
Showing posts from May, 2013

It's Graduation Day!

Today is Lil Sis's Pre-K graduation. On Facebook, I asked what style I should do for her so that her cap fits, many people gave suggestions. Thank you!!! I decided to do medium size twists with a veil style on the sides.        I sectioned her hair into three parts; two parts in front and one part in the back. The back section was two stranded going down. The left front section was two stranded going left and the right going right. Each section that was to be twisted at the front was divided into two parts (two twists from one section). Then it was gathered into the veil style. Her hair was washed with Elasta QP CrĆØme Conditioning Shampoo, and deep conditioned with Eden's BodyWork Natural Deep Conditioner.  To moisturize her hair, I used the Qhemet Biologics Heavy Cream with Castor Oil and Ayuverdic Botanicals.  I got this product at the Tendrils and Curls Curly Cocktail Meet up. This was my first time using this product, and I was im...

Curly CockTail Happy Hour Event @ Tendrils and Curls

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend the Curly CockTail Happy Hour Event held at Tendrils and Curls here in Houston, Texas. The event was a great one, with so many naturalistas present. Paula, owner of Tendrils and Curls Paula was such a great host. We talked about all things natural hair related and she even gave a great demonstration on how to use Rhassoul Clay and Henna on natural hair. ( Video coming soon) Rhassoul clay  

How to do Flat Twists with Perm Rods on Short Natural Hair

If you have any video requests for me, please comment below. Thanks for watching!

Reasons why I attend #NaturalHair Meetup


QOTD: Keratin Treatment has messed up my curls, how do I get them back?

This question was posted on the DiscoveringNatural Facebook page: I [have been] transitioning since November 2012, after try the Organix Brazilian Keratin Treatment. My hair never revert back. Is there anyone in the same situation, is there any thing that would give me my curls back, or really there is nothing that can fix it? My answer: Keratin Treatment is considered a chemical treatment. It does strip the protective layer of your hair. Doing an intense deep conditioning every week and using a moisturizing conditioner can help you overtime. However, this will take sometime to repair. What advice do you have? Please share in the comment area below.

Cowashing 101


How to get Shiny Natural Hair

Here is how I get my hair shiny...even after a week of no washing.

Tea Tree Oil and Grapeseed Oil, my new #BFF

One thing about my hair is that it loves to be washed once a week. When this does not happen, she gets angry and causes a bit of discomfort. I knew that this week, my wash day would have to wait till Thursday, so I was ready for all that nonsense she pulls. Just on schedule, on Day 6, the itchiness started. Now I am also trying to train my hair to go at least 2 weeks before washing. Why? In June, I planning on getting twists done with Marley hair and since I want it to last for at most a month, I can't be washing my hair every week. When the itchiness started, I got my tea tree oil, put two drops on a cotton swap and applied it to the areas that was itchy; the front part of my hair. Also, I notice a little flakiness and dry scalp. The tea tree oil got rid of that. YEAH! Next was the shine. I have had grapeseed oil in my stash for a while.  I saw a YouTube video earlier in the week, where the lady used this oil for shine, I decided to try it on Lil Sis.  I used LO...

Coverage of the International Natural Hair Meetup Day Houston Texas

  Watch my full coverage of the two events I attended. Enjoy!     ļ»æ

6 Months Post Transitioning from Relaxed to Natural Hair


Product Review and Giveaway!! Goin' Natural Morargan Gold Coconut Elixir Sulfate Free Shampoo

Product Review and GIVEAWAY!!! 3 lucky subscribers/like/loves will win 2 Goin Natural Morargan Gold products. Will you be one of them? Watch the video to get the details about this giveaway and find out what I think about the New Goin' Natural Morargan Gold Coconut Elixir Sulfate Free Shampoo  

Bantu Knot Out With Oil Only

 Last night, I decided to do Bantu Knots using just oil. My hair was previously in  flat twist out, and I did not see any need in putting in moisturizer. So, smart little me , decided to just put some oil and cross my fingers that my hair will feel soft the next day. Well, it did feel soft!  It always does when I use the Goin' Natural Morargan Gold Moroccan Oil . However, the ends were DRY .  Ouch! I remembered something that Naptural85 said in her latest video regarding Pros and Cons of Long Natural Hair . She mentioned that "as your hair gets longer, it takes a longer time for the natural oils on your scalp to travel to the ends of your hair" , which is the oldest part of your hair. I feel that this is one of the issue. However, I should have sealed in the moisture with either a thicker oil like Jamaican Black Castor Oil, or my Whipped Shea Butter. Lesson learnt . I still love my hair. It looked BIGGER today.  The camera does not show the size ....

I've been FEATURED!!

I love being a YouTube Vlogger ! I was so excited when Ms. Dee Kay asked if she could feature me on her page.. Oh YEAH!! Read about it on her current edition of " Behind the YouTube Natural Hair Vlogger ". Click here to read .

Feature: MB's Big Chop after Transitioning for 7 months

Congrats on your Return back to Natural ! Wishing you success on your journey, this time.

My Mother and My Natural Hair: Happy Mother's Day

I feel so blessed to be a mother to 2 beautiful daughters. They are such wonderful gifts from God.  I am also thankful to have a mother who is also an influence in my life. Through thick and thin, I do truly appreciate her prayers for me. Every 1st of the month, she calls me and says a prayer on my behalf. For that, I am forever grateful. When I was a little girl, I remember my mom's many attempts to "tame" my wild hair . To make it presentable, she would stick a million bobby pins in my hair, I did not like the process, but the outcome was admirable. With those magic bobby pins, she created bangs without cutting my hair. Every weekend, my mom will unfailingly take me to the local hair braider to get my hair cornrowed into popular styles like suku, ipako elede. (ponytail style, all to the back). Unlike other mothers that decided to perm their child's hair,  myself included , my mother did not make that decision, I did that on my own at the age of...



Faux Bun Scarf ( Long Hair Not Required)

For this scarf tutorial, you do not need to have long hair. 

Shea Butter Mix Adventure

Earlier this week, I took a HUGE block of shea butter out of my deep freezer to thaw. It took about 3 days. Yes! It was a H-U-G-E  block. About 64 oz. I use my shea butter for my hair and also part of my body. Other members of my family also use this product. We love shea butter!! New Discovery! I discovered that I need to mix my shea butter longer to give it a more fluffier feel. In the past, I usually melt my shea butter ( without heat)  to liquid form. One way you can do this is boil water in a pot, put your shea butter in another container and then float the container in the pot of hot water. This time, I did not melt my shea butter, just broke it into smaller parts, and then mixed all my oils, and blended for about 10 mins. Here is my OLD mix that was fully melted before adding oils and solidifying     Here is my New mix; not melted before adding oils. ļ»æ   The shea butter is from the same type of shea butter; off white in color. N...

Rope Twists vs Normal Twists

Today on the Facebook page, DiscoveringNatural , we are talking about Twist Outs . When doing research regarding what topics to discuss, I found information about Rope Twists. What are Rope Twist... Watch the video below: I just finally realize today that I have been doing Rope twists most of the time..  Hmmmmm Do you do Rope Twists? If not, will you try it?

Mid-week CoWash with PomSmooth Conditioner

Yesterday, I decided to co-wash my hair using PomSmooth Conditioner .  Although my #UseItUp Challenge has ended, I do not feel the urge to buy new products because I still have a lot of conditioners and other necessary products. My hair was in large twists and I applied the PomSmooth Conditioner generously to my damp twists and covered with a plastic cap. The conditioner was ...okay. I need to try it again after I shampoo my hair to see if that makes a difference. My hair did feel soft, but lately, my hair has been behaving and staying soft since I started doing mid week co-washes and being on top of my game when it comes to  moisturizing. After about 15 mins, I rinsed off the conditioner with cool water, and applied my oil mix. I followed up with the Shea Moisture Thickening Growth Milk.   I untwisted one twist, apply my whipped shea butter to the length of the hair and the ends, and retwisted that one twist into two twists. I am so pleased that my e...