Day After Big Chop

After chopping off my relaxed ends, I decided to two strand twist my hair for my first all natural hairstyle. I have always wanted my first style to be a twist out.

I was so scared to over fluff my hair and create frizz. But now, I think I should have fluffed more. LOL!

When I got back from church, I decided to quickly remoisturize and put my hair back into two strand twist. It was very tempting to just play in my hair, but I am trying not to develop HIH syndrome.

To remoisturize my hair, I first sectioned off my hair into four parts and for each part, I spritz with water, applied a quarter size of Generic Paul Mitchell "The Conditioner",  and Taliah Waajid Style and Shine, and retwisted. I then covered my hair with my satin bonnet.

Before going to bed, I checked my twists to feel if they were dry and needed to be remoisturized, and they were still so soft and moist! Yeah!

Why all this moisturizing after big chop?

From all the research I have done on What to do after big chop, I found out that it is very important to moisturize your hair frequently after the big chop because your natural hair will be in some kind of shock. I am still waiting for that shock factor. hmmmm Maybe since I BC post one year, my hair does not acknowledged that factor. LOL!

Anyways, my plan for the next couple of days is to just listen to my hair. Use my sense of touch to see if I need to moisturize my hair. I will probably do something for Thanksgiving, not yet sure what.

If you have any tips for me like how often to co-wash and all that stuff, please help a sista out! Thanks.


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