Friday fun: with Silk/Satin Scarves

I just recently discovered how creative I can be with scarves. In the past, the only use for my silk scarves have been as a head cover for bed.  I have not thought of using them as hair accessories.  Now that I know, there is no limits as to how many ways that scarves can be worn.

So, let's have some fun with scarves today. 

Here are a few video tutorials not made by me ;) that I love.

Partial Head Coverage

Scarf bow

Using Large Scarf: Twisted

Using Small Scarf: The Doowap

Full head coverage
Using Extra-Large Scarf: Scarf-adour

Using Large Scarf: The Tuck n' Tie



Here are some simple ways I wear my scarf.

Pony Tail Scarf

Headband with bling! (used large clip-on)

Bow Scarf Headband with bling! (used earring or brooch)

Twisted Ends (used medium size scarf)

My Twist on the DooWap


  1. Ive just started collecting scarves and wearing them in my hair as an accessory. They can jazz up a plain old bun just like that! Also check out naptural85's 10 ways to tie a scarf video on youtube for a few more cute ideas :)

    1. Thanks for that info about the video. Love it!! By the way, check out today's blog post on how to easily organize your collection of scarves. (


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