Hair Challenges with Kids

As a mom to two girls with different hair needs, it can be quite challenging figuring out what works for both girls and myself. Sometimes, what works on one child might not work on the other.

Struggles with Big Sis's hair

Big Sis has a more kinkier texture of hair. If you are into hair typing, you can say that she is mostly a 4C with a pinch of 4B. Her hair absorbs products well, she has normal hair porosity. The main struggle we have with her hair is with her napes. This tends to be the area that gets dry too quickly. She also has Hand-in-Hair (HIH) Syndrome (HIH), which causes her to always pick at that area. We are working on that.  The other issue we have is that the ends of her hair tends to be a bit dry. I have to seal her ends with Shea Butter to help lock in the moisture. I have not yet found any product that her hair does not like.

Struggles with Lil Sis's hair

I always refer to Lil Sis's hair as "Diva" hair. One day her hair can like a product, then the next month or season, her hair totally does not react to the product well. She has hair that ranges in the 3c, 4a-c. Her hair lacks shine if the right product is not applied to her hair. Her hair prefers to be co-washed instead of shampooed. The main struggle we have is that her hair does not retain styles and it tangles very easily. If I do cornrows, after 2 days, it looks a bit messy. This is one of the reasons why I do not cornrow or flat twist her hair. She is also very tender headed, so any pulling or tugging is out of the question. I wash her hair while it is in twists to keep it from getting too tangled during the wash process.  In the summer season, her hair loves Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie. However, in the winter, we switch to Shea Butter mixed with some essential oils because her hair hates SMCES during that season.

It is important to cater to each child's hair care and needs individually. If you find that something does not work for a child, make note of it, try it at a different time or season. It might work then.

What challenges do you have with your kids' hair?


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