Modified Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie

I love modifying hair products to suit my hair needs. After successfully modifying Cantu Shea Butter Leave In to solved the problem of white residue on my hair, I decided to modify Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie (SMCES).


Earlier last month, I was doing two strand twists on my daughter's hair, and using SMCES, as I have been doing for the past 5 months... 5 winter months... and her hair just DID NOT LIKE IT. It felt dry, unmoisturized and straw-like to the touch.  I was quite puzzled until I read about Glycerin. Because of the change in weather/humidity, her hair didn't feel so moisturized. I had some samples of Taliah Waajid Style and Shine and her hair L-O-V-E-D it!. I was like.. What?!?  And as you must have guessed, the ingredients of this product included Glycerin! Even though SMCES contains some Vegetable Glycerin, I guess it was not enough quantity of it added.

I still had some SMCES left and didn't want it to go to waste so I decided to mix my Glycerin with this product.

The recipe:

1/3 cups of Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie
1 teaspoon of Vegetable Glycerin

Mix well....

 That's it.

Of course, I tested the ph-level with my ph strips and got a reading of 5.5, so that's cool! Yeah!

Try it out and let me know what you think.


  1. This is great because I actually just purchased some Glycerin. I also experienced the straw-like feeling when I attempted to use SMCES for a wash-n-go, but it was fine for other styles.

    I'm going to try this out on a twist-out in the future...great idea!


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