Milk, Butter, Cream... sounds like a recipe for a delicious cake, right?. LOL! Well, I'm talking about hair products now... When I decided to go natural, and went product shopping for the first time, I got a bit confused with all the product terms and when and how to use the products, especially the ones that have words like milk, butter, and cream. Even when a product does not have words like these on them, you can tell by the consistency what category it falls under. To be honest with you a lot of these products are interchangeable and inter-useable. For my hair, I tend to use the milk more as a leave-in product after washing my hair . The consistency of hair milk products are more watery than that of creams or butters. If I want to use this as the "C" part of my LCO moisturizing process , I make sure to at least mist my hair with some water before applying the product. I love the way hair milk feels on my hair. If creams feel too heavy for your hair, tr