Our 5 Favorite Deep Conditioners for Natural Hair (2015)

Our 5 Favorite Deep Conditioners for Natural Hair

SheaMoisture Fruit Fusion Coconut Water Weightless Hair Masque

SheaMoisture Fruit Fusion Coconut Water Weightless Hair Masque
The first time I used this product, I was not feeling it.... until after using my Hot Head. My hair was amazingly soft and weightless!! This hands-down is my favorite deep conditioner right now.

SheaMoisture Fruit Fusion Coconut Water Weightless Hair Masque DiscoveringNatural

SheaMoisture SuperFruit Complex 10-in-1 Renewal System Hair Masque

SheaMoisture SuperFruit Complex 10-in-1 Renewal System Hair Masque
This deep conditioner is very moisturizing. If you are looking to add moisture to your hair, try this deep conditioner. We have been using it for a while and it works really well for the girls' hair too. Click here to find this product.

SheaMoisture African Black Soap Purification Masque

SheaMoisture African Black Soap Purification Masque
This multi-purpose product is great for so many uses. What is a multi-purpose product? Watch this to find out:

We have used this as a pre-poo, detangler, clarifier and deep conditioner. However, since SheaMoisture changed the formula, it has been hard to find the older version that worked for us. We did find it here though >> Click here

Eden Bodyworks All Natural Deep Conditioner : Jojoba Monoi

Eden Bodyworks All Natural Deep Conditioner : Jojoba Monoi
If you are looking for a moisture-rich deep conditioner that doesn't contain proteins, this is a great one. It is super thick, but when used with heat, I find that it absorbs into our hair strands. 

SheaMoisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Hair Masque

SheaMoisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Hair Masque
Another great "moisture-rich" deep conditioner is the SheaMoisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil hair masque. This left our hair feeling soft, and the moisture lasted even after the deep conditioning session. I used this product when doing my black tea rinse.


  1. I know this is really old but I'm curious, have you tried the reformulated Purification Masque and if so, how did it work for you? I'm having such a hard time finding the old version. I have ordered this product from places that post the old ingredient list and pictures of the old label (the one that says "Purification Masque" and not "Dandruff Control Masque") but I keep getting the new version! I'm down to my last bit of the old formula so I wonder if I should just give up and try the new one....sigh.

    1. Unfortunately, I have not tried the new one. When I do, I will surely post it on the blog.


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