Garlic to Reduce Shedding

For the past month, I have been experiencing more than normal amount of shedding. I tried my shedding remedy, using Aubrey Organic GPB Conditioner. This did not work. This use to work in the summer, but the winter... LAWDY LAWDY!!  has not been kind to my hair. Currently, I have my hair in a protective style and I am going to start trying this new remedy and see if it helps.

What is this new remedy?

Adding Garlic in my regimen; by adding in my deep conditioner and/or taking garlic pills and/or consuming garlic naturally.

Why Garlic?

Well, researching help for reducing shedding, garlic treatments kept on coming up. There was the one where the lady mixed it with black tea and infused in Extra Virgin Olive Oil.... and then there was the one where another lady used garlic oil from pills and pour on her scalp. 

Garlic helps to regenerate cells and is antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. It also contains sulfur and the allicin which helps in reducing shedding.

While my hair is in this protective style for the next 2 weeks, I will be doing the following:
Daily, I will take a 1 teaspoon of minced garlic and chase down with some lovely OJ (Orange juice).  preferably at night!! No garlic breath.

I will share in future posts if this works or not.

Bottoms up!!


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