#NaturalHair Inspiration: What have I Been Doing?

Yesterday, a comment was written on my Facebook page, and in the process of responding to that comment, I decided to give a visual Inspiration response to the person. While digging into my photo archive to build the picture above, I started thinking of what I have been doing lately to improve the health of my Natural Hair.

2012 picture was about 2 week after my transitioning Big Chop.
2013 picture was taken in September, when I was having a good hair day. so I thought. o_O

2014 picture was taken a couple of days ago, July 5th, when I FINALLY mastered a braidout

Do you notice the fullness and thickness from 2013 to 2014? I did!!

Here are some things I have been doing differently:
  1. Cleaning my scalp and hair weekly
  2. Black Tea Rinses to help reduce shedding
  3. Drinking more water and eating healthier.
  4. Low manipulation styling
  5. Did not use any combs, fingers only.

Final Word: Learning more about my hair, having patience with my hair, and keeping a healthy lifestyle is the MAGIC PILL!

What are some things you have been doing to improve the health of your hair?


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