Big Sis: One Year Growth

It's been a year since Big Sis ended her one year transitioning journey. Here is her hair story...
When Big Sis was 4 years old, I did not know how to properly care for her coarse thick hair. I had learnt how to cornrow her hair when she was a couple of months old. However, during each styling session, my child would cry so much, it broke my heart. She was my first and I didn't want her to cry. I didn't know what to do to pacify her.
I was told that I could texturize her hair and this will solve my problem.  Without any research, I went ahead and texturized my child's hair. Her hair was beautiful. She wore it in different styles. 
However, it started to break. It was limp and then the scalp issues started. She had bad flaking and eczema for over a year. We took her to the dermatologist, who prescribed some medication that would work and then stop working. When she was 6 years old, the texturizer we were using briefly got discontinued. In my panic, I decided to relax her hair. Her hair problems escalated. The scaling became bleeding sores. It was very embarrassing for us and also her. Now, we started praying about it. This should have been what we should have done at the beginning!! We tend to turn to God at the end of our problems instead of her the beginning. In a quiet gentle voice, I heard, STOP.  So, we did.
I started transitioning her hair. Without knowing what the term was. I was told by people that her hair will break, no.... no... you can't do that.. you have to continue perming. This time, I did not listen. I did my research.
Every 2 weeks, I would wash her hair, and cornrow it. I did this for a year, and in January of 2012, I did her BC!
Since then, her hair has grown a lot. We have not had any more scalp issues. This was the BEST decision we could have ever made for our child. We have also equipped her with the knowledge that her hair is BEAUTIFUL the way God made it and caring for it can be fun and not a pain... with proper understand.


  1. Awww, how inspirational! So proud of you! =)

  2. I've placed my daughter (4yrs old) on a hair journey this year. Her hair is very coarse and dry and had no idea what I was doing wrong! It wasnt until I started my OWN hair journey last year that I realized that I wasnt really taking care of her hair! Over the year her hair has grown but is still dry!! Do you have any advice?

    1. How do you moisturize her hair. I find that if I ever skip our weekly Deep Conditioning, we get dry hair. Also, for Big Sis, using the LOC method helps, but on Lil Sis, doing the LCO method is much better. We use Shea Moisture Curl & Style Milk for the C part.

  3. I feel so good that you stoped before it was to late


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