
Showing posts from October, 2013

Natural Hair Quiz (Kids Version)

    My goal as a mother, is to make my children INDEPENDENT Caretakers of their hair. The only way to do this is to teach them at a younger age.    

Types of Shampoo for Natural Hair


Moisturing Natural Hair using the LOCS Method

  What method do you use to moisture your hair? I like using the LOC method, however to help keep the moisture longer, I add the "S" part. What is the "S" part, watch this video:

UPDATE: Hand-In-Hair Syndrome FIXED!!

Back in December 2012, I talk about how Big Sis has been struggling with Hand-in-Hair Syndrome  (HIH). If you don't know what HIH is, here is the definition; by the way, it is not life-threatening: Hand in Hair Syndrome is a condition where a person is constantly playing in their hair, by pulling, twirling, twisting it. This condition can cause hair loss, known as, Trichotillomania . She has been working really hard to stop doing it and I am pleased to say that after several months, she has overcame it. The picture below shows how much her hair on the affected nape area has grown. Please note that at one point, this area was complete bald.   December 2012                              October 2013                     ...

Natural Hair Care for Fall: Hot Oil Treatment

The fall season is the driest season when it comes to Natural Hair. We like to incorporate monthly hot oil treatments into our hair care regimen . We use a mixture of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. You can sit this mixture in a cup filled with hot water. When mixture is warm, apply to hair, cover hair with plastic cap and a warm towel. Leave on for at least 1 hour to ensure that the oils penetrate fully into your hair.   OR You can do what we do: Spritz hair with warm water Saturate hair with oils and cover hair with a plastic cap Sit under a medium heated hooded dryer for 30 mins Here is the result Soft! Shiny hair! ļ»æ Hair with leave in conditioner

How to Untangle Matted Natural Hair

Lil Sis's hair mats up really easily. Each wash day starts with untangling the matted hair. That is just the nature of her hair, and we have learnt how to untangle it. With careful handling, I have been able to reduce breakage that can easily occur when untangling matted hair. Watch   the video below to see how I do this.

Quick Tip: How to get twists to fall in the RIGHT direction

Have you ever done twists and they don't fall in the right direction that you want? Check out this video that shows you how to twist your hair in the RIGHT way so that they fall where you want.

Looking for a Natural Hair Salon in your Area?

    Check out the Natural Hair Salon Finder.    To visit their website, click here . I love this site because not only can you search for salons in your area, you can add salons, and so much more.

Natural Hair DIY Shea Aloe Butter Recipe

In the video I did last Friday, ( Click here to watch ), I promised to show you all how I make my Shea Aloe Butter. Well... here it is!

How to Cornrow Natural Hair

Learn how to cornrow your natural hair using this easy tutorial. Watch to learn some great tips on cornrowing that will help you prevent hair loss and other problems.

QOTD: I can't find Products where I live. What do I do?.

Question: I do not live in the States, and people mention products that I cannot find where I live. What can I do to find good products where I live? Answer: Focus on the ingredients The key thing when searching for products is to look at the ingredients. Even if you can't find the product brands, you can look at the ingredients of the products you do have and make sure they are something that works for your hair. Research ingredient names rather than product names. Look in your pantry Sometimes, your pantry is your natural hair resource. For example for deep conditioning, you can use a mixture of food products. Watch as I show you how to make avocado deep conditioner:    Here is a playlist of all my DIY recipes for a complete wash day:   Go Online When you can't find a product on ground, check online. There are some companies that will ship to other countries, by vi...

Quick Tip: How to QUICKLY unravel Kinky Twists, Havana Twists, Sen...

Using this method, we were able to unravel over 100 twists in less than 1 hour. How do you unravel your twists?

Styling Natural Hair with Less Product for Great Results | Collaboration

Make sure you visit Radiant Brown Beauty's channel to see what she used to style her beautiful natural curls. Link to her channel is in the description box in the video above    

How do I start caring for my child's hair

How do I start caring for my child's hair? My weekly #NaturalKids series has been posted on The Mane Captain blog : ~~~~~~~~~   When it comes to caring for your child's natural hair, the most common question I get from parents is: How do I start caring for my child's hair? Read more >>

Banding Natural Hair for Stretch


African Threading, my Fall/Winter Protective Style

I love doing African threading to stretch my hair. I find that I get more stretch with this method than with other methods. I do not use heat on my hair and this gives me an alternative way of stretching my hair. Normally, I only wear my hair out on the weekends. During the week, my hair is usually in twists or flat twist. I was blessed by my mother in law and my sister in law with beaucoup LOTS of African threads. The kind that I used as a child.     I have never used the rubber ones before. I'm a bit nervous to use these ones because they are quite slippery. ļ»æ ļ»æ I got about 20 bricks of thread! JACKPOT!! There are 8 spools of threads in each brick. When I went to the African store to check for the price of this, it was about $2. Thank you, MIL and SIL. Freshly washed hair, moisturized, and threaded How I wear it out. This was the gym...   Even though Big Sis is not a big fan of threading, I do use it to stretch her hair. Clic...

Natural Hair Style for a Rainy Day

  Is it suppose to rain in October?   Well, it did! I was ready for a twist out, big FLUFFY twist out. Then I heard it... Thunder... oh Nooooooooo! This is the third day of unexpected rain. What did I do?   Watch and see

Shopping at the Vitamin Shoppe | Natural Hair

Have you ever had a great shopping experience where you want to buy EVERYTHING in sight? That's exactly how I felt like when shopping at The Vitamin Shoppe .

Wet versus Dry Styling

  Do you prefer styling your hair Wet or Dry?

Deep Conditioning Natural Hair Without Heat

When it comes to deep conditioning your child's hair, you can choose to do it with heat or without heat. I prefer not using heat. The method shown in the video below uses unconventional heat; body heat. How do you deep condition your child's hair? How often do you do it?