DIY Moisturizing Deep Conditioner using Ambunu | Natural Hair | DiscoveringNatural

Today, I will show how to use Ambunu herbs to make a DIY Hair Mask for Natural Hair Growth .This SUPER moisturizing deep conditioner is great for dry natural hair. To make this DIY Moisturizing Deep Conditioner for 4c hair and other hair type, you will need the following ingredients: Aloe Vera, Castor Oil, Honey and Ambunu Where to buy Ambunu: Watch how to make DIY Moisturizing Deep Conditioner by clicking here or watch below How to reuse Ambunu Leaves DIY Leave In Conditioner Ambunu Shampoo and Detangling Conditioner Wash Day Routine with Ambunu Hair Products Chebe USA Ambunu herbs is from Chad, African and has been used as an ancient herbs for cleansing hair, detangling hair and also moisturizing hair. Ambunu can be used as Ambunu shampoo because this Ambunu herbal shampoo contains ambunu herb which has saponin and give it the abili...