#NaturalKids :: Picture Day and Failed Bantu Knots

Today is Picture day for Big Sis at her school. She informed me of this on Wednesday evening. At first, I was angry at whoever scheduled picture day on a Friday! The best day to have picture day is on a Monday ... in my opinion. Why? Well, because you have at most three days to prep for the best do.
Well, I digress.

Anyway, I decided to do bantu knots out. As you can tell from the post heading...it failed.

After she got back from school on Thursday, I detangled her hair with EVOO and V05 Milk Moisture Conditioner. She had a little breakage because last wash day, mommy dearest did not do a deep conditioning. NEVER EVER EVER EVER skip deep conditioning. Big Sis was not too happy about this, and I have assured her that Mommy has learnt from her mistake. My reason for skipping this crucial step was lack of time.

When detangling was done, I co-washed her hair with Tresemme Naturals Conditioner, and did a 2 hr intense deep conditioning with Eden BodyWork All Natural Deep Conditioner. Prior to rinsing out the deep conditioner, I let her hair cool down for 15 mins and slathered Tresemme Naturals on top of her hair before rinsing it off. Her hair was soooo fluffy and soft. I love it!!

To do the bantu knots, I applied the leave in conditioner, massaged her scalp with the oil mix, and to each section, I applied Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and Eco Styler Gel Argan for hold. Due to time constraint, I dried the knots for about 15 mins with my hand dryer on Warm-Low setting. I applied Eco styler gel to her edges, and tied it down with a satin scarf. She went to bed without her bonnet so that the knotted area could dry. She always sleeps on a satined covered pillow.

This morning... the top of the knots was dry but the inner part was still damp.. Argghhhh!!
So, I converted the bantu knot out to a puff!  Can't go wrong with a puff!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Aww.. thank you! She loved it. At the end of the day, the ends were still nice and puffy.

  2. Great save!!!!!


    1. Thanks! Just started following your blog. I see that you are early in your journey. If you have any questions, please feel free to post on my Facebook, or you can even send me a tweet if you use twitter. Do you have an instagram account?

  3. awww. She still looked beautiful! and i totally agree with you..picture day should be done Monday. I believe Ms. Bree's picture day was Tuesday and I got the proof yesterday..well lets just say that now she has THAT picture with her hair out of place and sticking up/out! I think you did a great job!

    1. Thanks! Your comment reminds me of Big Sis's first grade picture. I did two cornrowed pony tails, put matching bows and all. It looked so pretty. I braided up the ends and secured them tightly. Well, when I got the picture, one pony tail was sticking out. So funny. Picture Retake! Nope! LOL... I asked her how her hair was for the picture, she said her white clip came off, but her teacher fixed her hair. Thank God for caring teachers. Hopefully, all my work will not be in vain. LOL!

  4. this is too cute. For me I find that smaller chiney bumps (bantu knots)with a heavy styling product works best. I'd take the section mist it with water and apply my shea butter mix and secure a tight chiney bump.

    1. I have to give this a try next time I do this style for her. Thank you so much.


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