This week, my hair has been acting quite funny. Well, I did wear it out more often. I have been so busy this week with soccer, homework for the girls, videos for DiscoveringNatural and DNVlogsLife and also for 4CHairChick Kids Series. Have you watched episode 1 yet? Click here if not . Because of all this reasons, I did not moisturize my hair as much. I know! I know!. Since I am still strapped for time, I decided to do a No Fuss Wash Day, similar to this, but much more moisturizing. Pre-Poo Two days ago, yeah you read that right...SMH! I detangled my hair and saturated my hair with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and V05 Strengthening Conditioner . The plan was to clarify my hair the next morning with Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Hydrating-Clarifying Shampoo but that did not happen. With 3 soccer practices across town, I wore my hair in the detangled twists covered with a plastic cap and bonnet and beanie those two days. LOL! 2 days later... My hair was now REALLY pre-pooed out