
Showing posts from October, 2014

6 in 1 Natural Hair Protective Style


Is That Flu Shot? | Oct 29th 2014 | DNVlogsLife


Twisted Bubble Bun: Quick Natural Hair Hairstyle


Pros and Cons of Natural Hair

Natural Hair is beautiful, however, there are some things I don't like about my natural hair. Watch below to find out what they are. Also to find out what the girls LOVE about their natural hair.

How Far Can You Kick? | Oct 25th 2014 | DNVlogsLife


Wash Day Diary: Getting Rid of the Ugly | October 23rd 2014

On my last wash day , I tried doing a roller set with Jane Carter Wrap and Roll . I have a hate-love relationship with this product. Anyways, after my epic fail at this style, which I now vouch NEVER EVER to do again, my hair was tangled, lost hair, almost did a Big Chop, just hair nightmare, I decided to rewash my hair because nothing I did could get rid of the dry tangled feeling. I decided to cowash with the Eden Bodyworks All Natural Cleansing Cowash , my Boo.   Then, because it was 9:30pm and too late into the night, I did a quick 10 mins deep conditioning session with what was left of the SheaMoisture Purification Masque , #Empty . Rinse and did a cold water rinse. Post Wash - Applied oil mix to scalp for a massage. - Before I went to wash my hair, I put the SheaMoisture Curl and Style Milk, my leave in, in the fridge. I read somewhere that putting your leave in in the fridge will help close your cuticles. When I applied it, I most say, my hair felt smoother and...

How to Stop Acne Naturally ; My Acne Story

 As a teenager, I never had acne, so why as an adult I was getting really bad acnes. Find out how I cured my acne, naturally.

Wash Day Dairy: The Scalp Knows | October 21st 2014

  For the past couple of weeks, I have had terrible allergies. All desires to give my hair a ā€œspa dayā€ was out of the window. Between sneezing and blowing my medication due to seasonal allergies and all my medications not working, washing my hair was not even on my mind. Even though I did not wash my hair in 2 weeks, I still kept it moisturized, and even today, as I was starting my pre-poo process of V05 Conditioner and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, my hair felt so soft and moisturized. It reminded me of a well marinated chicken. LOL! Regardless, I listened to that quiet voice and decided to wash ā€œherā€ anyway. Before I washed, I looked at my scalp. My last attempt to ditch wash day. LOL! Oh boy!! The tales my scalp was telling was like, Girl! I canā€™t believe you did not clean me in 2 weeks. And you know in the fall, I need more love. LOL! So, people even when your hair feels great, your scalp knows. I should have done my scalp exfoliation, but decided to do it next wash d...

Protective Style Twistout on Natural Hair

This style converts a twistout to a protective style. It is easy to achieve and great for those days when you do not want to wear a twistout, but still want a cute look. Appropriate style for any event.

Lil Sis (6 year old) learns to do her hair

It is important to teach our little ones how to do their own hair. Know that they will make mistakes, we all did when we started. Give them the tools and instruction they need.

First Choir Practice | October 15th 2014 | DNVlogsLife


Easy Protective Style on Natural Hair: Braided Headband Hairstyle

  Hope this helps you on those days you want a quick style.

How to Stop Procrastinating

    Procrastinating is the KILLER of DREAMS!! Watch to see how I stop procrastinating and get stuff done on time. Do you procrastinate?

Kaiser Bun Hairstyle | CURLS Blueberry Blissful Control Paste

 This quick style is great because it looks like you took a long time to create... and it can be worn to work, elegant occasion...anywhere.

Magic Nigerian Nut | Oct 8th 2014 | DNVlogsLife


Auditioning for Honor Choir | October 4th 2014 | DNVlogsLife


Hairstyle Ideas for Kids with Natural Hair

Watch as I share with you different simple styles that you can do for your children.

Wash Day Diary : Fall Started | October 6th 2014

Since fall is here, I am protective styling more. Now, my version of protective styling is more like, one week protective style, one day free, wash and protect.   I find that I am unable to go full time protective styling without washing my hair thoroughly. Therefore, that is just what I did today. Day 10 of wearing my hair in cornrows, and I had decided to wash my hair in twists, after detangling, using Elasta QP CrĆØme Conditioning Shampoo (sulfate free). After that, I did a light protein treatment with Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner. I left this for 2 minutes, as instructed on the bottle. Next, I did my usual Black Tea rinse, and applied SheaMoisture Intense Hydration Deep Conditioner on top.    Since it is fall, I now always use heat when doing my deep conditioning session. I sat under the hooded dryer for 30 mins, rinse, and sealed with cold Aloe Vera Juice. Post Wash -           Applied my oil mix to my scalp; ...

How to Soften Coarse Natural Hair

    Do you struggle to constant dryness in your natural hair? Watch the video for some tips to help you out:

Fall Natural Hair Care : 5 Tips To Help Survive Fall and Winter

  In this video, I discuss 5 natural hair tips that have helped me survive the fall and winter season. Having hair care maintenance that helps retain your hair's health and growth is very essential

I Got One Too! | Oct 1st 2014 | DNVlogsLife

  What did she get??? Watch below:  

Natural Hair in Nigeria featuring SisiYemmieTV and MemsNaij

October 1st celebrates Nigeria's 54th Independence Day. In honor of this day, we will be featuring some #NaturalHair ladies who reside in Nigeria and rock their natural hair. Hope you can join us on DiscoveringNatural channel to watch their experiences. Subscribe today: