Our 5 Favorite Deep Conditioners for Natural Hair (2015)

SheaMoisture Fruit Fusion Coconut Water Weightless Hair Masque The first time I used this product, I was not feeling it.... until after using my Hot Head. My hair was amazingly soft and weightless!! This hands-down is my favorite deep conditioner right now. SheaMoisture SuperFruit Complex 10-in-1 Renewal System Hair Masque This deep conditioner is very moisturizing. If you are looking to add moisture to your hair, try this deep conditioner. We have been using it for a while and it works really well for the girls' hair too. Click here to find this product. SheaMoisture African Black Soap Purification Masque This multi-purpose product is great for so many uses. What is a multi-purpose product? Watch this to find out: We have used this as a pre-poo, detangler, clarifier and deep conditioner. However, since SheaMoisture changed the formula, it has been hard to find the older version that worked for us. We did find it here though >> Click here Eden...