
Showing posts from September, 2013

DiscoveringNatural YouTube Channel is Closed Captioned!

Started from this Friday (October 4th), all new and future videos on DiscoveringNaturalļ»æ YouTube channel will be "Closed Captioned".  Although, YouTube has an option to show Captions, it does a very poor job at translating what I say in my videos. I guess my #Nigerian #American accent does not get translated well. LOL! Please subscribe to the channel for hair tutorials, product reviews, #naturalhair care and kids hair care videos

Product Review with Style using Obia Natural Hair Curl Enhancing Custard

Product Name Curl Enhancing Custard Manufactured by Obia Natural Hair Care ( ) Twitter: OBIANaturalHair Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: YouTube: Ingredients Purified water (Aqua), Olea Europaea (Olive) Oil, Vitis vinfera (Grape seed) Oil, Argania spinosa (Argan) Oil, Carbomer, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Vegetable Glycerin, Gluconolactone and Sodium Benzoate, Triethanolamine, Xantham Gum, Fragrance Purpose of Product   - Use as a styler - Defines Hair - Conditions hair and leaves it soft and shiny - Aids in moisturizing hair The Application and My Final Opinion Watch below:    

A Day in the Life of DiscoveringNatural- Sept 28th

To comment on any of the pictures below, visit Click HERE It's wash day and since it's the end of the month, time to clarify using Bentonite Clay. After 45 mins, it was time to wash off the clay. After rinsing of the clay, I always use a rinse off conditioner. This is not necessary because the mix contains Aloe Vera Juice which is very moisturizing.'s Deep Conditioning time!! While DCing, I did my morning devotion. I am always amazed by how much shrinkage I have. But I love it!! Check out that curl at the back that does not shrink. NATURAL HAIR is amazing!! I always stretch my hair after washing. Sometimes, I band, thread, or twist. Today, I decided to twist. Off to soccer we go! I wore my hair uncovered because I wanted the sun to dry it. We got to the fields early... the girls were happy since they will be able to play. Hope they don't get too tired before the game...I also did a mini workout. LOL! Oh! NOoooooo... rain! Yeah...

Quick Natural Hair Style | Front Puff


Shampoo Natural Hair | Protein Treatment included

  In today's episode, learn how to shampoo your child's natural hair. Prior to shampoo, we will do a protein treatment. We do protein treatment once a month.   For full regimen, visit My girls regimen page

Looking for Natural Hair Styles....

Have you ever visited our Hair Style Gallery. It is full of different hairstyles and even video tutorials. Click the link below to access it now: DiscoveringNatural Hair Style Gallery  

Night Routine: How to do the Pineapple on your Natural Hair

Do you pineapple?  

Teaching our kids how to DETANGLE their HAIR

Big Sis has been showing a lot of interest in caring for her own hair since beginning of summer. She learnt how to braid hair, even practiced a little on Lil Sis o_O. I was happy when she informed me that she would love detangle her own hair. Well! My little 8 year old is turning into a fine natural GAL! As she watched the Detangling video from our Natural Kids Hair Care playlist, she followed the steps so accurately. She first started by finger detangling a small section... Next, she used the wide tooth comb to further detangle that section Lastly, she twisted up the detangled sectionļ»æ I was shocked as to how well she did. Now, let's talk Once our children start to show an interest in caring for their hair, we need to foster that interest. How long will we be the sole care-taker of their hair?  Once, they leave the house, would they have to delegate the care of their hair to someone else? Don't be afraid of letting your kids touch their hair. Of c...

Results of my SheaAloe Custard Mix

I made some Shea-Aloe custard for my hair and twisted them 4 days ago. I just untwisted them today. I love the results! My hair is well defined and very soft and moisturized. I have not moisturized my hair for 4 day, with the exception of a light spritz with Aloe vera juice mixed with water last night. I am in love! Watch to see how it is made My twists right after applying the custard: By the way, I was going to call the mix a SheaAloe Butter mix, but since it is no longer 100% a butter because of the mixture of the Aloe Vera Gel, I decided to call it a Custard. Here are ssome other recipes with Shea Butter that I would like to try: Shealoe Hair Smoothie [Source: ] Recommended for use on locs and loose hair Ingredients: 4 Tbsp shealoe butter 2 Tbsp tea tree oil 2 Tbsp coconut oil 1 tsp sweet almond oil 1 tsp jojoba 1 tsp vegatable glycerin 1 tsp 100% aloe vera gel 5 Vitamin E capsules 5 ...

10 Months Post Transitioning Big Chop | Natural Hair

  Yeah! I have made it to 10 months post transitioning big chop . With 1 year and 10 months worth of growth. I am happy with my growth and especially with the health of my natural hair.   I have learnt so much from my natural hair sisters and brothers and I always get inspired by my loves on Facebook ( DiscoveringNatural ) and YouTube ( DiscoveringNatural)   THANK YOU!!

Detangling Natural Hair Tear Free

Learn how to detangle your child's natural hair, tear free. Use this time as a bonding time with your child. If you are in a rush for time, please do not detangle your child's hair. You will have a tendency not to be gently with the hair and cause unnecessary breakage.

Quick Tip: How to Avoid Hair in Your Products

  This tip is one that I use over and over again. It has saved me lots of frustration .. well ... saved me from having dirty looking products when I do my product reviews.. LOL  

How to Undo Braids and Cornrows without Breakage | Natural Hair

How many times have you started undoing your cornrows or braids and ended with a lot of breakage. Not shed hair.  Let me illustrate the difference between shed hair and broken hair. Shedded hair contains a white bulb at the ends. It is also usually longer than broken hair. Broken hair is usually shorter without white bulbs. Now, how do you stop breaking your hair when undoing your existing style, watch the video below:

Great Day to Be Alive!

I woke up this morning to a beautiful sunrise, and although it was raining, that did not dampen my mood. You see, this past weekend, I was a bit under the weather, and despite the numerous tasks I needed to accomplish, I could not give my 100%.  If you watched my 50 random facts about me video, you will know that I am a perfectionist, so I needed to really " kick this cold/fever/flu/what-ever-sickness " to the curb. After taking meds all weekends, and it working just a little, I decided to try a different more basic method... increase my vitamin C intake . I'm not a big fan of vitamin C tablets, so off to the grocery store I went... on this wet, yet beautiful day. I tweeted as I arrived at the grocery store:   "The Best Time to Go to the Grocery Store is when it is #raining". This is very true.   I stocked my cart full of colors of the rainbow ... discovered some new fruits that I think will get some giggles from the girls (Big Sis and Li...

QOTD: What Products Can I Use To Grow My Natural Hair?

I I get asked so often:   "What products can I use to grow my hair?" Watch as I answer this question: Other similar questions: What are some good products to use to retain length? Which will help promote hair growth; braiding with extension or my own hair? It seems like my hair has stopped growing. What can I do? Share your thoughts.

Quick and Easy Finger Coils Bun | Natural Hair

Lil Sis and I enjoyed doing this style. It took less than 10 mins and is a great protective style especially for children with tender head. This is a great style for dance class, little bride, flower girls, or even an elegant occasion. Now, Moms and non-little girl ladies, you can also ROCK this style. Don't forget to ACCESSORIZE.

Natural Hair Struggles: My Bushy Ends

Like many naturals, I struggle day to day with my ends. The issue with my ends is that when I glide my fingers from the root of my hair to the ends, the texture/smoothness changes about one inch to the ends of my hair.  I had BUSHY ENDS . When I see this, I want to grab the scissor and cut that section off. Until a month ago... What happened a month ago? Well, on July 26th 2013, I felt my ends and noticed the bushy feeling again. This was a few weeks after I had taken out the Havana Twists . Because my hair was in those twists, I did not get to moisturize them as well as I use to. Problem #1 . On that day, I trimmed about a quarter to half an inch off my ends. My hair felt a bit better. I even did a video on the proper way of fixing dry ends. Since then, I have been researching how to keep my hair from being bushy at the end. I made sure to study both of my daughters' ends to make sure they did not have the same issue. Big Sis experienced the same issue after hav...

Finger Coils Updo on Natural Hair Protective Style

     Protective styles do not only have to be braids, Senegalese twists, Havana twists, or cornrows. As long as the ends of the hair is protected, it is a protective style. There is a difference between protective styles and low manipulation styles. Do you know the differences?    For this style, it is important to moisturize your hair, especially your ends, before putting it into the updo. The cool thing about this style is that if you do not want to roll and tuck the sides, you can flat twists or cornrow them. Watch the video below, if you try this style, share on Facebook or tag @discoveringnatural on Instagram.