Why You Should Join a Natural Hair Challenge?

There are so many challenges out there, when it comes to Natural Hair.  I love doing challenges. There are some that I would not do because they are just weird, however, there are others that seem more beneficial.

Why should you join a natural hair challenge?

Well, it's FUN for one. Another reason is that you get so much motivation when you accomplish the task of completing the challenge. A few months ago, I did the "Use it  Up" challenge; to use up all my hair products and not buy any new products for a month. I can tell you that I saved a lot of money in the process, and even till now, 3 months later, the urge of buying products have really reduced.

How can I join a challenge?
There are different places you can find challenges to join
  • Natural Hair YouTube Channels
  • Natural Hair Facebook page (Kinky Curly Coily Me! does a Castor Oil challenge)
  • Natural Hair Forum (CurlyNikki has a forum dedicated to challenges)

Have you ever joined a Natural Hair Challenge before?


  1. I've never joined a challenge before but I could have used that "Use It Up" one. I have so many brand new products it's ridiculous.

    Once I find something I like I tend to stick with it, so everything else falls by the wayside...no bueno.

    1. You can still do the Use It up on your own. It will really help you with self control when it comes to buying products

  2. I've done the KCKM Castor Oil challenge and it was great fun and very helpful.


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