Friday Fun: with Two Strands Twists

Two Strands Twists are one of my favorite styles because of how many different ways it can be designed.  The picture shows these ways.

You first start off with your hair all twisted up, you can wear this for a couple of days, or as long as you want to.  When it start looking a little messy, you can use flexi rods or even perm rods to create a Curly Two Strands Twist style. Next, you can also change that style to a twist out.  Create this Tight twist out by only seperate the two strands of hair that make up the twist.  For a loose or fully look, seperate the already seperated strands of hair again until you have reached the fullness you want.

Check out this website for ways of maintaining your twists and getting the perfect good hair day.
Don't forget to add some hair accessories.


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