
Showing posts from October, 2020

FALL WASH DAY ROUTINE for Natural Hair Growth and Moisture | DiscoveringNatural

  A Healthy Natural Hair Growth starts with a Clean Scalp. I show my Fall Wash Day Routine for Natural Hair Growth and Moisture. Starting with Kadima Organic Beauty Product to clarify and detox my hair then deep condition and infuse moisture. PRODUCTS USED IN THIS VIDEO Kadima Organic Beauty Products ā–ŗ Discount code Discoveringnatural2020 Mud Detox Masque infused with Pink French Clay Pumpkin & Cinnamon Spice Masque infused with Ginkgo Biloba Jelly Hair Cream infused with Hempseed & Alma Watch here or Click here

How to Make Avocado Oil from Avocado Seed and Skin | Natural Hair Growth | DiscoveringNatural

  In this video, learn how to make Avocado Oil from Avocado Seed and Skin for hair elasticity, shiny hair and Natural Hair Growth Avocado Seed Oil is highly moisturizing. It contains fatty acids and Vitamin E which makes hair elasticity perfect and strengthens the hair , and moisturizing to use on skin and hair. It promotes skin elasticity and a healthy moisture barrier to improve skin health. Avocado seed oil is great as a deep conditioner to help with hair elasticity, WHERE TO BUY Almond oil Watch below or CLICK HERE I was inspired by WLHMC ALL ALLNATURAL video, watch Other videos you will like: How to make Ambunu Oil: How to make Aloe Vera Oil: Jojoba Oil: Arugula Seed Oil: (By clicking affiliated links, you helps support this page with the few c...

What Happened to My Natural Hair Using REVAIR | DiscoveringNatural

  In my last Natural Hair Salon visit, I got my hair blow out, a normal natural hair blowout using Revair. You can buy it here Use discount code : DiscoveringNatural Watch below or click here I was asked what I did afterwards. Here is my experience salon blowout My daughter's experience; I went to the salon NHCG Trichologist Darbs can be contacted at or on instagram @NHCGTRICHOLOGY

Benefits of Arugula Seed Oil For Hair Growth Retention | DiscoveringNatural

  Arugula Seed Oil has been known to help with hair growth and scalp issues. In this video I share how to use Arugula Seed Oil for Hair Growth Retention. I am using Bionatal Arugula Seed Oil. You can find it here: . Use discount code: discoveringnatural Here is how I use it. Click here or watch below: Bionatal Arugula Seed Oil is made with 100% Saharan Desert Seeds Wide Leaf Arugula. It is one-time Cold Press non filtered arugula oil. BENEFITS Of ARUGULA ON HAIR - Helps with melanin production in the hair follicles - Slow down graying process - Slows hair loss - Strength roots of hair - Helps with Dandruff - Helps against scalp eczema and psoriasis You will also like these videos: Benefits of Jojoba Oil: Benefits of Black Seed Oil: How to take Black Seed Oil: ------------------------------------

How to make AMBUNU OIL for Hair Growth | DiscoveringNatural

  In this video I show you how to make Ambunu Oil. I show 2 ways to make Ambunu Hair Oil for Dandruff and Hair Breakage. This can be the best natural hair oil helps to strengthen your hair and helps against dandruff. Watch video below or click here For more recipes: PRODUCTS USED IN THIS VIDEO Ambunu Herbs: Jojoba Seed Oil: (discount code: discoveringnatural) Funnel: Amber applicator bottle: Amber bottle with dropper: Ambunu for hair comes from Chad and many people use ambunu for hair growth. You can also use ambunu powder for this best hair oil recipe. If you want to know how to make ambunu shampoo, ambunu leave in conditioner, ambunu hair gel, ambunu deep conditioner which all come from ambunu plant, I also compare aloe vera to ambunu leaves click here: This Ancient African Secret Ambunu on my natural hair has ...

Extreme Dandruff Treatment | Seborrheic Dermatitis | Natural Hair Wash Day DiscoveringNatural

  In last video, I show you EXTREME DANDRUFF Removal of Huge Flakes . Today I will be doing a detox scalp treatment and extreme dandruff treatment and hair with seborrheic dermatitis. Watch below or click here Here is how to get rid of dandruff: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCTS USED IN THIS VIDEO Kadima Organic Beauty Products Mud Detox Masque , Fenugreek Deep Conditioner , Herbal Moisture Milk Leave in Conditioner ā–ŗ Discount code Discoveringnatural2020 Lock Nurturing Hair Growth Oil: By clicking on the link, I get a small compensation to help pay for the running of this blog. Thanks for your support

EXTREME DANDRUFF REMOVAL Huge Flakes Psoriasis | Close Up | Natural Hair | DiscoveringNatural

  In this video, I show you an EXTREME DANDRUFF Removal of Huge Flakes. This extreme dandruff removal huge flakes is also an extreme dandruff removal with a comb. These are big flakes. These Huge Dandruff flakes removal video will help you. In the next video, I show how to treat dandruff on scalp. Watch below or click here Here is how to get rid of dandruff:

10 AMAZON MUST HAVES Natural Hair Products | DiscoveringNatural

  Amazon Prime Day 2020 is upon us. Here are 10 Amazon Must have hair products natural hair products that you want to add to your amazon shopping haul. I even saw some Amazon Must Have TikTok versions. Watch this video for details about each products, click here or watch below Here are the Products Shown: My earrings Spray Bottle Oil Applicator Bottle Smart Funnel Shampoo Brush Headband Wig Afro Puff 3 in 1 Detangling Brush Dark Amber Bottle Butterfly Clip ...

Jojoba Oil Benefits and Uses : Skin, Face and Hair Growth | DiscoveringNatural

  this video I will share banefits of jojoba oil and Uses of Jojoba oil for your skin, face, hair growth. I used Bionatal jojoba oil which is sourced from Egyptian Jojoba Seeds. You can purchase it here Use discount code: discoveringnatural There are may ways to use Jojoba oil. But does Jojoba Oil improve hair growth? Jojoba Oil is a penetrating oil for both the skin and hair. It is a great oil for oily skin because it helps regulate body oil. Some hidden benefits of jojoba oil is that it is an oil that is similar to the sebum produced in the hair scalp. Watch the video below or click here

How To Make ALOE AMBUNU FLAXSEED GEL and DIY Edge Tamer | Natural Hair | DiscoveringNatural

  In this video I will show you How To Make Aloe Ambunu Flaxseed Gel and DIY Edge Tamer for Natural Hair. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ā¤PRODUCTS USED Ambunu: Smart Funnel: 3 in 1 Detangling comb: Here is how to make the gel, watch below or click here ā¤AMBUNU VIDEOS: Aloe Vera vs Ambunu: How to reuse Ambunu Leaves DIY Deep Conditioner DIY Leave In Conditioner Ambunu Shampoo and Detangling Conditioner Wash Day Routine with Ambunu Hair Products Chebe USA Ambunu herbs is from Chad, African and has been used as an ancient herbs for cleansing hair, detangling hair and also moisturizing hair. Ambunu can be used as Ambunu shampoo because this A...

DIY Aloe Vera Shampoo for Natural Hair Growth and Moisture | Discovering Natural

  Today's recipe comes from Debbie Williams Aloe Shampoo. I decided to recreate a small version of this DIY Aloe Vera Shampoo for Natural Hair Growth and Moisture. It is a great DIY Shampoo for Dry Natural Hair and Damaged Natural Hair. ā¤ PRODUCTS USED IN THIS VIDEO Castile Soap Peppermint Hemp: Raw Honey: Sweet Almond Oil: Lavender Oil: Smart Funnel: Applicator Bottle: Hair Clips: 3-in-1 Detangling Brush: By clicking on the links, you help support this page with the compensation I get from the affiliate links.

Ambunu vs Aloe Vera | Best Moisturizer for Natural Hair Growth | DiscoveringNatural

  Today, I will be comparing Ambunu Herbs to Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is an humectant and so is Ambunu. Both of them add moisture to your hair but which one is the best moisturizer for natural hair or even best moisturizer for 4c natural hair. Watch by clicking here or below PRODUCTS USED Ambunu: Smart Funnel: 3 in 1 Detangling comb: Ambunu herbs is from Chad, African and has been used as an ancient herbs for cleansing hair, detangling hair and also moisturizing hair. Ambunu can be used as Ambunu shampoo because this Ambunu herbal shampoo contains ambunu herb which has saponin and give it the ability to cleanse hair naturally. Some of these links are affliate links and I get compensated for them. The proceeds help to pay for the running of this blog.