First week of transistioning

My main goal during this natural hair journey to to transistion with no "BIG CHOP"

Dec 12- Dec 20
Wash hair with Creme of Nature professional shampoo, conditioner, and detanglee (sulphate free)

Conditioned for 10 mins with Silk elements luxury conditioner. Comb in conditioner with detangler comb.

Deep conditioned with Organic root simulator hair mayonaise. Cover with plastic cap.
Sit under dryer for 30mins.
Rinse off and towel dry.

Apply Motions leave in conditioner, Hawaiian silky 14-1 to hair. BB growth oil and BB olive oil was applied to scalp and rubbed in hair.

Twisted hair while wet with Miss Jessie's curly meringue. I got a sample at the hair show. That stuff is EXPENSIVE. Tied down with silk scarf

For the next day, I applied BB growth oil. I think I put too much hair oil and cream because 8 days after wash day, my scalp started to itch like crazy. So, I decided to not oil my scalp directly every day. Instead I rub Hawaiian silky and BB growth oil into my hair daily, and did the scalp oiling every other day. That made my scalp stop itching.

I did my normal wash with Creme of Nature and silk elements. When detangling, I decided to use my fingers instead of comb. I read that in a post. I had less breaking.

This time, I deep conditioned with ORS hair mayonnaise mixed in with Sauve sleek conditioner. I stayed under the dryer for 45 mins.

I applied my oils - BB Growth oil, vitamin E. I oiled scalp with BB olive oil, applied Hawaiian Silky to hair. I braided hair into 8 cornrows. I am using this as my protective style.

Day 1: Two strand twist out

 Day 8: I must say my hair looked better each day. Very surprised.

I started rocking crotched hats/ beret and large earrings at the end of day 8.

Quick S-H-O-U-T out to my SIL! My inspiration for going natural. She has some gorgeous locs!


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