Tangled up with Vatika Hair Oil

This past weekend, I decided to pre poo with Vatika Hair Oil instead of doing my normal and loved ļ»æ Amla and Brahmi treatment . Why? Well, I have read a lot about this hair oil and how it makes your hair soft and shiny and also promotes growth. So, I decided to give it a try. I went to my local Indo-Pak store, paid $5.99 for it, and went home to start applying this to my hair. I used Hairscapes' youtube video as my guide for application. Unlike other people, I love the smell of this product. Also, the ingredients were really nice and even contained Amla and Brahmi. Henna - colorant, hair conditioner & restorative Amla - hair nourishment, delays graying & hair fall Harad - protects from UV rays, delays graying Bahera - maintains hair color Neem - anti-microbial, fights dandruff & hair fall Brahmi - hair vitalizer Kapur Kachari - antiseptic Lemon Oil - astringent, fights dandruff Coconut Oil - promotes hair growth & nourishment...