3 Strand Twists vs. 2 Strand Twist and TwistOut on Natural Hair

3 Strand Twists  vs. 2 Strand Twist and TwistOut on Natural Hair

In this video, I do a Hair Comparison Difference between 3 Strand Twist Out and 2 Strand Twist Out. I share how to do a 3 strand twist on natural hair and how to do a 2 strand twist on natural hair and also how to do natural hair w. Products used: Melanin Hair care Leave In Conditioner Kadima Cocoa and Mango Butter https://kadimaobp.com/?kobp_ref=247 (coupon code Discoberingnatural2020 ) Wonder Curl Get Set Hair Gel http://bit.ly/Wonder_Curl (discount code: DISCOVERINGNATU929 ) Style Factor Hair Mousse

Watch below or click here to watch

3 Strand Twists  vs. 2 Strand Twist and TwistOut on Natural Hair

3 Strand Twists  vs. 2 Strand Twist and TwistOut on Natural Hair


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