, and buns can cause tension on the hair, leading to breakage when taken down. 2. Dryness and brittleness: If your hair is dry and brittle, it may break easily when manipulated. 3. Matting and tangling: If your hair is matted or tangled, taking down the style can cause breakage. 4. Weak points: Protective styles can create weak points in the hair, especially if they're tight or worn for an extended period. 5. Lack of moisture: If your hair lacks moisture, it may become prone to breakage. 6. Over-manipulation: Taking down a protective style can involve excessive manipulation, leading to breakage. To minimize breakage: 1. Keep your hair moisturized 2. Use gentle products 3. Take down your style gently 4. Use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to detangle. 5. Avoid excessive manipulation 6. Use a leave-in conditioner or hair oil for added protection. R

What to do when your hair is too soft and breaks a lot

  If your hair is too soft and breaks easily, there are several steps you can take to strengthen and improve its texture: 1. Use gentle hair care products: Switch to sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners that are formulated for fragile or damaged hair. 2. Reduce heat styling: Minimize your use of heat styling tools like flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers, or use a heat protectant spray to help shield your hair from damage. 3. Get regular trims: Regular trims can help prevent split ends and breakage by removing damaged hair. 4. Use a hair mask or deep conditioning treatment: Apply a hair mask or deep conditioning treatment once or twice a week to help repair and strengthen your hair. 5. Avoid harsh chemical treatments: Limit your use of hair dye, perms, and relaxers, as these can damage your hair and cause breakage. 6. Use a wide-tooth comb or a detangling brush: Gently comb out your hair with a wide-tooth comb or a detangling brush to minimize breakage. 7. Keep your hair moist