Where Have You Been All My Life?

My husband is the most patient person I know. I decided to go on a search for the best shower mirror I could find. There were some things I wanted from the mirror: (1) Size: Large enough for me to see my entire hair (2) Fool-Proof Installation (3) It can't damage my shower wall (4) and most important: Fog-Resistant The first store I dragged The Man to was Target , there we found two types of mirrors; each reasonably priced. The most priciest of the two had suction cups. I was not a fan of that one. The second one had Command strips. To me, that was better, so I thought. I, however, did not buy either of these. Off we went to the next store, Bed Bath and Beyond . Thinking I would get a better selection and price. Who was I kidding? BB and B is not Target! The price was nearly double and even some were triple that of Target. Haba!! After posting on Instagram about my search for a shower mirror, someone told me they got one from Walmart, at an even lower price than ...