Happy Father's day to all you, Fathers and (Mothers who are " fathers ") . I am so glad that "The Man" is such a great father and Daddy to Big Sis and Lil Sis. In regards to the care of their hair and my natural hair, he had always been supportive. I get questions like.. "Was your spouse in support of you going natural?" And the answer to this is "YES". When I was doing my Big Chop , he was unable to be present, however, he watched me do the chop via Skype. Yeah!! It was so cool to share the experience with him. I am so blessed to have a father, who has encouraged me in every aspect of my life to be the woman I am today. When I decided to relax my hair at the age of 13, I went up to my father and asked him for permission. He did not want me to do it, but he gave me the OK with a warning, "If your hair falls off, don't come CRYING to me!". When he came to visit me while I was transitioning back to natural hair, he wa