Heat Damage: Why I do not use heat on my hair

While watching YouTube video the other day, I noticed that most naturals/transitioners would straighten their hair in order to do a length check. As I draw near to one year transitioning (in December), I have been thinking of doing the same. However, the fear of Heat Damage, keeps this thought far far from my mind.
Heat Damage is caused by repeated use of a heated source; blow dryers, curling irons, flat irons. It happens when the hair is not properly protected prior to applying heat to it. The way you know that your hair is damaged from heat is if you notice that it has some straight ends that does not revert back to its curly/natural state.

Reverting this process can be hard to do and might result in transitioning or cutting off the straight ends. Some naturals have been successful in using deep conditioners and hot oil treatment to help with the damage.

If you choose to apply heat to your hair, make sure to use a good heat protectant such as grapeseed oil. It is best to go to a professional stylist if you choose to apply heat to your hair.

Do you regularly use heat on your hair? Have you experienced heat damage before?


  1. I have the same fear of heat damage. Haven't used heat since December and don't plan on using heat until after I BC. I would like to see my absolute true hair texture.

    1. I'm glad I am not alone in my state of fear about heat damage.

  2. I use heat has a transitioner. When I was growing out my damage I did it once a month, then once evry 2months, then 3months. I feel like heat helps if used properly. I definitely noticed a difference when it was time to blowdry. Tons of breakage and really unmanageable. Currently 4months since my last heat pass and mainly been in protective updos.

  3. oh never experience my hair not reverting :)


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