Kids Natural Hair Regimen

Kids Natural Hair Regimen DiscoveringNatural

Our regimen starts on Wash Day. If we have time, I will wash and style the girls' hair the same day. If not, I will do Lil Sis's hair on one day and then Big Sis's hair the following day. Wash day usually starts on Saturday, if we are not too busy. Click here to Learn how to care for multiple kids hair.

Here is our regimen in a nutshell:

 The first step is to undo the previous style. Click here or watch below to learn how I do it without breaking their hair.

    After the hair has been loosen, the next step is to detangle their hair. We sometimes make our own detangling mix by adding water, Extra Virgin Olive oil and Rinse Out Conditioner in a spritz bottle

    Lil Sis is very tender headed, so finger detangling is a MUST. Click here or watch below to see how I do it

Watch : How to finger detangle Natural Hair

Watch : How to detangle Matted Hair

Our Quick Washing process. Click here or watch below

  • Co-wash: Wash with a moisturizing conditioner or a co-wash cleansing conditioner
  • Finish with a cold water rinse and spritz with Water and Aloe Vera Juice
Post-Wash Routine
  • Apply Leave In Conditioner
  • Apply Oil Mix, and Moisturizer Cream (LOC Method).


Week 2

Light Protein Treatment
  • Detangle hair using a mixture of conditioner , water, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • Apply Aubrey Organics GBP Conditioner for 15 mins to dry hair
  • Rinse off

  • Wash hair with a sulfate free shampoo
  • Apply a rinse out conditioner for 5 mins

Deep Conditioner
  • Apply a moisturizing deep conditioner
  • Cover hair with plastic cap and a thick knitted hat for at least 30 mins
  • Apply a rinse out conditioner for 2 mins
  • Finish with a cold water rinse and spritz with Water and Aloe Vera Juice

Post-Wash Routine

Week 3 (Repeat Week 1 process)

Week 4

  • (Lil Sis) Detangle hair using a mixture of conditioner, water, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • (Big Sis) Detangle hair by spritzing lightly with water and then adding Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

  • Wash hair with a clarifying shampoo
  • Apply a rinse out conditioner for 5 mins
Deep Conditioner
  • Apply deep conditioner
  • Cover hair with plastic cap and a thick knitted hat for at least 30 mins
  • Apply a rinse out conditioner for 2 mins
  • Finish with a cold water rinse and spritz with Water and Aloe Vera Juice
Post-Wash Routine

    During the week Maintenance Routine (As needed)
  • Use the LOC method to moisturize hair or just spritz hair with DIY moisturizing spritz .
    • Spritz hair with water
    • Apply Oil Mix
    • Apply Moisturizing Cream

  • On edges, apply Castor Oil 
  • To lay edges, we also use Whipped Shea butter, and tie down with satin/silk scarf.
How we moisturize hair
How we lay our edges

Night Routine
  • Always wear a satin bonnet or scarf, and use satin pillowcase

    As of  April 21st, 2014, Here are the products we love using. Click name of product to view the product's ingredient list
  • Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • VO5 Moisture Milk Conditioner


Deep Conditioning

Post Wash
Last updated: November 2nd 2015


  1. This is so detailed! I have a 5 yr old who has always had natural hair which is soft and manageable. We started our healthy hair journeys together in December '13, my hair has grown about 3 inches since then but hers doesn't seem to have grown. Looking at the previous years pics, it seems her hair has been the same length like forever. She loves having beads in her hair, what do you think of that? I'm beginning to think that the manipulation of her ends with beads and elastics might be stopping her retention. Do you think beads are bad for hair or okay?

    1. I don't think beads are bad however, I believe that you need to give the hair a break once in a while. You can start off with not doing beads for a few months, during that time, make sure you are protecting the ends and keeping it moisturized. Because hair is constantly growing, the issue here seems to be that you are not retaining length. Hope this helps.

  2. Alright. I'll definitely try that out. Thanks a lot. You really put a lot of work into your blog and videos. Well done!

  3. Thanks so much for this. I soooooo love your blog. its wonderful. I have refused to close it since i stumbled on it. Do you think doing Didi every week (with or without wool) is a good idea? I do a lot of Didi for my 4 year old, apply beads most times because of school, but it seems the hair is no more growing. I do a DC every fortnight (which is when i wash the hair). What can i do differently pls?

    1. Thank you. When I see hair not growing, it is not that the hair is not growing, the problem is that you are not "retaining hair". What that means is that the hair is breaking. Because Hair always grow. Here are some things that I would suggest. This helps us. If you use a comb, try to not use one for a week. Instead, use your fingers to detangle. Work section by section. Doing "Didi" every week can be stressful on the hair. You can rotate between didi (cornrows), and a less stressful style. I rotate with my girls the following styles: Didi, Threading (Owu), Twisting the hair, and also packing the hair and then either twisting or threading the ends.

      This will give the hair a little break. Also, keep track of how much breakage she is getting. When moisturizing her hair, make sure to pay special attention to the ends of her hair. Make sure you keep the hair moisturized. Does her hair appear dry all the time. If so, this is guaranteed to lead to breakage.
      I hope this helps.

  4. I love ur girls hair texture
    i live in africa(angola) and here we do not hav aloe vera juice
    can i use aloe vera gel?

    1. Thanks. Yes, you can use gel. However, do not use it as a final rinse, instead use it as styler or mix a little in your moisturizer if it does not already contain aloe vera.

  5. I have braids (box braids) as a protective style, how can I institute the LOC Method?


    1. For braids, to avoid product build up, I would suggest diluting oil and cream in a spray bottle, similar to my DIY Moisturizing Spritz recipe:

  6. Thanks for this, can I use this information on my toddler thou?

    1. Yes, you can. However, I will not do the protein treatment for a toddler. Maybe when they are about 5 years old. However, if you see a lot of breakage, then do a light one.

  7. I keep typing comment and they are not appearing! What should I do about my 1 1/2 year old uneven hair? Should I cut it? And how can I protect ends the tops is 3 inches sides are about 2 and the back is 1 1/4-1 1/2 in

    1. My oldest daughter's hair was like this. This is quite normal, please do not stress out. You do not need to cut it, Just make sure to moisturize it regularly. Do styles that will not stress out the hair.

  8. My 2 yr old daughter has very, VERY dry 4C hair. I have been using the LOC method in her hair for about 2 months now. Her hair is moisturized at the time that I do the LOC method but by the end of the day it is right back to looking very dry and brittle. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can moisturize or keep her hair moisturized?

    Help please!! :-(

    1. Hi Cara,
      I have experienced this with my younger daughter before and here are some tips that helped us. Make sure to clarify the hair at least once a month. This is like starting off on a clean slate. Sometimes it could be that there is product buildup that is not allowing the moisturizing properties to penetrate well. The second thing is to use the right products. For us, using products that contained silicones, mineral oil, petroleum, always ends up with dry hair. Look for products that do not contain these ingredients. When you moisturize her hair are you sealing in the moisture. When you do the LOC method, look for a thick butter like shea butter or oil like castor oil and add a small amount to her hair. Doing a deep conditioning session weekly also help. When she goes to bed, make sure she is wearing a bonnet. I know it is hard for a 2 year old to keep one on, however, you can use a satin pillowcase for her. When it comes to cleansing her hair, you can also try co-washing. So for example, if you co-wash her hair this week, then use a shampoo the next. Hope these help.

    2. Can you tell me some clarify shampoos?

    3. Here are some clarifying shampoos:

  9. Hi, I have a 7 year old daughter and a 1 in the half year old baby boy, what is a good hair products to use in their hair they have dry hair.

    1. SheaMoisture products are great for kids' hair. Also Eden Bodyworks has a kids line that works great too.

    2. What about cantu or mixed chicks?

    3. I have not used Cantu on your kids' hair. Neither have I used Mixed Chicks. Trial an Error is the best way to know if they will work on your child's hair. For myself, I have used the Cantu line. Here are what I used:

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi
    What do you think about Sulfur 8? What oil mix do you use? I truly appreciate you sharing your products, your time and energy on showing us how to take care of our girls hair?

    1. I do not use sulfur 8 because it contain petrolatum. The oil mix I use, I make myself. Depending on the needs of the hair. I usually have Extra Virgin olive oil, castor oil, jojoba oil as base, then add on other oils. For example since the girls will be in school soon, I will add eucalyptus oil to help keep lice away.

    2. Which eucalyptus oil are you using?

    3. The Eucalyptus oil I use and other oils can be found here:

  11. Hello! I am in love with your blog, youtube channel, and vlog. I admire your beautiful family. I am a new mom and my daughter is 9 months old and has very long hair in the middle front of her head and everywhere else is short. What can I do to make her hair grow and get thicker. I currently use extra virgin olive oil and virgin coconut oil. Please what can I do to promote healthy hair growth. Thanks and God Bless you!

    1. Here are some information that can help:

  12. My daughter is protein sensitive. Can she use the shea moisture products and the eden body works?

    1. She can, however, read the ingredients to make sure the product doesn't have protein. Read this to find out what proteins to watch out for:

  13. Hello, I normally wash my daughter's hair every two week. But I notice co- washing. Their hair still smells good and they are not complaining about itcy scalp. I would like to know how often should I do a full wash and a co- wash. Also, when you co- wash do you apply the deep conditioner in as well.... Thank you:)

    1. I cowash if their hair is not too dirty. I do not go too long before doing a full wash. So at least do a full wash once a month. You don't have to use a deep conditioner after cowash, however, I do sometimes. It all depends on how the hair feels. If it is too dry, I deep condition.

  14. What is the measurement and recipe for a daily spritz for retain moisture for a toddler?

    1. Here is the measurements

  15. Do you have a video of washing your girls hair when they were under 2? my 17 month old(boy) hates getting hair washed. I need some tips on washing it in a tear free fun way

    1. Here is one
      For toddler

  16. Can the LOC method be made into a spray for hair already in cornrows?

  17. HELP!!! My angel is a preschooler who Loves sand, sandbox, leaves with sand I have enough sand to build a mansion but it's hard to get it out of her hair and I think it's made her hair dry. She has a tender and sensitive scalp so manipulation I try to keep to a minimal but would love any suggestions please a well as pool exposure and care for her hair as the warmer days are near. Thanks in advance.

    1. Let me first answer the pool question. Here is our pool hair care routine

      Now for the sand issue.. I actually had this issue with my oldest daughter. Sitting her down and talking to her helped a lot, but I am sorry that there is no easy way around it. Kids are draw to sand but rest assure that she will grow out if it

  18. Pls do you use Diy protein treatment on the girls?

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  21. This is very informative. I have 7 year old twin girls with 4c natural hair. Please what products are you using now? I need a good moisturizing shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner + protein treatment, moisturizer and butter. Thanks

    1. Thanks for reading this blog post. Here are the products that we regularly use
      Shampoo: Sheamoisture Jamaican black castor oil shampoo
      Deep conditioner: TGIN hair mask or Aussie moist 3x
      Leave in Sheamoisture Raw Shea butter restorative conditioner
      Oil: our diy oil (recipe )
      Moisturizer: TGIN buttercream
      Protein treatment: Sheamoisture JBCO Treatment

      You can see other recommendations here

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  23. i just discovered this today.. i'm so excited, my princess is 3,never had a hair cut but the hair doesn't seem like it's growing anymore.

    1. Glad you found our page. Please visit our channel for more information on how to help your daughter. Here is video that can help

  24. So so happy I bumped into your blog. I have a 5month old and she has a bald spot at the back of her head though it's growing. Her hair is growing in the middle and front but is obviously divided. I just started using satin sheets on the bed, bouncer and car seat. I use shea bitter and coconut oil for her Hair and scalp. Is there anything else I can do to make surefire that the the rest of her hair meets up with the front. Thank you so much.

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