Twist Out Results from "Getting the Best Twists"

After having my twists in for two days, here is the resulting twist out.

Day 1
The twist out lasted all day for the Nzuri Natural Hair Festival.  It did not puff out like in the past when I only used Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie. This time that I applied the products in layers - first Shea Moisture CES, then EcoStyler gel, then seal ends with Whipped Shea butter, my hair had softness, moisture, and shine! The ends of my hair that felt a bit rough and bushy-tailed were smooth, thanks to the Whipped Shea Butter.

Day 2
On Day 1, I went to bed without my re-twisting my hair. I just covered it with my satin bonnet. In the morning, I used a method I learnt from NaturalMe4C on Twist Out Maintenance. She actually shows how she maintained her TO for a couple of days.

 Here is how my hair looked like when I woke up.

Here is the results after I fluffed and rearranged the twists... not too shabby, huh? A little less defined but still manageable, I got lots of compliments at church. LOL!

How do you maintain your twist out? Do you ALWAYS re-twist at night?


  1. Oh wow, just gorgeous, and I love your flower! Will you continue using the method in the video or will you retwist for definition??

    1. Thanks. I will use this method, however, I will have to see how my hair looks and if I need it more defined for the day. It really does depend on what is going on for the day's event.


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