
Showing posts from September, 2023

Why doesn’t my natural hair have shine?

 As a hair coach, one question I got from one of my client is, “Why doesn’t my natural hair have shine?”.  If you are someone that have similar situation, there could be several reasons why your natural hair lacks shine: 1. Hair Type : Some hair types naturally have less shine than others. For example, coarser hair types may appear less shiny than fine hair. 2. Product Buildup : Accumulation of hair products like serums, oils, or styling products can weigh down your hair and make it look dull. Regularly clarify your hair to remove buildup. 3. Hydration : Hair needs moisture to shine. Ensure you're using hydrating shampoos and conditioners , and consider using leave-in conditioners or hair masks to maintain moisture. 4. Heat Damage : Excessive use of hot styling tools like flat irons or curling irons can damage the hair cuticle, leading to a loss of shine. Use heat protectant products and limit heat styling. 5. Environmental Factors : Exposure to the sun, wind, and pollution can

Why You Need Protein Treatment For Your Hair

 Protein treatments for hair are essential because they help strengthen and repair damaged hair. Here's why you need them: 1. Hair Structure: Hair is primarily made up of a protein called keratin. Over time, factors like heat styling, chemical treatments, and environmental damage can weaken the protein structure, leading to brittle and damaged hair. 2. Repair and Strength: Protein treatments contain proteins that can penetrate the hair shaft, filling in gaps and reinforcing the protein structure. This helps repair damage and makes your hair stronger. 3. Prevent Breakage: Weak, damaged hair is prone to breakage. Protein treatments can reduce breakage by fortifying the hair strands, making them more resilient. 4. Improved Elasticity: Protein treatments can restore the natural elasticity of your hair, which is crucial for preventing hair from snapping or stretching too much when styling. 5. Enhanced Shine and Manageability: Healthy hair is shinier and easier to manage. Protein treatme

How to go from Relaxed Hair to Natural Hair

  @valerietheeinfluencer Transitioning from relaxed hair to natural hair is a process that requires patience and care. Here are steps to help you go natural: 1. Decide on Your Goal: Determine whether you want to do a "big chop" (cutting off the relaxed hair to start fresh) or transition gradually by allowing your natural hair to grow while gradually trimming off the relaxed ends. 2. Deep Conditioning: Begin by deep conditioning your hair regularly to keep it healthy. Use a deep conditioner with moisturizing and strengthening properties. 3. Avoid Relaxers: Stop using relaxers or any other chemical treatments on your hair. This is a crucial step in allowing your natural texture to grow. 4. Protective Styles: Consider protective hairstyles like braids, twists, or weaves to minimize manipulation and protect your transitioning hair. 5. Moisturize: Keep your hair moisturized. Use leave-in conditioners, oils, and water-based moisturizers to prevent breakage. 6. Regular Trims: If you

How to do Dreadlocks in 2 mins

  Stylist: @pamelabraids This machine is a game-changer. Click here to buy yours

How to use Gel on Your Hair

  Using gel on your hair is a common way to style and hold your hair in place. Here's a basic guide on how to do it: 1. Start with clean, damp hair: Wash your hair and gently towel-dry it until it's slightly damp. It shouldn't be soaking wet. 2. Choose the right gel: Select a hair gel that suits your hair type and the desired level of hold and shine. There are various types of hair gels, from light to strong hold, and matte to glossy finishes. 3. Dispense a small amount: Start with a small amount of gel, about the size of a quarter or less, depending on your hair length and thickness. You can always add more if needed. 4. Rub between your palms: Rub the gel between your hands to evenly distribute it and warm it up. This makes it easier to apply and prevents clumping. 5. Apply evenly: Run your hands through your hair, distributing the gel evenly from root to tip. Be thorough to ensure that all your hair is coated. 6. Style as desired: Use your fingers, a comb, or a brush to

Is it okay to use Expired Hair Products?

 Using expired hair products is generally not recommended. Expired products may not perform as intended and could potentially cause adverse effects on your hair or scalp. The ingredients in these products can break down over time, leading to changes in texture, color, or scent, and they may become less effective. Additionally, using expired products could increase the risk of irritation or other negative reactions. How to know if your hair products has expired, click here It's best to check the expiration date on your hair products and replace them when they expire. If you're unsure about a specific product, it's safer to err on the side of caution and avoid using it.

Benefits of using Hair Steamer for Natural Hair

 A hair steamer is a device that uses steam to treat and condition hair. It offers several benefits for hair care: Where to buy: 1. Deep Hydration: Hair steamers help open the hair cuticles, allowing moisture to penetrate deeply into the strands. This can combat dryness and increase overall hair hydration. 2. Improved Elasticity: The steam can make your hair more elastic and less prone to breakage, improving its overall strength and flexibility. 3. Enhanced Product Absorption: When using hair treatments like deep conditioners or hair masks, a steamer can help these products absorb better into the hair, maximizing their effectiveness. 4. Scalp Health: Steam can also benefit the scalp by promoting blood circulation and potentially alleviating dryness and itchiness. 5. Softening and Detangling: Steam can make the hair softer and more manageable, making it easier to detangle and style. Overall, a hair steamer can be a valuable addition to your hair care routine, es

Is Baking Soda Safe for Your Hair?

  Some hair experts say that baking soda can be used for hair care, but it should be used with caution. While some people find it helpful for removing product buildup and excess oil, it can be harsh and potentially damaging to your hair and scalp if used too frequently or in high concentrations. Here are some considerations: 1. pH Balance: Baking soda is alkaline and can disrupt the natural pH balance of your scalp and hair, which can lead to dryness, breakage, and irritation. 2. Dilution: If you choose to use baking soda, it's important to dilute it with water. Typically, a paste of 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda mixed with water is recommended. 3. Frequency: Using baking soda on your hair too often (more than once a week) can strip away natural oils and damage your hair. 4. Follow with a Conditioner: After using baking soda, it's essential to follow up with a conditioner to restore moisture and pH balance to your hair. 5. Patch Test: Perform a patch test on a small section of

What is the Best Hair Oil For Natural Hair

 The "best" hair oil for natural hair can vary depending on your specific hair type and needs.  If you want one on one help with your hair, you can use this link to contact me  Here are some popular natural oils that are often used for different purposes in natural hair care: 1. Coconut Oil : Coconut oil is known for its moisturizing properties and can help reduce protein loss in hair. It's especially useful for dry and damaged hair. 2. Jojoba Oil : Jojoba oil closely resembles the natural sebum produced by the scalp. It can help with hair hydration and is suitable for most hair types. 3. Argan Oil : Argan oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. It's great for reducing frizz, adding shine, and promoting overall hair health. 4. Olive Oil : Olive oil is a good choice for deep conditioning and adding moisture to dry hair. It's rich in fatty acids and antioxidants. 5. Castor Oil : Castor oil is often used for promoting hair growth, pa

What ingredients do you need for a hair conditioner?

  So you want to make your own conditioner, you have come to the right blog post. If you want to see my suggestions for pre-made leave in conditioners, click here.   For deep conditioner, click here.  Basic ingredients for a homemade hair conditioner typically include: 1. Base : Choose a base like water, aloe vera gel , or a light oil (e.g., coconut, jojoba ). 2. Emollients : These soften and smooth the hair. Examples include shea butter, cocoa butter, or avocado oil. 3. Humectants : They attract moisture to the hair. Common humectants are glycerin or honey. 4. Emulsifiers : Help mix oil and water-based ingredients. Beeswax or lecithin are options. 5. Essential Oils : These add fragrance and potential benefits. For example, lavender or tea tree oil. 6. Vitamins : You can include vitamin E oil for hair health. 7. Preservatives : If not used immediately, consider a natural preservative like vitamin E or grapefruit seed extract. 8. Optional Additives : You can add ingredients like yogurt

Can Dandruff Be Cause By Health Issues?

  Yes, dandruff can sometimes be related to your health. While it's often caused by a common skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis or simply a dry scalp, other health factors can contribute to dandruff. These factors may include stress, a weakened immune system, or certain underlying medical conditions. Maintaining good overall health, managing stress, and practicing good hygiene can help prevent dandruff. If you have persistent or severe dandruff, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. If you need more help with your dandruff, check out this previous post .  If you want one on one help with your hair, you can use this link to contact me

Weird Hair Superstitions That Will Shock You

If you want your hair to grow luxuriantly, never cut it while the moon is waning. It is said that if you want to prevent headaches in the year to come, you should cut your hair on Good Friday. Women with red hair have short tempers. If you drop your comb while you are combing your hair, you will experience a disappointment in the near future. Don’t shave your head on a Saturday or you will be in perpetual debt. Never wash your hair on the day before an exam. (I don’t know if this means a scholastic exam or a medical exam.) If you want your hair to grow, cut it during the full moon. To make your hair grow faster, cut it. If you pull out a gray hair, three will grow in its place. Hair that has been cut off must be burned. It is unlucky to throw it away. It seems that it might be picked up by birds and woven into their nest. They might weave it so tightly that you will have difficulty rising on the last day. Dirty hair grows faster. Never throw your hair on the ground cause if a bird eat

Can You Use Tomato in Your Hair Care?

 Tomatoes can be used in hair care due to their nutrient content. They contain vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin C, and biotin, which can promote healthy hair. You can create a DIY hair mask by blending tomatoes and applying the mixture to your hair and scalp. Leave it on for about 20-30 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. However, be cautious as some people may be sensitive to tomatoes, and it's always a good idea to do a patch test first. Consulting with a dermatologist or hair specialist for personalized advice is also recommended. Is it safe to use Tomato in Hair care? Using tomatoes in hair care can be safe for many people, but it's essential to consider a few factors: 1. Allergies or Sensitivities : Some individuals may be sensitive or allergic to tomatoes, leading to skin irritation or allergic reactions when applied to the scalp or hair. Conduct a patch test on a small area of skin before using tomato-based hair treatments to check for any adverse reactions.

If You Want To Grow Your Business, Read This

 To attract more clients for your business, consider these strategies: We can start promoting you on our Facebook page with rates starting at $25 per post. Send a Facebook message to DiscoveringNatural   1. Digital Marketing :  Invest in a strong online presence through a well-designed website and active social media profiles. Use digital marketing techniques like SEO, PPC advertising, and content marketing to reach a wider audience. 2. Networking : Attend industry events, join business organizations, and participate in local networking groups to connect with potential clients and collaborators. 3. Referrals : Encourage your existing clients to refer others to your business. Offer incentives or discounts for successful referrals. 4. Online Reviews : Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or industry-specific review sites. Good reviews can build trust with potential clients. 5. Email Marketing: Build an email list and send out regular newsl

How to do Net Gel Popcorn Pineapple Waves Hairstyle

 Do you want to know how to do the Net Gel Hairstyle also known as Popcorn hairstyle or Pineapple Waves?  You can use this gel Here is the net to use Watch video below from Beauty_HaulJJ How to do it on Natural Hair

Why Your Baby Pulls Their Hair and What To Do

  Why do Babies Pull Their Hair? Babies often pull hair for various reasons, although it's important to note that their actions are typically not meant to cause harm intentionally. Here are some common reasons why babies might pull hair: 1. Sensory exploration: Babies explore their surroundings through touch, and hair can be interesting to them because of its texture and the way it feels when pulled. 2. Teething discomfort: Teething can be painful, and babies might pull hair as a way to alleviate some of that discomfort by putting pressure on their gums. 3. Attention-seeking: Babies are learning about cause and effect. If they notice that pulling hair gets a reaction (like someone saying "ouch" or paying attention to them), they may do it more to seek attention. 4. Curiosity: Babies are naturally curious, and they may be curious about hair, especially if it's different from their own. 5. Motor development: Pulling hair can be a way for babies to practice their fine mo

Benefits of Eating Protein for Hair Growth

  Protein is essential for hair growth because it provides the building blocks (amino acids) necessary for the formation of keratin, the protein that makes up hair strands. Here are some benefits of eating protein for hair growth: If you want one on one help with your hair, you can use this link to contact me 1. Keratin Production: Hair is primarily composed of keratin, which is made up of amino acids. Consuming enough protein ensures an adequate supply of amino acids for healthy hair growth. 2. Strengthening Hair: Protein helps strengthen hair strands, reducing the risk of breakage and split ends, resulting in longer and healthier hair. 3. Preventing Hair Loss: A deficiency in protein can lead to hair thinning and loss. Consuming enough protein can help maintain the density of your hair. 4. Promoting Hair Growth: Protein-rich foods aid in the growth of new hair follicles and the regeneration of damaged ones. 5. Improved Hair Texture: Adequate protein int

Why You Shouldn’t Put Conditioner on Your Scalp

  It's generally not recommended to apply conditioner directly to the scalp. Conditioner is meant for the lengths and ends of your hair to help moisturize and detangle. Applying it to the scalp can make your hair look greasy and may not provide any additional benefits to your scalp. Focus on applying conditioner from the mid-length of your hair down to the ends, and avoid the scalp area. Avoiding conditioner on the scalp is mainly because conditioner is formulated to provide moisture and hydration to the hair itself, not the scalp. Here are a few reasons why you shouldn't put conditioner on your scalp: 1. Scalp health: Excess conditioner on the scalp can lead to buildup, which may contribute to a greasy or oily scalp. This buildup can potentially clog hair follicles and affect the overall health of your scalp. 2. Weight and flatness: Conditioners can make your hair heavier, and if applied to the scalp, it might weigh down your hair and make it look flat and less voluminous. 3.

How to Prevent Lice

  If you want one on one help with your hair, you can use this link to contact me To prevent lice infestations, especially in children, you can take these precautions: 1. Avoid Head-to-Head Contact: Lice are typically transmitted through direct head-to-head contact. Teach children to avoid close contact with others, like sharing combs, hats, or headphones. 2. Regularly Check for Lice: Perform routine checks of your child's scalp, especially after they have been in close contact with others who may have lice. Look for eggs (nits) and adult lice. 3. Educate About Sharing: Encourage kids not to share personal items like combs, brushes, hats, or helmets, as lice can sometimes spread through these items. 4. Tie Up Long Hair: If your child has long hair, keep it tied up to minimize the chances of lice crawling from one head to another. 5. Use Lice-Repellent Products: Some shampoos and sprays contain ingredients that may help repel lice. Consider using these

Does relaxing hair help get rid of lice?

  First, what causes Lice ? Lice in hair are usually caused by the presence of tiny parasitic insects known as head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis). These lice infest the scalp and hair, where they feed on blood and lay eggs (nits) near the base of hair shafts. Head lice are typically transmitted through direct head-to-head contact with an infected person, sharing personal items like combs or hats, or occasionally through contaminated bedding or clothing. They are more common in children and can be easily spread in close quarters, such as schools. Treating lice infestations usually involves using specialized shampoos or treatments designed to kill the lice and their eggs, as well as thorough cleaning of personal items and the environment to prevent reinfestation.   Relaxing hair, which involves using chemicals to straighten it, does not effectively get rid of lice. Lice infestations are typically treated with specialized lice-killing shampoos or treatments, along with thorough combing

How to Flat Twist with Extensions

 Here is a tutorial on how to flat twist hair with extensions 

Is it Okay to Spray Perfume on my Hair?

 Perfume, particularly those containing alcohol, can potentially damage your hair if used excessively. Alcohol can be drying and may strip your hair of natural oils, leading to dryness or brittleness over time. To minimize the risk, avoid spraying perfume directly onto your hair and instead spray it into the air and walk through the mist, allowing it to lightly settle on your hair. Also, consider using hair fragrances or products specifically designed for scenting your hair, as they are typically formulated to be less harsh. Yes, it's generally okay to spray perfume on your hair, but it's best to do so sparingly. Hair can hold scents well, but some perfumes contain alcohol or other ingredients that can be drying or damaging if used excessively. A light spritz from a distance can add a pleasant fragrance without overloading your hair. Look for perfumes with natural essential oils.

How to Care for High Porosity Natural Hair

  Caring for high porosity hair requires special attention to prevent excessive moisture loss and maintain healthy, manageable locks. Here are some tips: 1. Use sulfate-free shampoo: Sulfates can strip your hair of natural oils, making it more prone to dryness. Opt for sulfate-free shampoos to retain moisture. 2. Deep condition: Regular deep conditioning treatments help hydrate and strengthen high porosity hair. Look for products with ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, or argan oil. 3. Leave-in conditioner: Applying a leave-in conditioner can provide added moisture and protection. It helps seal the cuticles, reducing frizz and preventing further damage. 4. Protein treatments: High porosity hair often benefits from protein treatments to fill gaps in the hair shaft. Use these treatments sparingly, as too much protein can make hair brittle. 5. Seal with oils: Applying natural oils like jojoba, avocado, or grapeseed oil can help seal moisture into your hair. Use them sparingly to a

Is it okay to skip deep conditioning natural hair

 Deep conditioning is an important step in natural hair care. Let’s first talk about the BENEFITS of Deep Conditioning your natural hair.  If you want one on one help with your hair, you can use this link to contact me Deep conditioning natural hair offers several benefits: 1. Moisture Retention : Deep conditioning helps to lock in moisture, preventing dryness and brittleness in natural hair. 2. Softness and Manageability : It makes your hair softer, more manageable, and easier to detangle, reducing breakage. 3. Improved Elasticity : Deep conditioning can enhance your hair's elasticity, reducing the risk of breakage during styling or combing. 4. Shine and Luster : It can give your natural hair a healthy shine and luster, making it look more vibrant. 5. Damage Repair : Deep conditioning can help repair damage caused by heat styling, chemical treatments, or environmental factors. 6. Length Retention : By preventing breakage and promoting healthy hair

What Causes Scabs on the Scalp?

 Scabs on the scalp can be caused by various factors, including: 1. Injuries : Scratching, picking, or accidentally injuring the scalp can lead to scab formation. 2. Dandruff : Excessive flaking of the scalp due to conditions like seborrheic dermatitis or dry scalp can result in scabs. 3. Psoriasis : A chronic skin condition that can cause red, scaly patches on the scalp, which may become scabs. 4. Eczema : Scalp eczema can cause itching, redness, and flaking, leading to scabs when scratched. 5. Fungal Infections : Fungal infections like ringworm can affect the scalp, causing scaly, itchy areas that may form scabs. 6. Allergies : Allergic reactions to hair products or certain chemicals can irritate the scalp, leading to scab formation. 7. Lice : Infestations of head lice can cause itching and small sores that can turn into scabs. 8. Skin Conditions : Other skin conditions like folliculitis (inflammation of hair follicles) can also lead to scabbing on the scalp. If you want one on one h

Why should you use a preservative when making hair products?

 Preservatives are important in hair products for several reasons: Where to buy 1. Microbial Growth Prevention : Hair products, especially those with water-based ingredients, can become a breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and mold. Preservatives help inhibit the growth of these microorganisms, extending the product's shelf life and ensuring it remains safe to use. 2. Safety : Without preservatives, there's a higher risk of contamination, which can lead to skin and scalp issues or infections when applied to hair and skin. 3. Product Integrity : Preservatives help maintain the product's intended texture, color, and fragrance over time, preventing spoilage and unpleasant changes in the formula. 4. Consumer Confidence : The presence of preservatives indicates that the manufacturer is taking steps to ensure product safety, which can build trust with consumers. If you want one on one help with your hair, you can use this link to contact me http://bit.l

Back To School Hairstyle : Simple and Quick

  This hairstyle by Olivia Ogesam is so simple to do and takes no time at all. Watch to see how it is done Products you will need (click product name to buy) CurlSmith Curl Conditioning Oil in Cream CurlSmith Hydro Style Flexi-Jelly CurlSmith Shine Oil Directions   First start off by moisturizing the hair with leave in conditioner .Products used are linked below or you can click on the product image. After moisturizing use a gel to help tame the frizz Section the back of hair in half  and use hair elastics to create two rows going to the crown of the hair.  Finish off by moisturizing scalp and and sealing hair with the shine oil

Is Coconut Oil Good for High Porosity Hair?

 Coconut oil can be beneficial for high porosity hair, but it's essential to use it correctly. High porosity hair has raised cuticles that can make it prone to frizz and moisture loss. Coconut oil can help by sealing in moisture and providing some protein. Here's how to use it effectively: 1. Apply a small amount of coconut oil to your hair, focusing on the ends and damaged areas. 2. Use it as a pre-shampoo treatment or leave-in conditioner. 3. Avoid using too much, as it can weigh down your hair. 4. Experiment to find the right amount and frequency for your hair type, as results can vary. Remember that not all hair types react the same way to coconut oil, so it's a good idea to do a patch test and monitor how your hair responds. Additionally, consider incorporating other hair care products tailored to high porosity hair to maintain its health and manageability.

Is it Safe to Use Salty Water to Wash Hair?

 Using salty water to wash your hair occasionally is generally safe, but there are some considerations to keep in mind: 1. Salt Concentration :The saltier the water, the more drying it can be for your hair. Using moderately salty water may not cause significant harm, but very salty water can strip your hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle. 2. Hair Type:  Different hair types react differently to saltwater. If you have naturally oily hair, salty water can help remove excess oil. However, if you have dry or damaged hair, it's best to avoid excessive salt exposure. 3. Rinse Thoroughly : After using salty water, make sure to rinse your hair thoroughly with fresh water. Salt residue can build up and lead to hair damage if left in your hair for extended periods. 4. Conditioning : Follow up with a good conditioner to help restore moisture to your hair after exposure to salty water. 5. Frequency : Don't use salty water too frequently. Occasional use is fine, but regular

Why does coconut oil make my natural hair hard?

  Coconut oil can make some people's natural hair feel hard due to its unique properties. When coconut oil is applied to hair, it penetrates the hair shaft and can reduce the amount of water the hair absorbs, which can result in a temporary feeling of stiffness or hardness. Additionally, using too much coconut oil or not properly rinsing it out can lead to a build-up that makes the hair feel stiff. To avoid this, you can try using coconut oil in moderation, ensuring it's properly rinsed out, or consider using other hair products that better suit your hair type and needs. Everyone's hair is different, so what works for one person may not work the same way for another. Experimenting with different hair care products can help you find the right balance for your hair. You can use Babassu oil which is similar to coconut oil but doesn’t create the hardness. Where to buy Babassu oil

Why Does Shea butter makes my natural hair hard

  Shea butter is a natural ingredient that can have varying effects on hair depending on how it's used and the specific needs of your hair. In some cases, Shea butter might make natural hair feel hard or stiff due to a few reasons: Watch this 1. Over-application: Using too much Shea butter can lead to a heavy buildup on the hair, causing it to feel stiff and weighed down. 2. Inadequate moisture: Shea butter is a heavy and dense butter, so if it's not properly balanced with moisture, it can leave your hair feeling dry and stiff. 3. Wrong type of Shea butter: Not all Shea butter products are created equal. Some may contain additives or be processed in a way that affects their impact on your hair. Opt for high-quality, unrefined Shea butter. 4. Incompatibility with your hair type: Everyone's hair is different. Some people's hair may not respond well to Shea butter, and it may make it feel hard or greasy. To avoid Shea butter making your hair feel hard, try the following: -