Clarifying my Transitioning Hair

During my Mommy Vacation, I bought Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Hydrating Clarifying Shampoo. I have not clarified my hair in a long time, so I decided to do it the night I got back from my trip.

Just a little Clarifying 101...
Different products can build up on your hair and cause it to be dull, greasy, limp looking, and dirty. The process of clarifying helps to remove all these products from your hair and give it a clean start and bring shine to the hair.
To start the process, I decided to try using Nubian Heritage's Indian Hemp and Tamanu Grow and Strengthen Treatment Masque as my pre-poo product. I wet my hair, and generously applied the masque to my hair, detangling my hair as I applied, and twisting it into 4 sections. This masque has great slip and I love the softness it brings to my hair. !! Product Review coming soon !! The direction said to leave it for 15 mins, but I actually left it for 1 hour.

I rinsed my hair with warm water for about 3 mins before starting the shampoo process. Taking a dime-size amount, I gently applied and scrubbed each section. I let the suds fall on my hair and going in a downwards motion from root to ends, I washed the product out of my hair. I got this new method of washing my hair from LuvNaturals tutorial videos.

As soon as I applied the Giovanni Clarifying Shampoo, I noticed that my relaxed ends started to tangle up really badly. Remember, I detangled it earlier with the NH Grow and Strengthen Masque. I did not like this AT ALL! However, it was not as bad as my Vatika Oil experience. After rinsing off the shampoo, I applied a generous amount of Tresemme Natural conditioner on my hair, almost like the detangling angel touched my head, the tangles melted! I was utterly pleased. I left the conditioner in my hair for the duration of my shower. Once I rinsed off the conditioner, I applied the NH Grown and Strengthen Masque once again, but this time, for a overnight deep conditioning. I love this masque. I have used it as a pre-poo, deep conditioner, and styler... and love love love it!

Overall, my experience was not bad, I love the shine I got after washing my hair with the shampoo. This process will not be one that I will do often since my hair rarely has build up due to the fact that I use natural products that absorb into my hair strands rather than sit on top of my hair, aka silicone products.

After washing my hair, I applied my Leave In Moisturizer, massaged my scalp for a couple of minutes with a mixture of Jamaican Black Castor Oil + Lavender Oil + Peppermint Oil. I loved the tingly feeling the peppermint oil gave my scalp. Then, I apply the NH Grow and Strengthen Treatment Masque and sealed in all that goodness with my Whipped Shea Butter.

The style above is just to stretch my hair for a couple of days till I decide what I want to do. I am leaning towards mid-size twists.
Do you clarify your hair? What products do you use? How often do you clarify your hair?


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    1. Thanks. You have a lot of beautiful ribbons. I look forward to buying from you in the future.


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