
Showing posts from November, 2014

Lost at the Movies


Natural Hair Regimen for Kids

Watch to learn how to create a Natural Hair Regimen for your kids depending on their age and hair needs.

Happy Thanksgiving 2014 Message

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. We have so much to be thankful for this year. Not only are we all in good health, we have been blessed with the knowledge and support of you all. Our prayers is for the joy of Thanksgiving be enriched in your spirit daily. Thanks so much for your support!!

Natural Hair Empowerment Series: Recap and Thanks



I am SO excited to share this announcement with you all!

Length Check after 2 years Natural

    Can't believe it's been 2 years already since I did the big chop. Wondering how long my hair is?  

Quick Natural Hair Holiday Updo

Have you ever had an impromptu party invite? Watch as I create this quick elegant updo for a Holiday party. I will be using SheaMoisture products and giving you tips on how to combine different products in different lines. Click here or video below to watch:

Our Pioneer Day Adventure

Each year, we take the girls to the park for Pioneer Day. Pioneer Day is a day that "celebrates the bravery of the original settlers and their strength of character and physical endurance". 

Wash Day Diary: It's Too Cold For This | November 17th 2014

I really didn't feel like washing my hair today, but for some reason, my scalp has been acting strangely. Could it be because of something new I am using? Oh well... I started by doing my regular pre-poo and detangling using Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and V05 strengthening conditioner. I noticed less seasonal shedding this time. Last week, due to the advice of my Doctor, I started taking iron supplement because of my low hemoglobin count; I'm anemic, always have been all my life. When I was researching taking the pill, I read that if you are anemic, you will shed more unless you take iron supplements and of course eat your greens. I have been slacking on the eating greens section. Hmm... Anywhoooo.... Detangled...put my hair in twists... covered with plastic cap and Tshirt for 2 hours instead of overnight. Rinse and massage scalp under lukewarm water. That felt so good!! Applied my sulfate free shampoo (Elasta QP CrĆØme Conditioning) on my scalp, rinse, and applied...

Roller Set on Natural Hair (My Attempt)

Roller setting my natural hair is not something I look forward, however, one of my followers on Facebook asked me to do it. So I did. LOL! The things I do for you guys. Anyways... hope you enjoy the video . What else would you like me to try?

When to Trim Natural Hair

Knowing when to trim CAN be very confusing. This year, my plan was to have scheduled trimming, but after 6 months of doing trims every 3 months, I felt that my hair did not need too much trimming. Here is my advice, and what I do with my hair that helps. I go by how my ends feel and look. I feel that if you take good care of your ends you do not need to trim often. However, if you feel that your ends are not as healthy as they should be, then trimming will be the way to go. Getting your hair stronger and shinier does not have anything to do with trims, but it does have to do with incorporating protein treatment and using products that have protein to help improve the strength of your hair, and making sure that your hair is properly cleansed to bring out the shine and luster. Clarifying your hair at least once a month helps with promoting shine. Also, when you do not have product buildup or use products that sit on your hair strands. When it comes to who should trim your hair,...

Our First Starbucks!!

The girls have finally joined the Starbucks club!! LOL! Today's ā€Ŗā€Ž vlogā€¬ is so packed full of adventure and the best is hearing what they thought of their experience at ā€Ŗ Starbucksā€¬ .

How to Comb Natural Hair Without Breakage

Do you really know how to properly comb your natural hair without causing breakage? Before I learnt how to properly comb my hair, I felt that seeing hair in my comb was normal. Why?   Well, as a child, that was what I remembered. I have since discovered that this is not true. You do not have to see hair on your comb, with the exception of shedded hair. Here is what a shedded hair looks like. Notice the white bulb at the end of the hair. That is hair that has reached the end of its life span. Watch how I comb my hair.

5 Tips for Stay at Home Mom and Stay at Home Dad

Even if you are not a stay at home mom/dad, the tips I will sharing will be very useful. These tips have helped me since I became a mother 10 years ago.

Wash Day Diary: Time to Clean : November 7/8

Naked Hair! After 2 weeks of protective styling , it was time to wash my hair, especially my scalp. My scalp is always my #1 indicator that it is time to wash. I did enjoy skipping one week of wash day.. to be honest with y'all! I was quite happy that the style lasted long with my modified moisturizing and method of keeping the frizz away . Now... it's time to wash.... Started on Friday by doing a detangling and pre-poo overnight with my usual mix, Extra Virgin Coconut oil and V05 Strengthening conditioner. ļ»æ The next morning, I rinsed off the pre-poo, applied Aubrey Organics GPB conditioner for a light protein treatment. Next, used diluted Elasta QP CrĆØme Conditioning Shampoo to wash my scalp and hair, and followed that up with a Black Tea Rinse and toped that off with SheaMoisture Intensive Hydration Hair Masque... which I LOVE!! Left that in for 30 mins. I just love it when my hair is clean!! The curls Be POPPING! Post Wash: -Applied oil mix to my s...

Natural Hair Care When You Are Sick

When you are feeling sick and not able to do your natural hair, what do you do? 

What To Do When You Skip Wash Day

This weekend was Wash Day Weekend for the girls. However, we were extremely busy. I decided to do something that I have never done. I decided to just refresh their hair. Before I decided to forego washing, I made sure to examine their scalp for any dirt, product buildup, or dandruff. I did not see any. One reason why we do not have product buildup is I do not go too heavy on products on their hair. I also use more natural products that absorb well into their hair. The last reason is because I do not use products that attract dirt or dandruff. I started by spritzing each section with SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus Kids Extra-Moisturizing Detangler instead of water. This helped to detangle their hair and even bring in more moisture. Next , I applied my oil mix to their scalp and massaged it. After this, I applied some SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl & Style Milk. This helps to keep the frizz away, add moisture and promote shine. Then I applied a little mo...

Natural Hair Empowerment Series: The Conclusion and Recap

Recap of all the topics that were discussed in this series.   If you have not watch this series, click here.

How to Maintain Cornrows and Reduce Frizz


Natural Hair in South Africa featuring AuCurls Naturelle

AuCurls Naturelle is a Naturalista living in South Africa. She shares with us her experience with Natural Hair while living in South Africa. She also shares where to find products and other tips that will help people with Natural Hair. Visit her blog at: Her YouTube Channel:

3 Reasons Why I Have Never Straightened my Girls' Natural Hair

Have you seen my new post on the new Coils and Glory blog?? Read all about it here>>

What Mommy Says | November 1st 2014 | DNVlogsLife

  READY to LAUGH??? I caught the girls mimicking me, and decided to grab the camera. Watch it all in today's #Vlog on DNVlogsLife channel: WHAT MOMMY SAYS.