Curly Girl Method (Transitioning) - Day 1

It's Day 1 of the Curly Girl Method on my transitioning hair. I am actually doing this without little information on how to attempt this on transitioning hair. So, I must definitely say I was quite nervous about starting this method because the only information I have is on fully natural hair.


Here goes...

Wash Process
  • Pre-poo:  Since I was going to use a sulfate shampoo to get rid of the silicones from the Cantu Shea Butter Leave In, I wanted to make sure that my hair is fully coated with all the yummy oils and condish  prior to stripping off with the sulfate shampoo.  I used a mixture of VO5 conditioner (milk moisture) and Extra Virgin Olive Oil to saturate my hair. Covered my hair with a plastic cap and kept it covered overnight.
  • Shampooing:  Next morning, I rinsed off my pre-poo treatment, and used a mixture of water and Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Fortifying Shampoo to shampoo my hair. I did this twice.  My hair felt icky, stripped, and I do not like that feeling. Hopefully this will be the last time I will be doing this! My hair HATES sulfate shampoos!
  • Conditioning: I was going to do a deep conditioning treatment, but since I haven't yet got my DC product, I decided to just do a quick conditioning for 5 mins with Tresemme Natural Conditioner.

Post-wash, no products
 Styling Process
  • Sectioning my hair into 4 parts, I applied the Generic Paul Mitchell "The Conditioner" on my damp hair.  I was going to use Tresemme Natural as my leave-in, but since it is not a "true" leave-in conditioner, I was not too comfortable doing that.  The PM conditioner is a leave-in conditioner.
  • I spritz my hair with a little water because it was not as damp as I wanted it to be, then, I applied Eco Styler Gel (Krystal) to each section and my edges. 
  • I let my hair air dry

    Hair with PM and Eco Styler
  • Hair is not yet completely dry, but I had to run errands so, here is how I styled it to go out.  Notice that back still looks quite damp.  This is my second wash and go on transitioning hair. Click here to view my first one.


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