How To OIL WASH Natural Hair to Reduce Breakage and Soft Hair

I used products from Kadima Organics Beauty Products: Discount code: Discoveringnatural2020 Oil Washing is also known as Oil Rinsing. Oil Rinsing Natural Hair can be very beneficial. Oil Cleansing is one of the ways you can provide your hair with these benefits. Here are the benefits of doing oil rinsing or oil washing: moisture retention. easier detangling. less single strand knots. eliminates frizz. leaves hair smoother & softer. natural shine. reduce dryness in natural hair from shampoo Oil rinsing natural hair can be done on all hair types. You can do oil rinsing low porosity natural hair, even oil rinsing 4c natural hair. The best oil for natural hair for oil rinsing depends on your hair needs. Do not use heavy oils like castor oil. Watch by clicking here or watch below