
Showing posts from April, 2015

Will Wash and Go Damage Natural Hair?

I'm saying BYE BYE to twistouts, braidouts, braids, twists, bantu knots, flat twists for a month. Find out why. Click here or watch below:

Quick Wash Day with Tresemme Naturals Conditioner

In the past, we had used Tresemme Naturals Conditioner and it had worked great in melting Lil Sis's tangles. I can't remember why we stopped using it.  Anyways, this weekend, Lil Sis had a party to go to and I decided to refresh her hair.  I started by separating her hair into 4 sections and rinsed each section with water. Taking a generous amount of Tresemme Naturals Conditioner, I saturated each section from roots to ends. I left it in her hair for about 3 minutes and then rinsed. Then I applied Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner to each section and left it in for 2 minutes. This is a Moisture - Protein balancing conditioner. Her hair felt like silk!! After rinsing her hair, I saturated it with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and then SheaMoisture Curl and Style Milk. I did not dry her hair in between, just squeezed off the excess moisture. Her hair was stretched overnight in 4 chunky twists for a day. After I unraveled her hair, this was the results: Soft, tangle free, supe...

How to Make a Natural Hair Emergency Kit

Big Sis shares what is in her natural hair emergency kit Click here or watch below

Flat Twist Updo : Inspired By Divine Oasis Salon : Collab with MissT1806

The purpose of this video is to show that when you see a style online and try to recreate it, it can be a challenge. DON'T GIVE UP! Make the style with your own special touch. I collaborated with Tina of missT1806 channel. She picked the style inspired by @DivineOasisSalon Visit Tina's channel to see what style I picked for her. Click here to watch or watch below:

Triangle Flat Twists on Natural Hair

To recreate this style, I sectioned the hair into 2 parts. The top parts where the flat twists will be was sectioned much smaller than the other section. I flat twisted the top sections into 6 flat twists meeting at the crown. Click here to learn how to flat twist . After flat twisting one of the section, use an elastic band to secure the hair before twisting the ends. Remember, when using elastics, always cut it off  instead of pulling it off when undoing the hair. For the back section, part the hair horizontally into 3 rows / sections. For each row of hair, part hair into triangles. Secure the base with a rubber band and rope twisting the rest of the hair. Click here to learn how to rope twist. Styling Product used: Coils and Glory Whipped Shea Butter

What is VEDA 2015? Day 11-20

What is VEDA 2015? VEDA stands for V log E very D ay in A pril.  What that means is that you will get a video each day from me on either of my social media pages listed below: N a t u r a l H a i r: V l o g g i n g: Make sure you watch each of the videos and comment ... there is a surprise on Day 30. If you have not yet SUBSCRIBED , then here are some things you have missed (Click name of video if you are having issues watching): Day 11: 50 Random Facts About Me Day 12: Threadout on Natural Hair Day 13: Rosette Updo Day 14: Yoruba Lessons and Books We Use Day 15: What to Pack for Lunch: Lunchbox Ideas Day 16: Princess Braids Day 17: Roll Bun, Perfect for Prom, Weddings, Elegant Events Day 18 Prayerful Hands: Teaching Kids How to Pray Day 19: How to do Rope Twists Day 20: Hairstyle for Work: Roll and Tuck

How to Create Fuller Twistout in Fine or Thin Natural Hair

Believe it or not, I actually have fine low- density hair. It also exhibited characteristics of thinning hair, until I have used Black Tea and other methods to help fill out my hair. For references of how my hair use to look, check out videos prior to June 2014;. However, it is the way I still my twistout that gives it the illusion of thickness and fullness. In this video, I use different techniques to create this look. Difference between fine and thin hair: Click here to read Click here to watch or watch below Key Points 1. Frizz is your friend. Untwist hair when not fully dry. 2. Use Glycerin to swell hair to give appearance of fullness 3. Use the Fanning method to separate hair 4. Fluff the roots to fill in any gaps What other techniques do you use?

Dealing With Breakage in Natural Hair

 This is the process of the hair breaking, not at the root, but somewhere in the strand of the hair.  It is not normal because in all cases the hair has not gone through the normal hair life cycle.  Breakage can occur from mishandling of hair, lack of proper nutrients, or excessive styling. Click here to watch or watch below:

Wash Day Diary : April 23rd 2015 : Getting Rid of Dandruff

It's wash day... and boy! oh boy!... I have been attacked by the dandruff monster! Going back through my wash day diary , the only thing different I have changed was leaving my Black Tea Rinse in, without rinsing it off. I guess my scalp does not like this too much. Now I know... See... this is why I keep a Wash Day Diary o_O Anyways, to address this issue, I did the following: Coconut Scalp Mix Mix 3 tablespoons of coconut oil that has been warmed with 4 drops of peppermint oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil Apply to scalp and massage Cover with plastic cap for an hour or overnight Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment Spritz 1 part Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 part water on the scalp and massage Cover with plastic cap for an hour Rinse and follow up with cleansing routine How I apply the treatment, click here or watch below. I could have done either of these but because of how bad the dandruff was, I wanted to go full on!! After doing this, I rinsed my hair in ...

How to Bantu Knot Natural Hair : 2 Ways

Bantu knots can be work as a style or as an "out" style. In today's video, I show you two different ways to do Bantu Knot Click here to watch or watch below.

Natural Hairstyle for Work | Roll Tuck Bun

This style was done on hair that was stretched using the Saran Wrap Method. Here is how to do the Saran Wrap:

How to do Rope Twists on Natural Hair

Wondering why your twist come out frizzy and not smooth? Try doing Rope Twists. How to Rope Twist on Short Natural Hair: Click here or watch below:

Big Sis Shares: Prayerful Hand

From the mouth of babes.... Click here or watch below

Rolled Up Bun: Wedding Hairstyles Prom Hairstyles

This is a quick protective style on natural hair. It is great for any elegant occasion like Wedding Hairstyles, Prom hairstyles, Flower girl hairstyle. For more information about the headband and COUPON to save when buying, click here . Click here or watch video below to recreate this style: STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS 1. Put hair into high puff a little bit off the side 2. Take a small section of the puff and roll the ends with your fingers 3. Put your fingers to the base of the roll and continue rolling the hair towards that area 4. Put a bobby pin at the base to secure rolled up hair ļ»æ 4. Fan out the bun to your desired size, making sure not to detach it from bobby pin Repeat until all the puff is now in little rolled up buns.    

Princess Braids on Natural Hair

This simple style does not put any tension on your edges and also helps protect your ends. It can be worn by both young and old naturals. Her hair was moisturized using SheaMoisture Curl and Style Milk and twisted into 6 chunky twists by her sister, Big Sis. Hair accessory : Venus Headband from Irresistible Me (Click link for Coupon code) Click here to watch or watch below