
Showing posts from November, 2017

Natural Hair Interview with a 3 years old

My niece came over and I decided to interview her to see how much she knows about her natural hair. Watch other videos with her in it on our Family Vlog channel DNVlogsLife Watch the interview below or click here

Scalp Treatment for Hair Growth

Everyone want to know how to grow long natural hair but many neglect the health of their scalp. Having a great scalp treatment can help with hair growth and reduce hair loss. One of the treatments we have been using is a great combination of natural hair oils from Body Cake (  ) The Be! Natural hair oil contains castor oil, baobab oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, peppermint oil, and rosemary oil. It is a vegan hair product that can be used for all hair types even transitioning hair. Here is a playlist of Scalp Health videos that can also help you  Watch below or click here

DIY Deep Conditioner for Natural Hair Growth

In this video, I share with you how to create your own homemade deep conditioner for natural hair. This diy moisturizing deep conditioner can be used each time you wash your natural hair. The ingredients are simple. The key ingredient is Castor Oil. I will be using castor oil from Offernova. You can buy them at Use coupon code DNatural to get 10% off Offernova castor oil is organic, 100% and it has a very light scent, which is very hard to find. Benefits of Castor Oil and the other two ingredients are mentioned in the video. Unlike some castor oils that contain other ingredients like soybean oil and salt, Offernova Castor oil is 100% Pure Organic Castor Oil. Watch below or click here

Braid Out Natural Hair | Holiday Hairstyle ft. TréLuxe

 My daughter finally gets her FIRST BRAIDOUT on her Natural Hair using TréLuxe products. You can find TréLuxe products at You can watch the tutorial below or click here : Her hair was detangled and cleansed using TréLuxe Curl Renew & Restore Gentle Cleansing Rinse. Her hair was washed in twists  After rinsing, a small amount of TréLuxe Untie the Knot Nourishing Leave In Conditioner and TréLuxe Curl Supreme 4-in-1 Hydrating Creme was applied to each section before braiding. These products have wonderful smell and it left her natural hair feeling soft and truly hydrated. Ingredients of each products can be found on While we waited for her hair to dry, we did a quick photo shoot to capture her turning 13 and being so " adultish ". Here are some pictures from that photo shoot but more will be posted on our Instagram page, so make sure to follow us there

3 Easy Kids Natural Hairstyles in 30 Minutes | Holiday Hairstyles

The cold and dry season is here, here are 3 easy protective hairstyles that can work as Holiday hairstyles for kids. When it comes to protective styles for kids, you don't need to use hair extensions. You can create a low manipulative hairstyles that will work for a week and then you can change it up slightly for another week. Products Used: Naturalicious Moroccan Rhassoul 5-in 1  Clay Treatment Hydration Hair Mist Moisture Infused Styling Creme Divine Shine Moisture Lock and Frizz Fighter Oil Find these products on website. Watch below or click here to see how to create the 3 Holiday Hairstyles for Kids

How to Make Softest Body Butter with Daddy

Daddy teaches the girls how to make the best softest body butter. Ashy feet, Ashy legs... that is when we know that fall, harmattan, winter is here. The dry skin cure is using a body butter, however, body butters can be a bit hard to spread on, especially for kids. You can use any butter and even any oils. To see more family fun, visit our vlog channel, DNVlogsLife. Watch below or click here

3 Ways To Keep Natural Hair from Tangling At the Ends When Washing It

In this video, I give you 3 ways and a BONUS 4th way on how to keep your hair from tangling when you are washing it. Hair tangling at the ends can be very annoying, esoecially when you are washing it. For more Wash Day tips: Watch below or click here

Simple Natural Hair Wash Day Routine | 3 Natural Hair Products | Kadima Organic Beauty Products

Yes, you read the title right! I will be washing my hair with just 3 products ALL NATURAL HAIR PRODUCTS, NO CHEMICALS. I will be using products from Kadima Organic Beauty Products. This is a product line that I am familiar with and I have been using their skin products for a while now. When they came out with a hair line, I was SO HAPPY!! Yeah! You can find their products on the website: Watch below or click here Products I used: Kadima Organic African Black Soap 2-in-1 Shampoo & Conditioner Treating All Hair Types and Alopecia Description It’s a natural source of Vitamin A and E It has antibacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties It also contains iron oxides and it has natural healing properties that stimulate hair growth 8 oz Ingredients: Organic African Black Soap, Molasses, Aloe Vera, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Jojoba Oil, Macadamia Oil, Vitamin E O...

How to Pre Poo Natural Hair : 3 Natural Hair Prepoo Treatments

Learn about what Pre Poo treatments you can use on your hair and the benefits of doing a prepoo. Do you pre poo your natural hair? Watch below or click here

How to Tell the Difference between Broken Hair and New Growth | Natural Hair Care

Do you see those small hair strands all over your hair? How do you know if it is Hair breakage causing broken hair or is it new growth? Watch below or click here