
Showing posts from January, 2014

How to Clean up your Nape Area | Natural Hair

How do you clean up your nape area?  What do you call that area? Click here to watch:

How To Keep Your Afro Soft and Moisturized

Quick Question: "Why do people wear a comb on the back of their #afro ?" Answer: Because they are constantly picking their fro to help it grow out. So they stick it in their hair instead of putting it in their pocket. Thought you might enjoy that little tidbit of information. Now on to Today's blog post. When it comes to keeping your afro soft and moisturized, there are 4 basic ways of doing this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moisturize Regularly Keep your hair moisturized regularly using either the LOC or LCO method. Don't know what the LOC method is? Well the acronym stands for L iquid O il and C ream. or you can try the LCO method (acronym is similar). Either of these methods has proven effective in keeping natural hair moisturized . For more info on how to moisturize natural hair, watch the video below Seal in that Moisture I can not stress enough the necessity of sealing the moisture you have put in your hair.  This process helps you lock in...

Killer Vacuum | DNVlogsLife Vlog January 29th 2014

OMG! The Killer Vacuum... yeah, I'm sure you have one of these. Watch today's #vlog as you get introduced to this vacuum. Also, some tips and tricks to getting your kids to do chores.  Yeah! Mommy! We love chores (** just me thinking this way! LOL! **) Click here to watch

Video: How I Choose My Products for Wash Day

If you cannot view the video, use this link: How do you choose which products to use on your Wash Day?

Wash Routine When Not Feeling Good

Today was Lil Sis's wash day, but she was not feeling too good. I wanted to skip the whole process, but her hair was in dire need of a wash. It was tangled up and not so fresh , you know what I mean. If she was feeling 100%, I would have done the whole end of month clarification process ( Click here to see her hair regimen ). I had to come up with a simplified version. Here is what I did: Wash Process I skipped the whole pre-wash detangling process. This usually takes at least an hour due to the length of her hair. Sectioned her hair into 4 parts. For each section, I applied a sulfate-free shampoo, Elasta QP CrĆØme Conditioning Shampoo  to her scalp, and then her hair, until I was done applying to each section. Then I rinsed off the shampoo. I then applied the Shea Moisture Purification Masque . I let this sit in her hair while I gave her a Nigerian bath ...slowly. I also let her wash her doll's hair during this time. This allowed us to get at least 10 minutes ...

Is It OKAY to eat Cookie Dough? | DNVlogsLife Vlog January 25th 2014

Click here to watch: When you were little, did you ever eat cookie dough or cake batter? Watch our vlog video as we ask the question: Is It OKAY to eat Cookie Dough? Also, Lil Sis has an important request... Watch and see what Big Sis and I think. If you have not yet subscribed to our vlog channel, DNVlogsLife, click HERE to do so. Thanks so much for watching.

How I Get Ready to Wash Your Natural Hair | Natural Hair

Click here to watch:

One Week Report: Garlic and MSM Supplement

  Last week in one of my blog posts , I mentioned how I had noticed more shedding and breakage in my hair. After much research, I started to take at least a teaspoon of raw garlic to help reduce the shedding. Garlic helps to regenerate cells and is antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. It also contains sulfur and the allicin which helps in reducing shedding. Now, why am I taking MSM Supplements? Well, two months ago, I attended a 2 hour Zumba Fitness class at my local gym. At the end of the class, I noticed I had some pain in the back of my left foot, it was Achilles Tendinitis . I underwent some treatment and it felt a little better, but then I started experiencing a bit of joint pains, I was informed to add MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) to my daily vitamin supplements. I have been taking them twice a day now and I must say, my joints feel a bit better. After researching MSM, I found out that not only does it help in joint aches and pains,...

I Couldn't Take It Anymore!!!

So....this was what happened...   Watch video below: (on my Natural Hair Channel: DiscoveringNatural ) See What People's Reaction was: (on my vlog channel: DNVlogsLife ) Click here to watch  

Quick Wedding Bridal and Professional Updo Style

This style is great because not only is it a protective style, it can be worn for formal and professional occasions. Click to watch:

QOTD: Why does one side of my hair grow longer than the other side?

Answer from Hairfinderļ»æ :  "If you have hair on one side of the head that appears to grow longer, faster, stronger, or thicker, it may be a matter of normal variance. On the other hand, it may be a matter of external influences. If you favor sleeping on one side or the other, you may be experiencing some erosion of the hair due to rubbing against the pillows or bed linens. Perhaps you spend a lot of time driving in your car with the window down and your hair on one side is being blown more by the wind, causing the hair to be roughed up." Read more

Mommy, I don't want to take a Nigerian Bath! | DNVlogsLife | January 18th 2014

  Video Link:

Blow Drying Natural Hair : Big Sis 1st Experience

Quick Disclaimer: Constant heat on natural hair can damage this hair and cause irreversible consequences. It's a New Year ... with new experiences... Big Sis wanted a blow out and Mommy was up to the job. I started off by giving her a 15 minutes Protein Treatment using Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner. The purpose for this was to strengthen her hair for the heat that blow drying can put on natural hair. Followed up with shampooing her hair with Elasta QP CrĆØme Conditioning Shampoo. After this, I used the III Sisters of Nature, Once a Week Nourishing Treatment as a deep treatment for 8 mins. This was our first time using this product that promises to repair dry and damaged hair and strengthen hair. This product left her hair very soft. I had watched lots of not so positive reviews on YouTube and was expected a negative reaction, but her hair LOVED this products. WooHoo!! I sectioned her hair into 4 quadrants, and going from quadrant to quadrant, I...

Quick Protective Style on Natural Hair: Side Twisted Bun

  This textured side bun protects your ends and gives you a chic look.  Creating it is easy, just watch this video:        

Garlic to Reduce Shedding

For the past month, I have been experiencing more than normal amount of shedding. I tried my shedding remedy, using Aubrey Organic GPB Conditioner. This did not work. This use to work in the summer, but the winter... LAWDY LAWDY!!   has not been kind to my hair. Currently, I have my hair in a protective style and I am going to start trying this new remedy and see if it helps. What is this new remedy? Adding Garlic in my regimen; by adding in my deep conditioner and/or taking garlic pills and/or consuming garlic naturally. Why Garlic? Well, researching help for reducing shedding, garlic treatments kept on coming up. There was the one where the lady mixed it with black tea and infused in Extra Virgin Olive Oil.... and then there was the one where another lady used garlic oil from pills and pour on her scalp.  Garlic helps to regenerate cells and is antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. It also contains sulfur and the allicin which helps in reducing shed...

Good Luck Baby Shopping | DNVlogsLife Vlog January 15th 2014

Click here to watch: Want to see more weekly vlogs, subscribe to DNVlogsLife channel. Get behind the scene of DiscoveringNatural Life and share our experiences in Parenting, Living Life, and Growing in Love.

How to Stretch Wet Twists on Natural Hair

Most people do twists in their hair after they have stretched their hair overnight by braiding or twisting in chunky twists. Some even stretch using threading . All those are great methods of stretching natural hair . But, what if you don't have time to do the twists in the next day after the hair has dried? That is when you use this method that I will be showing you to stretch your wet twists and keep it stretched even after it has dried. Click here to watch:

The Quickest Hairstyle for Natural Hair

Scenario: You just got a call... need to rush out... like in less than 5 mins. Your hair is a mess? What do you do? Solution: Grab 4 bobby pins and follow the video tutorial below and you will look like the Belle of the Ball! This is also a great protective style for loose and loc natural hair.... and twists ... and braids... Click to watch:

My Natural Hair Story

  Why did I decide to go natural? To find out more and learn a little bit about moi, watch the video below:  

My Natural Hair Goals for 2014

As 2014 approached, I started to think about what my goals for my natural hair will be for 2014. One of my wonderful Facebook likes asked me to do a video and after much thought, I came up with 5 goals that I have for my natural hair. Here they are. What are your goals for your natural or transitioning hair this year? Click here to watch  

How I Trim my Natural Hair

Trimming your natural hair can be a bit confusing, if you do not get it professionally done. Do you trim it while wet? Do you trim it while dry? Do you trim it when loose and free? Do you trim it when twisted? Do you ... Do you trim it while threaded? Do you... Do you...? ... .. . I have never got my hair professionally trimmed, but for all these years, I have always trimmed my hair and my daughters' hair myself. One day, we will get it done professionally, but for now, this is how I do it. Step 1: I make sure I saturate my hair with a conditioner to keep it soft and a bit damp. I then proceed to combing it from ends to root with a wide tooth comb. Step 2 I use a fine tooth comb ONLY on the ends of my hair to remove any stubborn knots. Step 3 Then, I feel my hair and trim off as much as I feel is needed. Usually, you will be able to tell where the trimming needs to occur when combing with the fine tooth comb because you will feel a tight snag. Viola!! ...

Receding Hairline in Natural Hair

Receding hairline does not only affect men, but also women. This condition can be genetic so I was not surprised when I have been noticing that my hair has been receding similar to how my father's hairline is. I needed to know what I can do to help rectify this problem. Here is the beginning of my receding hairline journey. For the year, 2014, one of my main hair goals is to grow more hair along the problematic areas.  Here is my action plan: Proactively apply hair growth oils such as Castor Oil, Lavender Oil and/or Nubian Heritage Grow and Strengthen Treatment Masque  Massage the area diligently. Moisture this area after washing my face; morning and night. Do not use brushes along my edges, use my fingers instead Avoid the use of bonnets that are tight along my edges If all fails, then style to hide problem.. =(... LOL!

A Day at the Beach and Some Seafood

We had so much fun at the beach on our second day of vacation. It was wonderful to wake up to a beautiful sunrise. Every day I have an opportunity to see a new sunrise, I thank God for my many blessings. For my husband, my girls, and my extended family and friends. The girls had so much fun picking sea shells by the shore. Big Sis wanted to take all the shells! LOL! The seagulls were SUPER friendly. If you are holding a bag, they assume you want to feed them. Lil Sis was scared of them.                            Click here to watch to find out if Seagulls attack. After some sightseeing on Pensacola Beach, we had dinner at Flounders Chowder House, a great seafood restaurant. The food was nice, the portions were huge!! Lawd! I could only eat a 1/4 of my meal. If you ever visit Pensacola Beach, stop on over at Flounder's for a great meal.   ...

New Year...New additional Channel

Introducing DNVlogsLife ... our newest channel dedicated to Sharing Life, Motivating Others and Learning from Experience. In this new channel, which is an addition to our Natural Hair channel, DiscoveringNatural, we will be sharing a little piece of our life, weekly with you. We hope you join us on the DNVlogsLife channel. Click here to SUBSCRIBE. Watch our first video