It's Graduation Day!

Today is Lil Sis's Pre-K graduation. On Facebook, I asked what style I should do for her so that her cap fits, many people gave suggestions. Thank you!!! I decided to do medium size twists with a veil style on the sides. I sectioned her hair into three parts; two parts in front and one part in the back. The back section was two stranded going down. The left front section was two stranded going left and the right going right. Each section that was to be twisted at the front was divided into two parts (two twists from one section). Then it was gathered into the veil style. Her hair was washed with Elasta QP CrĆØme Conditioning Shampoo, and deep conditioned with Eden's BodyWork Natural Deep Conditioner. To moisturize her hair, I used the Qhemet Biologics Heavy Cream with Castor Oil and Ayuverdic Botanicals. I got this product at the Tendrils and Curls Curly Cocktail Meet up. This was my first time using this product, and I was im...