
Showing posts from August, 2014

#BlissfulCurlsTourHouston with Naptural85, IKnowLee, NaturallyGG, OfficialCorporateChic

DiscoveringNatural meets Naptural85 On August 27th 2014, I attended the #BlissFulCurlsTourHouston. This event was sponsored by Curls (@frizzfreecurls)  at Social Junkie club in Houston Texas. On the Panel was @Naptural85 , @iknowlee , @NaturallyGG , @OfficialCorporateChic This tour was to launch the new Blueberry Blissful Curl Control Paste For more information about products featured, visit

Natural Hair Questions Answered (3 Parts Series)

DiscoveringNatural: 6 months post Transitioning Big chop Several questions were asked in the last " Ask Me Anything ", I had to break it into 3 videos because of the length of the video when combined. Click any of the videos below to watch my answers to your questions. PART 1 PART 2 PART 3

First Day Of School 2014-2015 | August 30th 2014 | DNVlogsLife

    Watch the girls' First day at school vlog below. 4th and 1st we come! ļ»æ     ļ»æ Features: 9 Year Old Washes and Styles Her Natural Hair

Big Sis' video where she washed and styled her own hair got featured on She was so excited to read this article. Other DiscoveringNatural Features on BlackHairInformation 4 Cute Easter Hairstyles for Your Little Princesses

How to Do African Threading on Natural Hair; Tips and Tricks

    African Threading is great to stretch your hair without blow drying it. It is also a great style to wear. In this video, I give you some tips and tricks you did not know about threading.   Don't forget to Subscribe for more videos.   ļ»æ

Working At Home With Kids | August 27th 2014 | DNVlogsLife


Natural Hair Empowerment Series: Living Against The Grain


"NEW" SheaMoisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration

  SheaMoisture is on a roll!! With 2 month, they have released 3 new lines. The newest one that just came out this week: August 18th 2014, is the SheaMoisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration.  This contains African Rock Fig and Baobab Oil, It is infused with Manuka Honey and Mafura Oil. For all products in this collection, 10% of sales goes to the  Community Commerce Initiative. Yeah! Here's why we are #SheaFamily Currently only available at Target   Other Product Reviews SheaMoisture Super Fruit Complex: SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil: Vlog:

#BackToSchool Style 2: Quick Natural Hair Style: Flat Twist Chignon

  Another easy ā€Ŗ#ā€Ž BackToSchoolā€¬ for you. This year we are doing simple quick ā€Ŗ#ā€Ž naturalhairā€¬ styles, hope you like them. For more complex styles, visit our YouTube channel

CurlyNikki Featured: How To Flat Twist without Flat Twisting

CurlyNikki featured our video, " How To Flat Twist Without Flat Twisting ". Read all about it here: Other similar feature: " A Solution to The Bantu Knot Struggle ":

Back to School Collab with GirlsLoveYourCurls and BronzeGoddess01

ļ»æ Twisted Starburst Bun Watch our #BackToSchool Hairstyle  (Twisted Starburst bun) Collab video with Girls Love Your Curls and @BronzeGoddess01  We enjoyed doing the video and hope you find it interesting too. We have more styles to come, so if you have not yet subscribed, kindly do so. Thanks!!

Fun at Discovery Green | August 19th 2014 | DNVlogsLife

Did you know that Grapeseed Oil protects your Natural Hair against UV radiation   Summer Break is ALMOST over for the girls. We decided to go to Discovery Green for an afternoon of fun with friends. What fun places did you go to this Summer?

Wash Day Dairy : August 19th 2014 : Clarify with Bentonite Clay

Love how Bentonite clay makes my curls and coils POP! This week, I went longer on my wash days. I have been doing 5-7 days intervals, but this time, I went nearly 2 weeks. Whew!! At the end of that, my hair looked like this: ļ»æ Results of banding my hair My hair actually did not feel too bad, but since I have been putting products on top of products, it did not have its normal shine and bounce. The night before my wash, I detangled my hair with just Extra Virgin Coconut Oil  and covered it with a plastic cap and my bonnet as a pre-poo treatment. The next morning, my hair was SUPER SOFT and shiny. I was almost tempted not to wash it. LOL! Using my Bentonite Clay Mask , I applied the clay to my hair, covered my hair with a plastic cap for 1 hour. It should have been for 45 mins, but I forgot to make my Tea Rinse . For 2 months now, I have been doing Black Tea Rinses every wash day, I have noticed differences in my shedding. However, I found this picture on ...

Natural Hair Questions Answered (Part 1)

Watch to the end YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.... ;)

Farmers' Market FAIL | August 15th 2014 | DNVlogsLife


How to Care For Multiple Kids' Natural Hair

It can be hard enough caring for your own hair, not to talk about caring for more than one child's natural hair. In this video, I give you four tips that can help make the process easier.

It's My Hair (Natural Hair Tag)



  I am putting together a " Talk With Me " Video on DiscoveringNatural Channel on YouTube . Post your question below and I will answer them in the video. Looking forward to hearing from you all.  

Walking Games For Kids | August 9 2014 | DNVlogsLife


Tips to Getting Your Twistouts and Braidout to Dry Faster


Product Review SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil


How to Flat Twist Natural Hair WITHOUT Flat Twisting

Featured on How many of you would love to flat twist your hair or your child's hair but struggle with the techniques of doing it? In this video, I show you a simple way of flat twisting without actually knowing how to flat twist

An Alternative to Coconut Oil: BABASSU OIL

Babassu Oil A little history... Babassu Oil ( Orbignya Oleifera ) is extracted from the nuts of the Babassu Palm, a plant found in the Amazon area of South America. ļ»æļ»æ Babassu Nut ļ»æļ»æ Inside a Babassu Nut It easily melts when applied on the skin due to high percentage of fatty Acids; Lauric (50%) and Myristic (20%). Due to its similarity to Coconut oil, it solidify in cooler temperature. ļ»æļ»æ Melting Comparison How does it compare to Coconut Oil on Natural Hair ļ»æļ»æ Coconut Oil can be quite greasy. I have found with Babassu oil, it does not appear to be as greasy. Both oils do solidify, however coconut oil liquefy faster than babassu oil. Some people have found coconut oil too drying or causing their hair to feel hard, babassu oil does not exhibit this type of characteristic.  Babassu Oil is more creamier than coconut oil, however, both seem to penetrate the hair shaft, although some say that babassu oil does a better job at it. Coconut oil has a stronger sc...

Weight Management: Maintaining My Weight Loss


Wash Day Diary: August 4th 2014 : Listen To Your Hair

Lately, I have been playing in my hair A LOT!! And my hair has been responding back with not so nice stuff. Therefore it was time to tuck her away for a week... see if I can last Ha! We were in the pool yesterday with friends and although I did not get my hair wet , the heat was brutal and my hair was fried!   ļ»æ I decided to pre-poo overnight with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil   and V05 Strengthening Conditioner. 12 hours later...yeah... I got busy... I rinsed it off and used the SheaMoisture Purification Masque  to co-wash and do a 5-mins conditioning. Post Wash Apply oil mix On each twist and front twist, apply SheaMoisture Curl and Style Milk Apply Aloe Vera Gel after hair has been styled ( something new I am trying...LOL! #LifeOfABlogger) Add caption Do you keep to a wash schedule or do you LISTEN to your hair?

9 year old Washes and Styles Natural Hair Herself


Twisted Bun Natural Hair Pictorial

STEPS to create the style above: 1. Gather hair into a low ponytail on the right side 2. Use a hair tie to hold 3. Twist around 5 chunky twists 4. Loop twists around ponytail area and secure with bobby pin 5. Repeat until done 6. Using an edge control, apply to edges for a slick look. You can use the techniques below if you do not have an edge control product: 7-8: Admire your creation

Scavenger Hunt for SheaMoisture | August 2nd 2014 | DNVlogsLife

  Review of all products bought:

Product Review Xtreme WetLine Professional Gel
