How to Treat Baby Cradle Cap and Dry Hair

How to Treat Baby Cradle Cap and Dry Hair
Lil Sis; hours old
Today, I got a question from a mother of a newborn asking how to treat her newborn baby's dry scalp. My first question to her was if the scalp was flaking. She responded that it was. This assured me that it was cradle cap.

Cradle cap, also known as infantile seborrheic dermatitis, is an harmless scalp condition which causes are unknown. It is said that it occurs from the hormones produced by the mother at the end of her pregnancy that causes the baby's scalp to over produce oil-producing (seborrheic) glands.

Step 1: Cradle baby's head on your hands

Step 2: Pour warm water on the head and a pea size amount of mild shampoo

Step 3: Massage in circular motion

How to Treat Baby Cradle Cap and Dry Hair
Lil Sis's First Wash Day; an hour old

Step 4: Rinse

Step 5: Apply olive oil on the hair making sure not to use too much

Step 6: Massage in circular motion

Step 7: You can use a fine tooth comb or baby brush to lightly lift the flakes from the cradle cap

You can also apply olive oil for 10 to 15 mins before you shampoo.


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