
Showing posts from June, 2013

How to Protect your Natural Hair from the Sun

This weekend started with a 108 degrees temperature! Did you know that the sun can cause damage to your natural hair? Yes it can. There are several ways that you can protect your hair from the sun Watch the video below to see how: The hair was a separated once   twist out. I did not want to risk the humidity getting to it too much:

50 Random facts about Me


Product Review : Aubrey Organics GPB Glycogen Protein Balancing Conditioner

Have you ever tried Aubrey Glycogen Protein Balancing Conditioner ? I have been using this product for 4 months now and it has become a staple in my arsenal of products. What do I think about it? How do I use it? Watch as I review this protein treatment conditioner:

1 hour No Frizz Wet TwistOut on Natural Hair

I thought to myself a few days ago, " Why do I have to wait for my twistout to dry? What will happen if I just untwist while it is still damp" Yes, I was ready to challenge myself!! Watch the video above to see what happens!

Texas Black Expo 2013 - Natural Hair

June 22nd-23rd 2013 is the 10th Annual Texas Black Expo. I was fortunate to attend the event and meet so many beautiful naturalistas. The events I was able to attend were: - Natural Hair Meet up and Product Swap hosted by Natural Hair Rules and Naturally Happy Hair - Quick Style for Natural Hair demonstrations by Natural Resources Salon - Turning your Blog into a Brand - The Truth about Alopecia & Scalp Health - Zelophehad's Daughters - Style demonstration by Twist N' Out It was so nice to meet some of my "loves" from my Facebook page and my YouTube channel. Watch the video below:   As requested, pictures from the last style (sorry for the blurriness)  

Taking down Havana Twists / Kinky Twists without TANGLES


Passing on the Skills

When it comes to taking care of Natural Hair, there are some skills that you should know. How to wash your to maintain your to do your hair.  I call these the 3 "Hows".   You as a mother or caregiver to a child, probably knows how to do these, but are you Passing on these skills to your children? I am always a future-thinking. It is not that I don't live in the present, but I always want to think at least one step ahead. That is why this summer, my motherly goal is to make sure that at least Big Sis (8 years old) knows how to cornrow.  It is important to me to not only teach her and her sister how to love their natural hair, know what is good for their hair, but also how to care for their hair. I have not been a big salon-goer, and more or less a DIY person when it comes to my hair. This has saved me lots of money, yes! but also the appreciation for what God has given me, this lovely sometimes temperamental head of hair. How to Start ...

My Experience with Havana Twists; Good ... or ... Bad

I had my Havana Twists of 2 weeks. Yeah! I missed my own hair... If you want to know what my full experience was, watch the video above .

Do you have a Hair Dairy?

June 17th Wash Day If you are like me, forgetful, times , you need a Hair Dairy. What is a Hair Diary? A hair diary is a place where you document what you do to your hair. For all of us - hair fanatics, yes... that's me.. feel free to join my club. LOL!. I need a place to document what I do to my hair in order to keep track of when I washed my hair, did a special treatment, problem issues, styles I did and so on. It is also helpful for when trying out products and if your hair starts to act differently, you have a record of what you used, so that you do not repeat buying the "failed" product again. What type of diary do I use? I use 2 main sources for my hair diary. The first is this blog. Within , I document pictures of ALL the styles that I do within my Hair Style Gallery . I use my Instagram account - DiscoveringNatural - to keep track of pictures of my wash days - products. Here are some examples ļ»æ June 3rd ...

Swimming with Natural Hair ... Extensions

ļ»æ Last weekend, we went to the beach and also to Schlitterbahn. We had SO MUCH fun!! Even though I had my hair in extensions/attachment, I still protected it. The way I protect my hair has seen in the video above is the same way I protect my girls' hair when they go swimming at the pool or at the beach. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @DiscoveringNatural to see more pictures!!.

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's day to all you, Fathers and (Mothers who are " fathers ") . I am so glad that "The Man" is such a great father and Daddy to Big Sis and Lil Sis. In regards to the care of their hair and my natural hair, he had always been supportive. I get questions like.. "Was your spouse in support of you going natural?" And the answer to this is "YES".  When I was doing my Big Chop , he was unable to be present, however, he watched me do the chop via Skype.  Yeah!! It was so cool to share the experience with him. I am so blessed to have a father, who has encouraged me in every aspect of my life to be the woman I am today. When I decided to relax my hair at the age of 13, I went up to my father and asked him for permission. He did not want me to do it, but he gave me the OK with a warning, "If your hair falls off, don't come CRYING to me!". When he came to visit me while I was transitioning back to natural hair, he wa...

How to get Curly Ends on Marley Twists

There are different ways you can curly the ends of Marley Twists, here is what we do. This style can last for a long time, depending on the maintenance. Big Sis loves to play with the ends of her twists, so we do this every 2 weeks.

Quick Hairstyle for Natural Hair and Transitioning Hair


DIY: How to Make Sunscreen

I saw this and had to share it!! Summer is here, officially June 21 , but we start Summer vacation today. To learn how to make your own sunscreen, visit Click here . What are your goals for this Summer?

QOTD: Which will help promote hair growth; braiding with extension or my own hair?

Question of the Day: I have natural hair. I like to keep my hair in braids, with weave. Should I start braiding my natural hair, I heard that makes your hair grow and stay healthy, since the weave would dry your hair out. What do you think is the best thing for me to do? My Answer:  Working with your own natural hair is always the most beneficial. However, regardless of if you are braiding with your own hair or "added" hair, the key to hair growth is in the maintenance; outside and inside.  Outside: Make sure that you are keep your hair moisturized so that it does not get dry and start breaking. Doing regular deep conditioning can help,  Inside: Make sure that you are drinking enough water and eating food that is healthy for your body,

Workout Hairstyle with Havana Twists on Natural Hair

What exercise did I do... I call this the 15-15-15 workout. To be honest with you, I did not feel like working out on this day. What I did to get the most intensive workout of the week was to run on the treadmill for 15 mins at 6.0mph and 2.0 elevation, and then do the CrossRamp working my glutes and quads at a resistance of 10 and level 10 for another 15 mins and then ended with 15 mins of Biking Hills. At the end of this, I was sweating but my heart was saying Thank YOU! The hair held up OKAY!!   What hairstyle do you ROCK when working out?

How to do Havana Twists : 3 Methods

ļ»æ   This summer I will be doing more protective styles in hope of getting more length retention. The first protective style is Havana Twists also known as Chunky Marley Braids. For this style I bought 5 bags of Marley Twist Braid hair by My Beauty hair.        After installing all the 5 bags into my hair, my head felt quite heavy. I had to go to the back section and merge twists together, resulting in the removal of 2 bags. In total, I used only 3 bags and my neck said: THANK YOU!! It took me 5 hours to complete the style.   ļ»æ     Watch the video to see how I installed it Lesson leant:   1. Make bigger sections next time 2. Try Bally hair instead, the My Beauty hair tangled up a lot!! 3. Use the Braid and Twist method through out. ļ»æ

HOTD: Naptural85's Summer Beach Curls on Short Natural Hair

  Watch the video below to see how I recreated this style...  

Big Sis's Summer style: Kinky Twists!!!

Big Sis has never had extensions in her hair and she wanted them... so we went on the hunt for the braids. For this style we used 1 and a half packs of Bally "Twist Marley Braid" in color 1. Prep: Hair was shampooed and deep conditioned Moisturized with leave in conditioner and oil mix. I stretched her hair in one bun, the ends of the bun were banded into several sections . Seperated each Marley Braid twists and cut in half. ( stretched this made the twist reach her mid-back length) Installation: I started working from the back, and used this method to do the twist. I love this method because her roots are not pulled and the twists look very natural, you cannot tell that it is not her hair: To keep the hair from slipping, I put a duck pin on the base I use the "brick laying" method to hide the parts (VERY IMPORTANT) Before twisting each section, I moisturized her hair with Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and a litt...

Do you RHASSOUL???

Do you want to learn more about Rhassoul Clay and its benefits?   Watch this video: