How to Moisturize Your Dry Scalp

 A lot of people pay more emphasis on moisturizing hair than scalp. If you have dry scalp, you could also have a scalp condition known as scalp psoriasis. This consists of plaques or scales that can cause white flaking and look like dandruff. However, if you have oily scalp, you might have a condition known as seborrheic dermatitis. This leaves oily, waxy patches on your scalp.  Also another reason why you should moisturize your scalp is to avoid dandruff.

What to Use to Moisturize Your Scalp
Scalp Oils
Scalp Oils will help to moisturize your scalp. Start by spraying a liquid like water, aloe vera juice, or even rose water or green tea and then use your scalp oil.
Example of moisturizing scalp oil: 

Scalp Grease 
There are some scalp hair grease that not only keeps the scalp moisturize but also nourish it. It is best to use natural hair grease that is free of artificial ingredients such as petroleum. Always start of with spraying a little liquid on your scalp to hydrate it and then lock in the moisturize with the natural hair grease.
Example of Natural Hair Grease:

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