
Showing posts from September, 2014

How to Use Moringa Oil for Natural Hair and Skin | MoringaConnect

Moringa Oil, also know as Ben Oil, is known as the Miracle Oil. It has so many benefit for your hair, skin, and overall health. For more information, visit

Wash Day Dairy: You Still Need to Clarify | Sept 26th 2014

My Wash day setup!! A lot of people that cowash do not always remember to clarify. Even though some cowash conditioners are labeled as cleansing cowash, I still feel that it is necessary to clarify your hair.  Don't know what clarifying is and what its benefits are... Watch this: My hair has been feeling a little gunky with all the oils and products I have been using for the past 4 days, so I decided to bring out my boo , Bentonite Clay !! Yeah!! I had run out of Aloe Vera Juice, so I decided to mix the clay with just Apple Cider Vinegar and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It seemed to be ok, although I do miss the soothing smells of peppermint and lavender from my usual mixture. This is what my hair looked like afterwards I rinsed off the clay in the shower, but did it differently. I wet my hair briefly with warm water then massaged my scalp to lift up any build up and cleanse my scalp, then working in section, thoroughly washed out the clay. I then spritz my hair with ...

How to Remove Lotion from Bottle

Additional tip, you can also flip the bottle upside down in the hot water. However, make sure it is closed well. This method will also work for a pump bottle.

Nigerian Cooking: Efo and Egusi Stew

This is my family's favorite Nigerian vegetable stew.  Hope you enjoy this video:

How I Retain Moisture in my Natural Hair


Wash Day Diary: Sept 22nd 2014: Deep Conditioning with Heat

Today is the first day of Fall! and I decided to cowash my hair. In the fall, I tend to wash my hair more frequently because it tends to be drier in the colder months. It is important to listen to your hair. I started by cowashing with Eden Bodywash cowash, then applied the SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Treatment Masque   (Protein Treatment). I sat under the hooded dryer for 10 mins. Have you been noticing that I have been using more heat on my hair lately. Well, that is also something I do more of in the fall. I use more of the heat from the dryer than from my body heat. I feel like when I do this my hair benefits more than using my body heat. In the warmer, summer season, I use my body heat because it is hot outside and I generate more body heat than when it is colder. After deep conditioning, I rinsed and sealed with cold Aloe Vera Juice. Post Wash Massage scalp with oil mix Applied Karen's Body Beautiful Leave In Conditioner (Sweet Ambrosia ) (Non-protein ...

Waterfall Braids on Natural Hair

      Can't view the video, here is the pictorial

Cartwheel for Ice Cream Bread | Sept 20th 2014 | DNVlogsLife


Natural Hair and Relationships

How do you deal with your Natural Hair when you get negative feedback from friends and Family?

Wash Day Diary: Sept 17th 2014 : Make It A Combo?

Last wash day , I was suppose to do a clarification, well, didn't do one, so I decided to do it today. I tried something new today. Because I do not like the way my hair feels when shampooed ( hence why I do not do it so often) , do the following: Coat hair generously with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and do a dry detangling session Jump into the shower Rinse one section of hair with lukewarm water Apply Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Hydrating-Clarifying Shampoo Then on top of that WITHOUT RINSING OFF apply Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner Continue to all sections Rinse each section off Then reapply Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner Did my shower bizness! Rinse off conditioner My hair felt uber-soft! Deep conditioned with SheaMoisture Purification Masque, just to make sure all product buildup was removed and my scalp had been itchy a little Cover hair with plastic cap and sat under dryer for 30 minutes under medium heat Remove  plastic cap, wait 15 m...

How to Increase Youtube Views FREE : Scheduling

I have been getting questions from other YouTube vloggers on creating Youtube channel and other tips. I will be providing you some tips from time to time about what has helped me. In today's video, I discuss how you can use "Scheduling" tactics to increase your views and provide the BEST viewing experience to your VIEWERS. If you have any questions, please post below.

Who Touched the Puff, #SoccerMom? | Sept 17th 2014 | DNVlogsLife

  Hope you enjoy this fun episode of DNVlogsLife. Solve the mystery of " WHO TOUCHED THE PUFF? "  

How to deal with Postpartum Shedding

  Postpartum shedding, also known as postpartum hair loss, is a common occurrence after giving birth. Here are some tips to help deal with it: 1. Be patient: Postpartum shedding is usually temporary and tends to resolve on its own over time. It's a natural part of the hormonal changes that occur after pregnancy. 2. Maintain a healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, especially those that support hair health like biotin and zinc, can promote hair growth. 3. Stay hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for healthy hair growth, so drink plenty of water. 4. Gentle hair care: Avoid excessive styling, heat treatments, and tight hairstyles that can further stress your hair. Use a wide-toothed comb to minimize hair breakage. 5. Consider a shorter haircut: A shorter hairstyle can make hair loss less noticeable and easier to manage. 6. Consult a healthcare professional: If you're concerned about your postpartum hair loss or if it seems excessive, consult a derm...

Big Sis Shares: My Natural Hair Care For School

      Thank you so much for watching how I wash my hair: Today, I will be showing you how I take care of my hair before going to school.   Click the links below for more videos: Big Sis Co-Wash Her Own Hair -   Big Sis Shares: Going Natural - ļ»æ

Tips on Staying Organized | Sept 13th 2014 | DNVlogsLife

Learning to stay organized with a busy schedule can be hard. Here are some tips to help you out.

Wash Day Dairy: Sept 12th 2014: Why the Neglect?

This week, my hair has been acting quite funny. Well, I did wear it out more often. I have been so busy this week with soccer, homework for the girls, videos for DiscoveringNatural and DNVlogsLife and also for 4CHairChick Kids Series. Have you watched episode 1 yet? Click here if not . Because of all this reasons, I did not moisturize my hair as much. I know! I know!. Since I am still strapped for time, I decided to do a No Fuss Wash Day, similar to this, but much more moisturizing. Pre-Poo Two days ago, yeah you read that right...SMH! I detangled my hair and saturated my hair with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and V05 Strengthening Conditioner .  The plan was to clarify my hair the next morning with Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Hydrating-Clarifying Shampoo but that did not happen.  With 3 soccer practices across town, I wore my hair in the detangled twists covered with a plastic cap and bonnet and beanie those two days. LOL! 2 days later... My hair was ...

Quick Natural Hairstyle: Updo with Side Pompadour

Humidity can wreck your twistout. When this happens, I usually have a hair tie and 5 bobby pins in my natural hair emergency kit. This quick hairstyle saves the day. It is easy and can be modified to suit your look.  

Detangling Steps for Kids with Kinky Hair

    We're happy to be hosting the 4C Natural Hair Chicks Kids Hair Care Series. There will be 4 videos showing you how to care for your child's #naturalhair . Check out our first video here ļ»æ   ļ»æ

Kids Baking Cookies Fail | Sept 10, 2014 | DNVlogsLife

Since I am trying hard not to be a 'helicopter parent', I decided to let the girls bake cookies BY THEMSELVES... and what happened was.... Watch and see

What's That Ingredient? Monoi Oil

The Tiara Flower from which Monoi Oil is derived What is Monoi Oil?    Monoi Oil has been known to be one of those great oils similar to coconut oil that can be used on the hair and body. This oil which is rich in methyl salicylate is from the Tahitian islands. The way this oil is created is quite different from other oils. It is an infused oil which is the result of submerging the Tiara flower into coconut oil. The result: monoi oil .   What does it do for our hair? Softens hair Helps fight against frizz Strengthen hair Prevents antioxidant damage In My STASH   Here is a list of some of the products I currently use that contain it: Eden BodyWorks All Natural Deep Conditioner Always look for "certified organic Monoi oil" for authentic product Do you have any products containing this ingredient? Comment below.

Black Tea Rinse for Natural Hair

  Black Tea Rinse has helped me reduce shedding, add shine, and create softness in my natural hair. This rinse has really changed my hair's health, this is why it took me a while to put out the video. I wanted to test for several months before I share with you all. I have tested since June 6th.  

Wrapping Natural Hair with Jane Carter Wrap and Roll

Last wash day , I decided wrap my hair with the Jane Carter Solution Wrap and Roll . Read more about my experience here. Well, my reasoning was that it is a wrapping product, so I was expecting EXCELLENT results. This was not so. My hair was stiff and dry. ļ»æļ»æ My hair actually stood like this on its own I had so much breakage from detangling it and I was at the point of tears! It took me nearly 2 hours to detangle my hair and re-moisturize it. To moisturize it, I spirtz my hair with some water, added Qhemet Biologics Amla and Olive Heavy Cream , which is excellent for dry and coarse hair, and then sealed with my DIY SheaAloe Butter . I then twisted my hair into Bantu Loops. ļ»æ ļ»æ Exhausted! I was exhausted, but glad that it was over. My hair is now moisturized and ready for a twistout for church this morning. Probably going to wash out the Jane Carter solution product because I don't know what other damage it will do to my hair if left in for a long ...

Family Labor Day Weekend | Sept 5 2014 | DNVlogsLife


Wash Day Diary: Sept 5th 2014: Discovery Black Tea and SheaMoisture Intensive Hydration

After my wash day , 5 days ago with Curls products, my hair has felt extra dry, despite the fact that I used the new SheaMoisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration . The funny thing is that Lil Sis and I did exactly the same steps, and used the same products. Her hair still feels soft and fluffy, while mine had a dry feeling. Another thing I noticed was that I had a ton of straggling ends , which is something I had not experience in a long time. Because of this reason, I had to co-wash today with my beloved Eden Bodyworks Cleansing Co-wash . After washing, I decided to try my Black Tea rinse with the SheaMoisture Intensive Hydration Hair Masque. Oh-la-la... my hair felt so soft Then.... .... ... I did something.   After I moisturized with my oil mix and SheaMoisture Curl and Style Milk , I wanted to see what it would look like wrapping my hair with the Jane Carter Wrap and Roll . As soon as I put this in my hair, the softness vanished and ...

My Most Defined Twistout Ever! (REQUESTED)

  When I did the video, " It's My Hair ", I got several request to do the tutorial for the hairstyle I had. Therefore, at your request, I present to you MY MOST DEFINED TWISTOUT EVER    Click here to watch:  

GRANDPA shares: How to Know When Corn Is Ripe | August 3rd 2014 | DNVlogsLife


Wash Day Dairy: Sept 1st 2014: A Curls Wash Day

A few days ago, I attended the Blissful Curls Tour Houston featuring Naptural85, NaturallyGG, OfficialCorporateChic and Iknowlee. I was gifted with some Curls products: I decided to wash Lil Sis' hair with the products and they worked REALLY well!! No tears!! Woohoo! .. I have not washed my hair in 2 weeks. O_O  because I have been so busy. My hair still felt good but my scalp had started to act up, so I knew, I better jump on it. It's Labor day and I have no plans but to WASH MY HAIR . I started by doing a dry detangle with Babassu Oil . I loved the fact that it was not greasy like coconut oil. I did record the process, makes sure you SUBSCRIBE to get it on your video feed. After detangling, I saturated my hair with Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner for a protein treatment. Even though the new GPB says to use it for 1-2 mins after shampoo, I decided to do the old GPB way; leave in dry hair for 15 min. I did not notice any difference. Since my Holy Grail Su...

How to Wrap Natural Hair : Stretching

I decided to test out a method I use to use to keep my hair laid when I was relaxed; the wrapping method. I was not sure if this would work on my natural hair Thanks, CurlyNikki , for featuring this video. To read her blog post, click here>>