The Trickery of Hair Product Ingredients

Okay, so you know that Argan Oil is good for your hair.  You decide to go to the Beauty Supply Store to buy something that has Argan Oil in it.  After going up and down the aisle, you see a product, brightly labelled as containing ... Argan Oil. Your heart skips a beat. You pick it up, look at the list of ingredients, because you know that is what you need to do, and see "Argan Oil" as one of the ingredients.  You put it in your shopping basket, and proceed to check out.

Before you take another step to the check out lane.  Look at the list of ingredients again. If the Argan Oil is not listed as one of the first five ingredients on the list, then it probably just contains a few drops of this coveted oil.  Yes, it does contain Argan oil, but probably not in the quantity that you are expecting. Most of the time, the listing of this ingredient is for marketing purposes.

So, next time you go hair product shopping, pay close attention to the first five ingredients.  These are the ingredients that have the most effect on your hair. If none of the first five ingredients contain what the product advertises, you might as well, put it down and continue your hunt.

Side note:  It is important to read all the ingredients to make sure that the product does not contain anything that your hair does not like, for example, if your hair is protein sensitive, these ingredients might be listed past the first five.

Happy Shopping!


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