Mini Twists and My Ends

After all the festivities of Christmas was over, what better way to relax than to do some mini twists on my hair.  Nooooot!!!  It took me over 3 hours, luckily, Big Sis kept me company. She is such a sweetie. I watched the finale of Survivor, my favorite reality show, while she read one of her downloaded Kindle books.

Now, about my ends. While I was twisting my hair, my ends felt weird. One thing I notice is that it only feels weird when I bunch the hair together. If I look at the strands individually, they look fine. No split ends.. nothing!. Maybe they felt that way because I twisted on dry hair.

Prior to doing the mini twists, my hair was in a twist out that I wore for the day...

I sectioned my hair into 5 parts. Two sections in front and three at the back. I spritz my hair with water, applied some whipped shea butter and started twisting. I start from the back and worked my way to the front bangs area.

Here are the final results. I plan... yeah... you know how that goes... I PLAN to leave this on my little head for 2 weeks ... tops.. !! LOL!


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