African Threading, Braids, and Twists | Natural Hair Kids Style

African Threading, Braids, and Twists | Natural Hair Kids Style | DiscoveringNatural

We went to watch the movie Wrinkle in Time and saw SO MANY hairstyles from braids to twists to hairstyle woven in strings. This inspired us to do this  ALL in ONE natural hairstyle for kids. You are going to be threading, braiding and twisting your hair to this CUTE hairstyles. She is enjoying Wrinkle in Time book she got at Target ( )

What you will need:
1. African Thread, you can use weave thread:

2.Moisturizer for the hair 

3. Gel for the base (optional)

4. Hair accessories from Brownie Girls Boutique
Videos mentioned:
Wash Day routine:
Style Factor Edge Booster:
How to do African Threading on Natural Hair:

Click or Watch below


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