My current Wash Routine

A lot of things are trial and error when it comes to getting a wash routine.  I have learnt this and now found a way of washing my hair that helps reduce breakage and keeps my hair moisturized and detangled.  Here is my wash routine.

I wash my hair every 7-10 days.

Pre-poo treatment...
  • If my hair is in a protective style like twists or cornrowed, I apply some coconut oil to my fingers and then un-twist or unravel the cornrow braids.
  • Section my hair into 4 parts
  • I make a mixture of EVOO and some conditioner and apply to each section while finger-detangling my hair in that process. 
  • Put a plastic cap on my head for as little as 15 mins or overnight. I usually do the overnight, unless pressed for time.
Shampoo process...
  • Shampoo my hair in sections using Creme of Nature Detangling and Conditioning Shampoo.
  • Once a month, I clarify my hair using a shampoo that contains sulfate but also has lots of moisturizing ingredients. 
Deep-conditioning process...
  • I ALWAYS DC my hair when I wash.
  • I make a mixture of ORS Hair mayonnaise (I used this every other week), Silk Elements Luxury Condition, BB Growth Oil, Coconut oil, Jojoba oil.  On weeks I don't use the ORS Hair Mayonnaise, I use the Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque or ORS replenishing pak.
  • Apply to (still sectioned) hair
  • Put a plastic cap on my head.  If I don't want any heat, I usually cover my plastic capped head with a warm towel for at least 1 hour, else, I sit under the hooded dryer for about 30 mins.
Post-wash process...
  • After the DC process is done, I use the LOC method, applying a mixture of oils, such as coconut oil, Vitamin E, jojoba, almond, and grapeseed oil. Then I apply Shea butter mixture all over my hair.
  • Depending on what style I want to do, I might two-strand twist my wet hair with Shea Moisture Curl Enhanced Smoothie or air dry my hair and cornrow braid later using Cantu Shea butter Leave In
  • Once a month, I also give my hair a very good combing since I finger detangle most of the time.

Do you have a wash routine? 


  1. So while transitioning, I need to start washing my hair as if it's already natural? This washing process will be so new to me but I'm ready. When I relaxed my hair, I never really took the time to care for it: no moisturizing, no DC, no oils. I need to write all of this down and go over it everyday so I can plant this new seed in my head. Thanks!

  2. Yes, when transistioning, you need to treat your hair as if it is natural. Reason is because you are tending more to your new growth (natural hair) than to your relaxed ends, which will eventually be trimmed off. Good luck on your journey!


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