First Cornrow style

January 5th, 2012

Even though I cornrowed for other people, I have not tried cornrowing my own hair. It is MUCH harder, but totally worth it in protecting my hair.

Hair style
   Cornrow half front of the hair and single braid the half bottom

How long did it take to complete?
    It took about 2 hours to do this style.  For some reason, I had to turn my back to the mirror while doing this because I found myself looking at myself and making mistakes and having to repart my hair over and over. 

Why did I decide to do this style?
     In order to prevent shedding and breaking of hair while transistioning, I decided to protect my hair with this protective style.

How long did it last?
     It lasted 3 weeks. After the second week, it started looking frizzy, so I did wear my beanie.

I roller set the single braids at the end.  I maintained this style by using the LOC system. I appiled oils and also wore satin scarf

Working out with 2 week old cornrowed style.


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