
Showing posts from June, 2014

Frizz Free Bun with Smooth Edges

Here is a simple way of doing this sleek bun

How to Make Popsicles : Strawberry-Watermelon

  It's GETTING HOT outside!! Here is a simple way to cool down!! Kid-friendly recipe by Big Sis and Lil Sis   s

We're At Camp!! | June 25th 2014 DNVlogsLife


Wash Day Diary: June 24th 2014: Summer is HERE

I have 75% shrinkage!! How much shrinkage do you have? Summer is here and my hair knows that!! Usually, I can go at most 3 days before I moisturize my hair and a week or even 10 days before I wash my hair.  Oh no!! Now I can't! I remember this same thing happening last summer. I had to co-wash in the middle of the week. I guess my hair just got the memo that ... All I did to refresh my hair was: Saturate hair lovely H 2 O  AKA Water To each section of hair, apply  Eden Bodyworks Cowash Rinse off thoroughly Apply oil mix to soaking wet hair ( I did not t-shirt dry my hair so that it can absorb the most water possible ) Moisturize hair with Shea Moisture Curl and Style Milk . Seal hair with Castor Oil, concentrate on ends Twist hair and Band it to give it some stretch . One thing I know about my hair is that, even with the dry spells, it prefers summer to winter. It thrives in the summer. My ends always act better in the summer. As long as I moisturize ...

How to Reduce Tangles in Natural Hair

    5 Ways to Prevent Tangles in Natural Hair Tangles comes with the Natural Hair territory. In this video, I show you five simple ways to prevent tangles.

Wash Day Diary: June 21st 2014: Bentonite Clay

Last week, I was at camp with Big Sis enjoying the great outdoors, pond water, sunshine all day, chlorine water, and great fellowship! It was a wonderful experience that I will share with you on one of my vlog posts on DNVlogsLife channel . With all the activities we had, I did not totally neglect the care of my hair, however, by the time I got home yesterday, my hair was MAD at me. Pre Wash Process Overnight, I saturated my hair with Extra Virgin Coconut oil. Covered hair with a plastic cap, satin cap and thick knitted hat. In the morning, I re-misted my hair with water and applied  Eden Bodyworks Cowash  and covered my hair with 2 plastic caps, satin cap and baseball cap while I ran some errands. Wash Process Applied Bentonite Clay onto my hair, using my clay mixture . Leave on for 40 minutes Apply Aubrey GPB conditioner for a light protein treatment. Leave on for 2 mins, rinse. Applied my Black Tea Rinse Leave on for 30 minutes, Rinse. My hair felt so...

3 Ways to Protect Your Hair When Swimming and After

It's Summer and with that comes Swimming and with that comes CHLORINE. Chlorine can strip the hair's natural oil and cause it to be dry and brittle, which can lead to breakage. In this video, I demonstrate three ways to protect your natural hair when swimming and how to care for your natural hair after swimming. Click here or Watch below:

Gym Rant!!! | June 21st 2014 DNVlogsLife


How to Finger Coils Out Natural Hair

Finger coils Out on Short Natural Hair and Long Natural is very beautiful when the coils are uncoiled well. In this video, I demonstrate ways to uncoil your hair. I provide you tips that will help with coiling TWA hair/ Doing Finger Coils on TWA. Have you ever done Finger Coils Out before? How do you maintain them?

Why are essential oils stored in dark bottles?

 " Essential oils should be packaged in dark coloured glass, since this filters out the suns ultra-violet light. Until quite recently, dark amber was always the colour of choice in glass bottles as can be seen from old-style medicine bottles" Read more: ā€Ŗ#ā€Ž essentialoilsā€¬ ā€Ŗ#ā€Ž naturalhairā€¬ ā€Ŗ#ā€Ž locmethod

How to Make a Chore Chart | June 18th 2014 DNVlogsLife

It's Summer Break...time for a NEW Chore Chart. Watch how the girls and I work together to come up with a kid-friendly and Mommy-approved chore chart.

Finger Coils on Natural Hair Night Routine

Finger Coils are great low manipulative styles and even low maintainance. Although not a protective style, this styles works well and if your hair is long enough you can style it into a cute updo. Taking care of your hair at night is essential to make this style last and keep away the FRIZZ MONSTER!

Daddy DOES MY HAIR: Happy Father's Day!!

Happy FATHER'S Day to all!! Big Sis wanted her Daddy to do her hair.... How did he do? Watch video below:

We Are Onyx June Box Review

I had the pleasure of reviewing my first subscription box, We Are Onyx June Box. This month's box theme is Red - White - Beauty; dedicated to the "Celebration of American Beauty". We Are Onyx boxes costs $25 a month and come with " 5 deluxe-size or full size hair, skin, makeup and lifestyle products from our favorite high-end brands from around the world ". For more information on this subscription box, visit   Watch video below for more information on all the products included in the box This box contained the following: Lotta Body Curl & Style Milk (Retail Price $3.99/7floz)    (First five ingredients: Water, Shea Butter, Glyverin, Cetearyl Alcohol, Fragrance) C. Booth Honey Almond Nourishing Dry Oil Mist (Retail Price $7.99/2fl oz) (First Five Ingredients: Cyclopentasiloxane, Apricot oil, Safflower Seed Oil, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Sweet Almond Oil) Lauren B. Beauty Nail Lacquer (Retail Price $...

How to Finger Coil Natural Hair

Coiling Natural Hair can be done in two ways: A Comb Coil or A Finger Coil.  In this video, I show you how I finger coil my hair. Due to the texture of my natural hair, coiling it has some challenges but the results are stunning. All you need are clips for section, water, gel and of course your fingers. Have you ever done Finger Coils before?

Do What Works For You!

Focus on you Don't Compare Do what works for you Comparing yourself with others when it comes to your Natural Hair journey can give you more headache than necessary. No one knows your hair better than you. Follow your own rule. If a process works for you in the care of your natural hair, then go with it. Create your own rule and ask for guidance when necessary

Where is DJIBOUTI? | June 11th 2014 DNVlogsLife


Wash Day Diary: June 10th 2014: Dry Scalp

I read somewhere that " your hair will tell you what it wants ", well, my hair did just that today. Normally, I would cowash or cleanse my hair every 7 to 10 days, but last night, my scalp started to itch me...and if you watched my " How to Wash Natural Hair " video, that means she needs some TLC. Since it was just 4 days past my last wash day , I decided to just do a simple water-only wash. Wash Process Saturated my two strands twisted hair with lukewarm water Gently massage my scalp to lift up any build up. Rinse off my hair with water Applied Shea Moisture Purification Masque and massage into scalp and add to hair. Cover with a plastic bag and knitted hat for 30 mins. I felt okay just using water to wash my hair because I do not use products that are hard to remove from my hair, such as silicones, mineral oil, and petroleum-laden products. If I did have build up, I would have simply just used Apple Cider Vinegar at this time. Post Wash Process ...

Silicones and Natural Hair: GOOD or BAD

Today, I am researching Silcones. Do you know that there are different types of silicones; water soluble, deposit repelling silicones, and non-water soluble. Water soluble silicones can be easily washed away and still provide the benefit ... s of using -cones in hair. Eg: Stearoxy Dimethicone, Dimethicone Copolyol, silicone with PEG or PPG as a prefix, Lauryl Methicone Copolyol Deposit Repelling silicones slow down the build up process. Eg: Trimethylsilylamodimethicone, Amodimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Cyclomethicone Non-Water soluable silcones cannot be easily washed away. They can cause build up and need sulfate shampoos to remove. Example: Dimethiconem, Trimethylsilylamodimetheicone, Phenyl Trimethicone, Cetearyl Methicone, Dimethiconol, Stearyl Dimethicone, Cetyl Dimethicone Why is Silicone GOOD for Natural Hair? Silicone can help you minimize frizz and also help in detangling your hair. Some naturals use it as a way to seal in the moisture into their hair....

Protective Stying VS. Low Manipulative Styling

Do you know the difference between Protective Styling your Natural Hair and Low Manipulative Styling? Find out all the information you need to know regarding these two styles and which one is better. Also, tips on how to style without breaking your hair. HAIR STYLES PLAYLIST:

Good Bye Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditioner!

Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditioner has served us well all these years! I remember the first time I used it... the slip was INCREDIBLE. The price AMAZING!! $2.99  I'm sure you are wondering why am I no longer using it? Well...after much research I have decided to stop using any products that contain Parabens. What are Parabens? "any of a group of compounds used as preservatives in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products and in the food industry." ~Google They stop fungus, bacteria and other microbes from growing in your beauty products.    Why did I decide to go Paraben? About 99% of my hair and cosmetic products are paraben-free, so for me this was an easy choice. There has been so many speculations that parabens are linked to Cancer, and I do not want to take any chances... short and simple answer .   What will I be using as an Alternative? As an alternative, I will be using the Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner. I a...

Volunteering with Kids : Making Blankets | June 7th 2014 DNVlogsLife


Wash Day Diary: June 6th 2014: Black Tea Experiment

I decided to start a Wash Day Diary series.. Why? Well, whenever I wash my hair, I sometimes write down what I use in my notebook. Many times I have lost this book .... or the girls have doodled on it... and... oh well... this is the safest and most convienent place to put my findings. For all products that I use, click on the name to be transferred to the image of the product. Today, I decided to start my Black Tea Experiment . Black Tea is great for shedding and hair growth. I am mainly experiementing the shedding factor for you all. Prior to today, I have weaned myself off my regular Garlic Diet so that I can have an unbiased review of the truth behind Black Tea Rinses. Before I release a DIY video to the public, I make sure that I have tested it for at least a month so that I can give an unbiased review. This is the same thing I do when I do Product Reviews for companies. Pre-wash Day Saturated 4 Tea bags of Lipton Black Tea (Natural Energy) in 4 cups of hot ...

How To Wash Natural Hair: My Routine with Sulfate-Free Shampoo

Washing Natural Hair does not have to be a chore. I show you my 6 simple steps of washing natural hair. In this video, I will be using a sulfate free shampoo. I rarely use shampoos but when I do, I only use sulfate free one. Why? Because the sulfate shampoo strips my hair and causes to feel dry and brittle. I only detangle with my fingers. When I detangle prior to washing, I use Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. You can use any brands, just make sure it is Extra Virgin. I wash my hair with Elasta QP CrĆØme Conditioning Shampoo. I am using an old formula. Information on the new formula can be found in the Product Review section of my blog, Using a rinse out conditioner after shampooing leaves my hair feeling soft. I use different conditioners, however, I do not use any that have silicones or mineral oils. My deep conditioner is  a moisturizing one. I rotate between the Shea Moisture Purification Masque and Eden Bodyworks Deep Conditioner. My moist...


Want to build BICEPS, make a Nigerian Meal! LOL! Check out today's vlog. Our Typical Sunday involves family time, play time...and also Nigerian cuisine.

Self Esteem and Natural Hair in Children

  Last week, I wrote a blog post on Natural Hair and Self Esteem in Children for African Naturalistas blog. If you did not get a chance to read it, check it out. Worth reading. Click HERE .

Twist Out Not Drying Overnight FIX

Sometimes, my twists do not dry overnight. This happens to a lot of naturals. for the best defined twistout, you need your twists to be dry before take down. When this does not happen, here is a quick fix for you instead of resorting to an afro puff. If after watching this video, you still want the "semi-" twistout look, try my 1 HR Wet TwistOut How to Fix Twist Not Drying