Video Tutorial; My Wash Day

This is a requested video on how I wash my hair. It is a very simple process that consists of 4 parts.

Step 1: Pre-poo Treatment

Pre-pooing is the process of applying oils and/or conditioners to your hair prior to shampooing it. The shampoo process can strip your hair of much needed oils and by pre-pooing you are doing sort of a hot oil treatment to your
hair to lock in moisture prior to washing your hair. By maintaining moisture, it helps prevent your hair from breaking. It also helps in detangling the hair when it is applied while finger-comb your hair. I always do this step on my main wash day. If I co-wash mid-week, I do not do this step.

Step 2: Co-wash or Shampoo

I shampoo once a month with a sulfate free shampoo, but co-wash weekly.

Step 3: Deep conditioning

I always deep condition my hair once a week. This helps me with my moisture level and reduces breakage.

Step 4: Moisturize, Seal, and Style

Before manipulating my hair, I make sure to moisturize my hair to help reduce breakage and provide adequate friction during the styling process.

Here is the video demonstrating the steps above.



  1. Wow, that's too many steps for me to do in one day, but awesome moisture, none the less! =)

    1. It seems a lot, but totally worth it. It doesn't take a long time. The Pre-poo is overnight, washing is when I take my bath, then deep conditioning can be just 30 mins if I use the dryer, and then styling depends on what you are doing, if you are doing a simple WnG, then that doesn't take much time.


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